Nobody Disputes That

The subheadline lays it all out in the open:

Pyongyang, chairing a United Nations disarmament body this month, says it has a right to defend itself

There’s no disagreement here.

But what Baby Kim needs to understand—what the West (and his allies, the People’s Republic of China and Russia) need to make clear to him—is that northern Korea has absolutely nothing of value, or even of interest, that can’t be gotten far more cheaply through trade than through conquering and taking.

And that even that value is non-existent at present, given the disastrous and murderous mismanagement inflicted by the Kim dynasty over the last nearly 80 years.

That mismanagement, though, lies at the heart of the Kim dynasty’s, and especially Baby Kim’s, constant push for more weapons and weapons development. He needs the distraction of a manufactured threat from without in order to maintain his hold on the population. So long as that need exists, Baby Kim needs no understanding of values.

I Disagree


Oklahoma’s Attorney General John O’Connor (R) thinks banning “assault weapons” (whatever those are in the real world) looks like a big action, but it really isn’t.

Banning assault weapons looks like it’s a big action, but it really isn’t a big impact. We’re going to dance around all this, Neil, for a long time, but the fact is it’s criminals and people with some type of either long-term or temporary mental illness or depression. That’s the culprit. Only those people shoot people outside of our military.

He’s wrong. While such a ban would have little impact on availability to criminals and the insane, it would have a very large impact on us average Americans‘ ability to see to our own needs and purposes.

But the truly large impact would be on our Constitution and so on our individual rights (and duties). If allowed to stand, such a ban would degrade our 2nd Amendment, weakening it against additional and steadily broadening bans until our 2nd Amendment no longer exists in any material form.

On the Matter of the Capital Police…

…officer entering a Republican Congressman’s Capital Building offices and photographing his writings on his office white board. There’s this from the Capital Police Department Inspector General:

The officer reported that during a routine patrol he found the door to [Congressman Troy (R, TX] Nehls’ office was wide open and “nothing was being used to prop the door open.” The officer said he entered to ensure there was no danger, then discovered the writings on the white board and photographed them because he considered them suspicious.
But the inspector general reviewed the doors to Nehls’ office and could not replicate keeping any of the congressman’s office doors open without having them propped by an item.
“All three doors only opened inward into the office suite and would close automatically when released,” the IG noted. “All three doors also automatically locked when closed during the examination.
“The only method of keeping one of these doors open on its own would be to prop it open with an object or to set the lock bolt in place when the door was open, in which case the door would only partially close due to the lock bolt preventing the door from fully closing.”

The officer personally considered what was written on the white board—legislative plans, according to Nehls—”suspicious.” And he lied about the door being wide open and unpropped.


Open Season on Women and Children

The Progressive-Democrats of Seattle have declared one.

The worsening staffing crisis at the Seattle Police Department has forced the defunded force to no longer take on new adult sexual assault cases this year, according to a newly revealed internal memo.

In the memo, titled “Staffing Issues,” Sgt. Pamela St. John said she currently is not able to assign new adult sexual assault cases “because of other statutory requirements.”
Just three years ago, the unit had 12 skilled detectives, but at the time the memo was written, there are only four remaining.


In the memo, St. John acknowledged that she was aware of 116 CODIS [Combined DNA Index System] hit returns that are outside the Cold Case backlog, which “I am not able to assign currently.”

It’s hard to believe that the Progressive-Democrats running Seattle weren’t aware that this sort of outcome would occur as a result of their determined defunding of the city’s police department. It’s plain that they know now, yet they continue to insist on defunding even further the city’s police.

Biden Paying Interns

In a first for our Federal government, Presidential interns will be paid, per current President Joe Biden (D).

The White House will offer a $6,000 stipend to its interns, beginning with the summer class which will work from June 20 to August 12.

$6,000 for seven weeks. But will they be good-paying union jobs?

I have another question, too. We’re two summers into Biden’s term, and he’s only just now getting to this. Why? Did he not know his interns have been unpaid? Is he only now getting told this, like he was “slow” to get told about baby formula problems?