A Subsidy

It may be that the People’s Republic of China will start subsidizing mainland Chinese families who have more than one child, to the tune of 800 yuan per child for a family’s second and third children per month. Is that a little, or a lot?

The PRC’s 2024 per capita GDP in nominal terms is a bit over $13,000, which works out to 92,300 yuan, or 7,700 yuan per month. Those 800 yuan are roughly $113.

Using data from just before the Wuhan Virus Situation, per capita household electricity consumption was some 750 kilowatt-hours per month. That consumption cost $0.083 per kilowatt-hour; that works out to roughly 425 yuan per month.

Food consumption cost mainland Chinese roughly $270, or 1,915 yuan per month for a family of three, rising (in a naïve estimate) to $360 per month, or 2,555 yuan for a family upsized to four.

In those broad strokes, it seems that electricity and food consume that subsidy before getting to housing, which already is badly under water, for all that the housing industry may be—may be—turning around.

Given the decision of mainland Chinese families not to have more than one child, even after the murderously enforced one-child edict was lifted, this likely won’t increase family size in the PRC. And that’s separate from the editors’ note that child subsidies have never worked anywhere.

One More Reason

For Israel to not trust the Biden-Harris administration.

The United States is investigating the unauthorized release of classified documents detailing Israel’s planned attack against Iran, The Associated Press reported.
The documents, attributed to the US Geospatial Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency, note that Israel was still moving military assets in place to conduct a military strike in response to Iran’s blistering ballistic missile attack on Oct. 1. ….
The documents, which are marked Top Secret, were posted to the Telegram messaging app last week and first reported by CNN and Axios.

Supposedly, the Biden-Harris is investigating the leak, including how the data were obtained.

…whether it was an intentional leak by a member of the US intelligence community or by another method, like a hack….

Either way, this administration cannot be trusted with anyone’s secrets.

If the leak came from the administration’s intelligence community—I’m particularly suspicious, on the basis of no data whatsoever, of the NSA—that leaker should spend the rest of his life in prison, and this is would be yet another example of why the intelligence community needs a deep- and wide-reaching reform along with removal of managers from the mid-level on up to the political appointees, along with the cancelation of their security clearances once they’re no longer in government employ.

If the leak was the result of a hack job, it would be yet another demonstration of this administration’s disdain for matters relating to cyber security.

Hopefully, though, the Israelis already have learned the level of trustworthiness of this administration, and they shared false flag information in the expectation that Biden-Harris’ minions would leak them, or that they’d be hacked, and therewith mislead Iran regarding Israel’s actual plans.

Misleading Headline

And a misleading article. The headline summarizes the miss:

Israel Said It Was Aiming at Hezbollah. Its Strike Also Killed Dozens of Civilians.

And the lede, which in keeping with newsroom policy across the journalism guild, misleadingly calls the terrorist entity “militants:”

For years, a helpful, middle-aged man lived in the basement apartment of a seven-story residential building on a hillside. Some neighbors in Ain el-Delb said they knew that he was connected to Hezbollah, the militant group. But they said they didn’t think he was important enough to be an Israeli target.

Misleading because what these newsroom writers carefully chose not to mention, at any point in the article other than a passing reference to Israel’s “describing” the building as a headquarters, is that Hezbollah had secreted its facilities and terrorists in apartment building among those civilians, using them as shields. It’s those terrorists who are responsible for the extent of the civilian deaths. It’s those terrorists who maximized the extent of the collateral damage centered on those civilian deaths.

Yahya Sinwar is Dead

Israel got him in Rafah last Thursday, and the hue and cry in the press, in our government, and in the opposition in Israel is to move quickly to negotiate with Hamas to get hostages back. The “thinking” is that Hamas is running out of leaders to run the terrorist entity and that it’s in a severely weakened state and so ripe for negotiations.

This is badly mistaken.

For one thing, there remain tens of thousands of Hamas terrorists, and included among them are thousands of middle- and senior-level terrorist combat (to use the term loosely and metaphorically) leaders who can be moved up. Hamas also can hire leadership, if only into second echelon levels to get them trained up to Hamas’ methods, from outside: al Qaeda is still a going concern, Daesh is still a going concern, al Shebaab is a going concern. The Muslim Brotherhood continues.

For another thing, Hamas has no incentive for negotiating a release of the hostages they still hold. Releasing them, under any terms however favorable to the terrorists, takes away their last lever over the Israeli opposition. Nor does Hamas have any other incentive for the release: they don’t care about the hostages’ fate or their own; the terrorists only care about the destruction of Israel. One of their senior leaders (not Sinwar) has already promised to repeat the October 7 attack time and again until Israel is annihilated, no matter the cost in Palestinian lives or their own.


Hamas is in a weakened state, but that means it’s no time to let up. On the contrary, now is the time to pile on, for the IDF, and for the US to actively support the IDF with our own military forces. Let Hamas come to Israel with a wish to negotiate. It’s Hamas’ war, it’s on Israel to finish it on their terms, it’s on us to help them (France and the rest of Europe be damned) and it’s on Hamas to ask for negotiations. Or to suffer the fate it has promised Israel.

Just One More Reason

The European Union’s latest attempt to dictate to American companies how they do business is the most pernicious. Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden and his Vice President and Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris whole-heartedly agree with the EU’s power putsch, as demonstrated by their silence on the move [emphasis added].

In May the EU adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which converts a range of international conventions into binding law enforceable on American companies. ….
The new regulation forces US companies to adhere to the EU’s “net zero” carbon emissions target and to comply with onerous labor-related standards—even when they exceed the requirements of US law. ….
Though the regulation directly targets US companies with European market revenue exceeding €450 million (about $500 million), it indirectly harms small and medium-size businesses too. It requires big companies to police their subsidiaries and supply chains….

This is just one more reason for American businesses to find other outlets than EU member nations. It’s also justification for foreign policy-centric tariffs, as opposed to protectionist tariffs, to be applied to imports from EU nations, tariffs equal to the cost to American businesses of complying with the EU’s extra-territorial diktats.

Sadly, it will require a change of administrations and Senate makeup (and an expanded Republican House majority) in order to take any action to protect American businesses and American sovereignty. The Harris-Biden administration is so disdainful of American business success that they agree with the EU’s extension of its control over our privately and publicly owned enterprises.