An “Apology”

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney (D), after having been caught dining indoors in a restaurant in violation of Wuhan Virus restrictions in the restaurant’s city, has pretended to apologize.

Let’s look at his words of apology as quoted at the link.

“I’m sorry if my decision hurt those who’ve worked to keep their businesses going under difficult circumstances,” he wrote on Twitter. “Looking forward to reopening indoor dining soon and visiting my favorite spots.”

“If my decision hurt those….” Kenney doesn’t even believe his decision, his behavior, necessarily caused harm. It plainly did; his equivocating is a plain lie.

It gets worse, though. Kenney expressed regret for an outcome of his misbehavior—an outcome, mind you, he’s not even convinced actually occurred—but he had not a syllable of apology for his actual misbehavior.

Masquerading those words as an apology is a very large lie.


Congressman Adam Schiff (D, CA), who sits in the House Intelligence Committee Chairman’s chair, is upset. It seems Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has decided to stop giving verbal briefings of intelligence matters to the House as a whole, but will instead provide written briefings only, and only to House members with the clearances necessary to receive the briefings—a vastly smaller number than the 435 politicians that make up the fully populated House.  After all, Ratcliffe has said,

within minutes of one of those briefings ending, a number of members of Congress went to a number of different outlets and leaked classified information for political purposes to create a narrative that simply isn’t true, that somehow Russia is a greater national security threat than China.

Naturally, Schiff twisted his panties over that. He’s beefing that [Fox News‘ cite]

the Trump administration is “hid[ing] behind documents or withhold[ing] documents” and “concealing the truth [and] concealing Russians are again intervening to help the president in his reelection.”

Of course, this is a lie; those documents and the rest of the information are being provided via those written briefings to a more carefully selected (by the House, yet) and more careful audience. Those written briefings will make it harder to leak, easier to demonstrate the biased nature of the leaks, and easier to trace and identify the leaker.

Maybe the real problem is that Schiff won’t be able to leak so extensively.

Lies and Bigotries of Joe Biden

Now that the Progressive-Democratic Party has finished its nominating process and formally put Joe Biden at the top of its Presidential candidate ticket, it’s useful to look at him.


  • Plagiarized college papers
  • Plagiarized campaign speeches
  • Claimed to have marched with protesters during the civil rights movement when he had not—had not even been an activist
  • Repeated the civil rights activism lie during the just-concluded primary campaign
  • Presaging a Hillary Clinton lie, claimed during a 2007 presidential primary debate that he’d been “shot at” while visiting Iraq
  • During this year’s primary campaign, claimed he’d been arrested in South Africa while trying to see the anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela


  • Said on an earlier campaign trail, You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent
  • Called then-Presidential candidate and campaign rival Barack Obama the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy
  • Republicans want to put blacks in chains
  • 15% of Americans are just no good
  • If you don’t support me, you ain’t black
  • Picked his running mate on the basis, first, of her sex and, second, of her skin color
  • Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids
  • Bragged about working well with and getting along well with openly avowed segregationists, Senators James Eastland (D, MI) and Herman Talmadge (D,GA)


  • Told a reporter he had a higher IQ than the reporter when the latter questioned his law school record
  • At a townhall, called a questioner a liar
  • At another townhall, called a questioner a lying dog-faced pony soldier
  • At an impromptu outdoor gathering, called a questioner a liar
  • At another townhall, challenged a questioner to a pushup contest in irritated, non sequitur response to a question

Progressive-Democrats claim to be all about character in any candidate who would be President. This is the character of the man they want for President.

Tyranny of the Left

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) says he’ll cut off the power and water to those homes and businesses

that are in violation of gathering regulations as a means to “shut these places down permanently.”
“By turning off that power, shutting off that water we feel we can close these places down, which usually are not one-time offenders but multiple-offenders[.]”

Never mind that draconian lockdowns damage the economy to the point of doing more harm than the Wuhan Virus. Garcetti, in addition to permanently destroying businesses—and the lives of those business’ owners, operators, and employees—fully intends to destroy homes and homeowners, also.

This is the tyranny we can expect from a Progressive-Democrat Federal administration, empirically demonstrated.

Hong Kong Semi-Autonomy

Here’s another hint. In the ongoing dispute between the US and the People’s Republic of China—the latest example of which is the lack of US visa renewals for PRC journalists—Hu Xijin, Editor-in-Chief of Chinese and English editions of the PRC State organ Global Times, had this:

From what I know, given that the US side hasn’t renewed visa of Chinese journalists, Chinese side has prepared for the worst scenario that all Chinese journalists have to leave the US. If that’s the case, Chinese side will retaliate, including targeting US journalists based in HK[]

Including targeting US journalists based in HK.  So much for Hong Kong’s semi-autonomy. It’s plainly a fully absorbed satrap of the PRC.