What Did They Think Would Happen?

The influx of illegal aliens into New York City is unsustainable, especially for the city’s schools. At least that’s the claim many involved in running the city’s education infrastructure are making, now that they’re being forced to accept the outcome of their city being a Sanctuary City for illegal aliens. For instance, Travis Civic Association President Gene Guerra claims that the school in his neighborhood is already “overflowing” and he’s unsure if the principal would be able to accept more students. He’s insisting,

There’s really no place to put these children.

Mayor Eric Adams (D) now complains that illegal alien (whom he cynically terms “migrants”) “crisis” that confronts New York City will cost the city at least $1 billion by the end of the fiscal year, and

My fellow New Yorkers, we are in a crisis situation[.]

What did these worthies think would happen when the city’s management, after deliberate, conscious, careful consideration, decided to make the city into a Sanctuary City, a status that Adams has so proudly continued?

Of course, the influx is entirely sustainable; as responsible officials, they prepared for the influx. Or were these Progressive-Democrats insincerely virtue-signaling with no intention at all of following through?

Visit the Border?

Nah. The border tsar was too busy noshing with mega-donors in Texas to take the time to go to the border and see with her own eyes the disaster the Biden-Harris administrating is inflicting on us. She has people to do that, with their eyes. Except, no, she doesn’t….

She did, though, spend her busy time speechifying.

Harris [joined] a conversation at the LBJ Presidential Library on Saturday to discuss abortion access, then [gave] a speech at a fundraiser for the Texas Democratic Party.

The LBJ library, in Austin, is just about 200 miles from the Rio Grande River, a bare 3 hours, more or less, by auto and even quicker via Marine Two. But it’s too much trouble for the woman appointed by President Joe Biden (D) to the responsibility of dealing with our border to spend half a day there, on the river, seeing the illegal aliens walking/wading across that border, illegal aliens that Biden, through his Press Secretary, yokked it up (skip ahead to 1:50) over the very idea that anyone walked/waded across.

“This is unsustainable”

That’s what the Progressive-Democratic Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, is saying about the influx of illegal aliens into his city, a city that is proudly sanctuary to illegal aliens. So he’s declared a “state of emergency” over that influx.

These are the statistics Adams is citing:

  • More than 61,000 people are now in city shelters, a near-record that officials say they will shortly exceed
  • Officials are renting rooms in more than 40 hotels across the city to try and keep up with the influx
  • Arriving families have enrolled 5,500 new students in New York City’s public schools, a jump from the previous tally of 3,200
  • [I]t will cost $1 billion to provide [the illegal aliens] with shelter space and social services

Never mind that more than 2 million illegal aliens have flooded across our wide open southern border this year—and the year is not over. The Dell Rio sector, which includes the city of Eagle Pass, had 350,000 illegal aliens come through. The El Paso sector is getting 1,000 to 1,300 illegal aliens per night.

And none of that includes the unknown number of illegal aliens who got across our border undetected, no does it include the hundreds of thousands of gotaways, those known to have crossed illegally, but escaped capture.

Nor does any of that include the massive amounts of drugs flooding across our southern border carried by so many of those illegal aliens.

Nor does any of that include the crimes the illegal aliens commit once across our southern border, crimes ranging from petty theft through vandalism to killing pets to killing livestock to robberies and murders. None of which the illegals bused to Adams’ sanctuary are doing.

Adams at least knows all of the illegal aliens he’s whining about sheltering in his sanctuary city.

Adams thinks what he’s getting is unsustainable. He needs to come down to the border, do a ride-along with the border patrol along the border, get out on the river with the border patrol—see what unsustainable really is. And quit his crocodile tears.

Saul Alinsky Lives

And the Progressive-Democrat administration can’t handle it. Regarding some governors transporting illegal aliens to Progressive-Democrat-run cities and homes (the way President Joe Biden (D) has been doing all over our nation, I add), Power Line noted this:

Governors Abbott and DeSantis have put several of Alinsky’s rules in play Among them:

  • Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
  • Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
  • A good tactic is one your people enjoy.
  • Keep the pressure on.
  • The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
  • Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

A Politicoperson familiar” with White House thinking had this:

Oh no. This is a dangerous situation. How can we fix it?

Biden had this, through his Press Secretary:

It’s really just disrespectful to humanity. It doesn’t afford them any dignity what they’re doing, when you’re abandoning families and children in a place where they were told they were going to get housing and a place where they were told they were going to get jobs. … It’s just cruel.

Disrespectful and cruel to transport illegal aliens from the Biden-created shambles and squalor of our southern border and transport them to welcoming sanctuary cities like New York City and Chicago—never minding the despicable racism and xenophobia of those cities’ mayors who say these brown-skinned foreigners aren’t welcome in those cities after all.

Disrespectful and cruel to take the illegal aliens from the squalor the Biden administration has made of our southern border and transport them to the lap of luxury that is Martha’s Vineyard.


And we’ve seen the hysteria that includes threats of criminal charges since this sort of thing is legal only when Progressive-Democrats do it.