What Problem is being Addressed?

What problem are President Joe Biden (D) and his Progressive-Democrat brethren trying to fix?

It’s not the rescue of an already strongly growing economy. The expansion numbers are:

  • GDP growth for Q3-2020 33.4%, Q4-2020 4.3%, Q1-2021 6.4%
  • unemployment at 6.0% and falling as of March 2021
  • labor force participation rate rising from January 2021 61.4% to March 2021 61.5%
  • rising PMI from Jan 2021 59.2 (itself already quite high) to March 2021 64.7

Not the problems of an already waning threat from the Wuhan Virus situation

  • rapidly declining case rates
  • rapidly declining mortality rates
  • accelerating vaccination rates from Operation Warp Speed, begun in high numbers in late 2020

No, the problem Biden, et al., are trying to fix is the impermanence of Progressive-Democrat power.

That’s what’s behind their attempts to

  • eliminate our nation’s borders
  • seize Federal control over States’ election procedures
  • create, through their administrative state, a permanent welfare state
  • restructure and pack the Supreme Court

Pesky Democracy

We’ll have none of that here. Much too noisy. Much too disordered. Much to great a risk to our rule.

And so the People’s Republic of China has extended its despotism further into Hong Kong.

China has sharply reduced the number of directly elected seats in Hong Kong’s legislature in a setback for the democracy movement. The changes were announced Tuesday after a two-day meeting of China’s top legislature.
In the new make-up, the legislature will be expanded to 90 seats, and only 20 will be elected by the public. Currently, 35 seats, or half of the 70-seat legislature, are elected.
China’s top legislature approved amendments to Hong Kong’s constitution on Tuesday that will give Beijing more control over the makeup of the city’s legislature.

Those 20 will be carefully selected by the PRC’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress:

Local national-security officials will also get effective veto power over election candidates, allowing authorities to bar opposition figures from elected office.

This is not the behavior of a civilized, much less enlightened, nation. It is, though, of a piece with the barbarism of genocide against the Uyghurs, the occupation of Tibet and the South China Sea, and the threats of war against the Republic of China.

Jim Eagle and Joe Biden

Georgia has just enacted a law reforming and improving its voting processes. The reforms include such things as expanding weekend before Election Day voting from one Saturday and Sunday to two Saturdays and a county-level option to add a second Sunday. Instead of a hazy, subjective signature-matching bit of guesswork on absentee ballots, the State now requires a State-issued (for free) ID. It makes drop boxes mandatory, but they’re available only in in-person voting areas, they’re kept locked after hours, and they’re always under surveillance. The State now allows no-excuse absentee ballot voting.

This expansion of voter access and increased protection of the sanctity of an eligible voter’s vote is what President Joe Biden (D), in his…something…has termed “un-American,” “sick,” “pernicious.” He says, “This makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle.”

It would be sad, were it not so insulting and racist. This is, after all, Biden (along with his Progressive-Democrats, who with their silence if not their own hue and cry, agree with him) playing the race card (and thereby demonstrating their own racism), which they do because they can’t make a rationale argument for any of their policies.

And: for those keeping score at home, Jim Crow was a creation of the Democratic Party, as was the KKK, which Biden’s partner in the administration said was the equivalent of today’s ICE.

For those keeping further score at home, Georgia’s voter law compares with Biden’s home State of Delaware, which requires a shorter in-person voting period than does Georgia’s reformed law, to the point that Delaware does not allow in-person early voting at all. Delaware doesn’t allow no-excuse absentee ballot voting.


In last Thursday’s matinee press conference, President Joe Biden (D) agreed with a reporter’s question and suggested answer regarding the filibuster:

“President Obama said he believed the filibuster was a relic of the Jim Crow era. Do you agree?” a reporter asked Biden.
“Yes,” he answered.

So, ex-President Barack Obama (D) and Biden, both of whom previously loudly defended the filibuster, have confessed themselves as racists for having done so, the filibuster being a relic of Jim Crow, and all.

Still, their racism is entirely consistent with the intrinsically racist core of the Progressive-Democratic Party of which they’re leading lights: its forebear and least-left wing of the Progressive-Democratic Party, the Democratic Party, is the Party of Jim Crow and of racism generally, and the current Progressive-Democratic Party subsumes that core into its body and actively extends it with its racist—and sexist—identity politics of rank segregation.


President Joe Biden (D) gave his definition of the term (summarized in part by The Wall Street Journal) in his Thursday slow pitch press conference—and it doesn’t begin to approach actual bipartisanship.

The president also urged Republicans to work with him to pass his legislative agenda, which includes a coming multi-trillion-dollar economic, climate-change, and infrastructure package, as well as measures on immigration and guns.


“Here’s the deal: I think my Republican colleagues are going to have to determine whether or not we want to work together or decide that the way in which they want to proceed is to just decide to divide the country, to continue the politics of division,” [Biden] said.

Notice that: Republicans must work to pass Biden’s agenda. Never mind that these items are ideological anathema to Conservatives and Republicans; they should simply surrender their principles to “work with” Biden and his Progressive-Democrats.

Notice further: Republicans must work with Biden and his Progressive-Democrats on everything. Neither Biden nor his fellows have any obligation to work with Republicans. Bipartisanship is strictly a one-way affair. And anyone who disagrees with that directionality is being divisive.

This is the level of integrity that Biden has, and by extension that his Progressive-Democratic Party has.

Keep it in mind in the fall of 2022.