A Gen-Zer is Upset

The young woman is tired of her generation being called lazy because they—she in particular—are working 40-hour weeks, “barely getting by,” and don’t want to do that for the rest of their lives. They have other things they want to do. She then insisted that today’s economy is not the one in which prior generations started out, and Gen-Zers starting out have it hard today compared to earlier generations when we were starting out.

She has a beef in some respects.


Here is what was available to this Boomer when I was just starting out.

The house I grew up in was all of 1232 square feet, compared with today’s median size of 2500 square feet. That house didn’t have central air conditioning. We were some years into it before we got a window air conditioner for our living room. Such basics as a thermostat for the furnace was a manually set mercury-based affair, not today’s programmable with its variety of part-of-day or -night or vacation settings.

We didn’t spend $250 and more per month on cable TV—it didn’t exist.

We didn’t spend $50-$100 per month on an Internet connection—there was no Internet.

We didn’t spend $80-$120 per month on cell phone service—it didn’t exist.

We didn’t drop $800 on a new cell phone—they not only didn’t exist, the phone company gave us our landline instrument as part of their POTS service. (Don’t know what that is? Welcome to my starting out world. Go look it up, if it doesn’t interfere too badly with modern priorities.)

We didn’t hire Uber or Lyft or Door-Dash or anything of that ilk—that ilk didn’t exist. We drove ourselves, or went shanks mare. And doggy to go bags were our takeout.

We didn’t have much in the way of shipping costs, other than moving our household, or the occasional order from a Sears or Montgomery Ward catalog—there was no such thing as eTail.

We couldn’t even order our books online. We used the local library, or we drove (or did that shanks mare thing) down to the local bookstores. Of course, the library or the bookstore could special order a book we wanted. By sending a letter or making a POTS call. And we could go pick up the book at the library or bookstore when it arrived.

We spent nothing on programs for our personal computers or laptops or aps for our cell phones—that kind of software programming didn’t exist, and neither did the personal computers or laptops, or cell phones to run them on. Spreadsheets? Those were paper-printed grids on which we used pencil or pen. Word processors? Manual typewriters, or pencil/pen and paper. We did have actual (hand-cranked) adding machines, though, so it wasn’t all pencil and paper.

If we wanted to talk to our neighbors, we visited them or they us. If the ones we wanted to talk with lived far away, we wrote postcards and letters. International mail was something else, with its folding envelopes on which we wrote our letters, and then folded them to become the international mail envelope to save the weight of an additional sheet of paper. Or we called long distance (haven’t heard of that? Welcome to another aspect of the modern world, which isn’t what I started out with) on our landline POTS service. International calls were both especially expensive and faint of voice on both ends. There was no concept of electronic social media.

The list goes on and on.

If Gen-Zers want to start out with costs similar to those earlier starting-out generations, they need to learn to live without all of today’s technology.

Further, regarding today:

When I finally walked out the door in retirement from my skilled professional job, I still was working 50-60 hour weeks. That schedule wasn’t universal, but it was quite common throughout those earlier start-outers’ careers. We had families to support and kids’ college to plan for. Family mattered, not personal wants. Indeed, family was central to our personal wants, and gladly so. We weren’t centered exclusively, or even primarily, on our selves.

The mom-and-pop HVAC folks who deal with my current house’s heating and air conditioning (central, mind you, today) not only work those 60-hour weeks, they work holidays, too, including Christmas. It’s the same for the plumbers, electricians, carpenters, road builders, all the trades.

One last fillip. This particular Boomer did have a somewhat easier time handling my starting out costs. I’d enlisted in the USAF, getting commissioned through my college’s ROTC. With that military career as my first, I was given structure, a place to live, and a grocery store that was a bit cheaper than the local economy grocery stores. The young woman, and others of her cohort, might think about enlisting in one or another branch of our military, whether as enlisted or as an officer. They’d be helping out their nation’s security, and they’d learn what work truly is and how rewarding it can be.

Telling the Truth is Insulting

Welcome to California or at least Los Angeles—or at least welcome California or LA into your rear view mirror—where saying explicitly why a citizen is leaving the State, or even just the city, is somehow wrong. That’s the position of Los Angeles Times‘ letters editor Paul Thornton, in his op-ed headlined Commentary: If you want to leave, fine. But don’t insult California on the way out.

Often, the departees, cash in hand from the sale of their $1-million bungalows, feel the need to express disdain for their home state, and even some anger too[.]

Don’t complain, though, about the cost of housing there—$1-million bungalow, indeed. There’s a hint in there.

…our liberal politics, with the state Republican Party shrunk to irrelevance after its vicious attempt in 1994 to marginalize immigrants with Proposition 187.

But it’s OK for Thornton to insult Californians who remain, but disagree with his august pressman self. Prop 187, which sought to bar the State from extending social services to illegal aliens, passed overwhelmingly, with 60% of California’s voting citizens approving the proposition. Those vicious Californians. Who knew 60% of them were Republicans?

Perhaps I’m sensitive because California—and especially Los Angeles—used to be the place people would come….

Used to be. Looks like another hint to me.

…critical problems we have to fix for progressive ideals to match the reality on the ground[.]

Progressive ideals. To hell with Conservative ideals. There’s only one side to the story. And that is one more reason to leave California—and to tell the unvarnished truth about why you’re leaving.

Why Ukraine Must Win

Former Russian President and current head of the Vladimir Putin-supporting United Russia Party and Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia, which coordinates and integrates Russian national security policy, posted this call for the utter destruction of Ukraine and threat of Ukrainian people’s extermination if they did not submit on Telegram, a message service used extensively by Ukraine and Russia, among others.

The Russian’s original:

Дмитрий Медведев
Почему Украина опасна для её жителей

Существование Украины смертельно опасно для украинцев. И я имею в виду отнюдь не только нынешнее государство, бандеровский политический режим. Я говорю о любой, совершенно любой Украине.

Наличие самостоятельного государства на исторических российских территориях теперь будет постоянным поводом для возобновления военных действий. Поздно. Кто бы ни стоял у руля ракового новообразования под именем Украина, это не добавит легитимности его правлению и правовой состоятельности самой «стране». А, стало быть, вероятность новой схватки будет сохраняться неопределённо долго. Практически всегда. Более того, существует стопроцентная вероятность нового конфликта, какие бы бумажки о безопасности ни подписывал Запад с марионеточным киевским режимом. Его не предотвратит ни ассоциация Украины с ЕС, ни даже вступление этой искусственной страны в НАТО. Это может произойти и через десять, и через пятьдесят лет.

Именно поэтому существование Украины и фатально для украинцев. Они практичные люди в конечном счёте. Как бы они сейчас и не желали смерти русским. Как бы они ни ненавидели российское руководство. Как бы ни стремились в мифические Евросоюз и НАТО. Выбирая между вечной войной и неизбежной гибелью и жизнью, абсолютное большинство украинцев (ну разве что за исключением минимального числа отмороженных националистов) выберет в конечном счёте жизнь. Поймут, что жизнь в большом общем государстве, которое они сейчас не сильно любят, лучше смерти. Их смерти и смерти их близких. И чем быстрее украинцы осознают это – тем лучше.

The English translation, via Google Translate:

Dmitry Medvedev
Why Ukraine is dangerous for its inhabitants

The existence of Ukraine is mortally dangerous for Ukrainians.

And I don’t mean only the current state, Bandera’s political regime. I’m talking about any, absolutely any Ukraine.

The presence of an independent state on historical Russian territories will now be a constant reason for the resumption of hostilities.Late. No matter who is at the helm of the cancerous growth under the name of Ukraine, this will not add legitimacy to his rule and the legal viability of the “country” itself. And, therefore, the likelihood of a new fight will persist indefinitely. Almost always. Moreover, there is a 100% probability of a new conflict, no matter what security papers the West signs with the puppet Kyiv regime. Neither Ukraine’s association with the EU, nor even the entry of this artificial country into NATO will prevent it. This could happen in ten or fifty years.

That is why the existence of Ukraine is fatal for Ukrainians.

They are practical people at the end of the day. No matter how they now wish the Russians to die. No matter how much they hate the Russian leadership. No matter how much they strive to join the mythical European Union and NATO. Choosing between eternal war and inevitable death and life, the vast majority of Ukrainians (well, perhaps with the exception of a minimal number of frostbitten nationalists) will ultimately choose life. They will understand that life in a large common state, which they do not like very much now, is better than death. Their deaths and the deaths of their loved ones. And the sooner Ukrainians realize this, the better.

This is why the barbarian must be utterly crushed, once and for all.

Full stop.

Lost in the Reporting

The People’s Republic of China had a nearly complete map of the Wuhan Virus genome two weeks before that government published the data for the world to deal with. The article’s author went on to emphasize the value of those two weeks to the various efforts to find ways to deal with the virus.

The extra two weeks could have proved crucial in helping the international medical community pinpoint how Covid-19 spread, develop medical defenses, and get started on an eventual vaccine, specialists have said.

There is this, though, in the second paragraph:

Documents obtained from the US Department of Health and Human Services by a House committee and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show that a Chinese researcher in Beijing uploaded a nearly complete sequence of the virus’s structure to a US government-run database on December 28, 2019.

That’s those two weeks prior to the PRC’s formal release. The US database was the National Institutes of Health’s genetic database, GenBank.


But NIH didn’t just sit on the genome. They deleted it on 16 Jan 2020, four days after the PRC’s official release on 12 Jan. Supposedly, NIH officials had asked Dr Lili Ren of the Beijing-based Institute of Pathogen Biology, who had uploaded the genome to GenBase, for more information and got no response. Furthermore, the requested information were submission-related technical matters that had nothing at all to do with the actual genome map she’d uploaded, nor had they with any of the science related to her upload.

So, rather than actually looking into the mapping, they just blew it off and deleted it after Ren didn’t answer—apparently without considering the possibility that she was actively blocked by the PRC from answering.

However, the sequence published on January 12, 2020 [by the PRC], was nearly identical to the sequence that was submitted by Lili Ren.

Again, I say, hmm….

The PRC was complicit in the spread of the Wuhan Virus Situation, but it’s clear that the Dr Francis Collins-run NIH delay and then suppression of Ren’s genome map was at least as complicit in the damage done our nation and the world at large.

Pick One

Progressive-Democratic Party politicians insist that illegal aliens should be allowed to go anywhere they want as they wait—months to years—for their court dates.

But they want travel documents on those Americans who are transporting them by bus.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is demanding that nearly two dozen charter bus companies sending New York City-bound migrants to “transit” stops in the Garden State provide advance notice.

And this:

For each migrant bus, Murphy is asking the companies to disclose the number of single adults traveling alone; the number of passengers traveling as part of a family, including the number of families with children under 18; the number of children under 18; and the number of chaperones (other than family members) for otherwise unaccompanied minors.

Notice that. Murphy doesn’t care who these illegal aliens are so they can be tracked until the show up for their court date—or dishonestly don’t show up—he just wants to know how many they are. While demanding to know what bus companies are transporting them.

This is the Progressive-Democratic Party demonstrating its utter contempt for us ordinary Americans.