
There’s growing interest in Congress in the US boycotting the Olympics winter games scheduled for Beijing in 2022. That, despite President Joe Biden’s continued passivity—beyond some chit-chat—regarding all things People’s Republic of China.

Congressman John Katko (R, NY) in his letter to Biden on the matter:

The actions taken by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are antithetical to the values of both the United States and its allies around the world. Participation in an Olympics held in a country that is openly committing genocide not only undermines those shared values but casts a shadow on the promise for all those who seek free and just societies.

The United States simply cannot in good faith participate in an Olympic Games in a country that is committing genocide and continuously attempts to manipulate and lie to the global community about such atrocities. Before the eyes of the world descend upon China in 2022, I urge you to take action by working with our partners and allies to lead the free nations of the planet in a unified movement to hold this honored contest amongst nations in a country that actually lives up to the values of the Olympic Charter.

That interest is growing, too, across flyover country outside the DC and coastal bubbles.

Biden’s diffidence regarding the potential for boycott, though, is illustrated by what he said through his White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki:

There hasn’t been a final decision made on that. And, of course, we would look for guidance from the US Olympic Committee.

Three guesses how that went.

A spokesperson for the US Olympic Committee said they believe boycotts are an ineffective way to address global issues.
“We believe the more effective course of action is for the governments of the world and China to engage directly on human rights and geopolitical issues,” the spokesperson told Fox News.

Got it in one.

Of course the folks with a vested interest in their project are going to insist that their project be left alone. And USOC management personnel, through that spokesman, had only the most vapid of rationalizations, suggesting in wide-eyed innocence that the PRC would engage, directly or otherwise, on anything related to human rights.

Do It Our Way

or else.

The Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough ruled the [minimum wage] increase cannot be included in the effort to pass the [Wuhan Virus] relief package through a procedure known as budget reconciliation….

The Progressive-Democrats can’t get their way legally, within the boundaries of our Constitution, so

Ilhan Omar @IlhanMN
Abolish the filibuster.
Replace the parliamentarian.
What’s a Democratic majority if we can’t pass our priority bills? This is unacceptable.

Get rid of anyone and anything that gets in our way.

This is what Government looks like under a Progressive-Democratic Party reign of any duration. This is the fate of individual liberty under a Progressive-Democratic Party reign of any duration.

This is the damage that can be done, and is being done, to our republic in only a couple of months, much less the two years of a session of Congress with Progressive-Democrats controlling each house of Congress and the White House.