Obfuscation through Mislabeling

In New York, it’s being done cynically and deliberately in order to funnel American taxpayer dollars to illegal aliens.

The New York Senate has approved a controversial plan to divert federal money to provide low-cost health care coverage for “undocumented individuals.”

They aren’t undocumented individuals; they’re illegal aliens.

A legislative memo describing the bill cited by the New York Post reads

The lack of coverage for significant numbers of New Yorkers….

They aren’t New Yorkers; they’re illegal aliens.

Even Just the News (first link above) the past year….

No. They might—might—have been migrants when they left their home nation, but when they crossed our border illegally, they became illegal aliens, and they remain illegal aliens on their arrival in New York.

And again Just the News‘ mis-appellation, this time in summarizing the bill supporters’ claims:

…more than 400,000 immigrants don’t qualify for coverage options or public coverage through the New York State of Health Marketplace because of their immigration status.

They don’t qualify because their “immigration status” clearly demonstrates that they aren’t immigrants; they’re illegal aliens.

New York’s State Senate Republicans argue, correctly, that (paraphrased by Just the News)

the state should focus on caring for people living in the US legally.

Indeed. American taxpayer money should be committed, first and foremost, to supporting American citizens, whether native born or immigrant, and to supporting legal aliens, resident aliens present in our nation legally.

That’s made a whole lot harder to achieve when the illegal aliens are mischaracterized.


DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas lost his appeal from a Federal district court’s injunction blocking DHS from implementing a policy that allows for the release of migrants into the US without court dates. The Appellate Court summarized (within my own summary) Mayorkas’ plaint [italics added]:

As to irreparable injury, [DHS argued among other things]…”The most immediate consequence of the [District Court’s] orders,” according to DHS, “will likely be [the] overcrowding [of] CBP facilities during increases in border encounters,” which would threaten the “health, safety, and security” of USBP officers and aliens.

The Appellate Court wrote in part:

To start, DHS’s claims of irreparable injury ring somewhat hollow on this record, considering the department’s track record of overstating similar threats in the underlying proceedings. For instance, on January 12, 2023, DHS represented to the district court that any vacatur of the Parole+ATD policy would result in “disastrous consequences” for the management of the border starting the very next day. DHS made the same representation again on February 16, 2023. But, in truth, CBP had stopped using the Parole+ATD practices as of January 2, 2023, and DHS now admits that it was able to “manage[] its detention capacity [since January] using many other tools at its disposal.” The department’s ability to ascertain future harm is uncertain at best. Given this record, we take DHS’s latest claims of impending disaster if it is not allowed to use either of the challenged policies with some skepticism.


Recent data from the border casts further doubt on DHS’s irreparable-injury argument. Contrary to DHS’s catastrophic predictions, the number of daily encounters with aliens did not surge in the days following the expiration of the Title 42 order on May 11, 2023, but instead fell significantly. Compare Doc. 13-1 ¶ 11 in No. 23-cv-09962 (predicting a daily average of 12,000–14,000 encounters), with Doc. 28 at 4 in No. 23-cv-09962 (showing that the number of encounters dropped from 9,649 on May 11, 2023, to 4,193 on May 14). DHS has neither explained how that data is consistent with its representations nor provided any more recent data demonstrating a surge in illegal crossings at the border. This Court will not find irreparable harm based on mere conjecture.

This is the court calling Mayorkas—politely, mind you, and with the circumlocutions for which courts are well-known—a liar. Which he is. Now the case, State of Florida v United States of America, et al., will finish its wending through our courts with the block on blanket release without any requirement to show up in court remaining in place.

The 11th Circuit’s ruling (nearly unanimous; one judge concurred in part and dissented in part) can be read here. It’s a breathtakingly terse dismissal of Mayorkas’ dishonesty.

The Joe Biden Version of Immigration Reform

Now the CBP is being ordered by the Biden administration to release illegal aliens into our nation’s interior on illegals’ lick and promise: their “Notice to Appear/Warrant to Appear” forms with immigration court dates no earlier than 2026. Apparently, this is to clear the border of the current buildup in preparation for the even larger flood that’s building in anticipation of the removal of the last of the Title 42 restrictions later this week.

The Center Square obtained documents provided in a packet to foreign nationals who were processed by Border Patrol agents in Brownsville, Texas, were released and later apprehended in Jackson County, 260 miles north. Highway 59 is a major human smuggling route where an Operation Lone Star Task Force is operating to interdict criminals.

Jackson County Sheriff Kelly Janica and his deputies have made a number of arrests of illegal aliens, but he’s had to release them all because CBP won’t—can’t, isn’t allowed to—come get them so long as they have those Notices/Warrants. For instance,

one of his deputies noticed a silver Toyota Tundra heading north on Highway 59 with five people sitting in the bed of the truck. The deputy pulled over the vehicle believing the group to be foreign nationals being smuggled north from the border.
The deputy asked if all the occupants in the vehicle were in the US legally and the driver said they were family members from Honduras who they picked up in Brownsville, Texas, and were driving to North Carolina.
All 11 being transported had Honduran identification cards or passports and were between the ages of 5 and 73, including four men and four women each, two boys, and one teenage girl. Three were minors, ages 5, 9, and 16.
They all had manila envelopes including “Notice to Appear/Warrant to Appear” papers, which are what Border Patrol agents give foreign nationals when they release them into the US.

Under normal circumstances, if federal law were being enforced, Janica said his deputy would have arrested the driver and front passenger and they would’ve been charged with human smuggling. The reason they couldn’t arrest them is because Border Patrol said they wouldn’t come and get them; a court date in 2026 was enough to release them, he said.

Biden is having illegal aliens released into our nation with court dates—but the illegals don’t have to appear in court to answer for their illegal entry for three years. At the earliest. This is aiding and abetting the crime of illegal entry into our nation.

“Dangerous and inhumane”

That’s soon-to-be-ex-Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot’s (D) plaint to Texas Governor Gregg Abbott (R) over his bussing illegal aliens to Chicago.

But I beseech you anyway: treat these individuals with the respect and dignity that they deserve. To tell them to go to Chicago or to inhumanely bus them here is an inviable and misleading choice.

She also cried, as paraphrased by Fox News, that

the city has been responsible for the care of more than 8,000 people who had no resources of their own since the first buses arrived from Texas in August—adding that the number continues to grow.

All 8,000 of them. In nine months. That’s a fraction of the number of illegal aliens that cross the Texas border every week. Lightfoot knows this. Lightfoot knows, also, that those illegal aliens volunteer to go to Chicago (or they volunteer to go to New York City, to which they’re sent at Texas taxpayer expense, or to…); they’re not forced in any way.

No, what’s dangerous and inhumane is Lightfoot’s conscious decision to make Chicago a sanctuary city and then choose, further, to do nothing to treat those illegals, or even to prepare to treat those illegals, who take her up on her invitation with the respect and dignity, and safety, that they were promised by her.

If Chicago is unsafe for the openly invited illegal aliens that trickle in, it’s because Lightfoot has made the parallel deliberate decision to do nothing to keep anyone in the city safe, to instead reduce the police force’s ability to act against crime, large or small, and to support Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’ decision to not bother to prosecute a broad range of crimes.

If Lightfoot were serious, she’d have set up facilities to receive that small trickle of illegal aliens. And she’d have created a safe city environment for everyone, including those illegal aliens.

Illegal Aliens Claiming Gender

The Biden-Mayorkas now has decided to let illegal aliens claim any gender—regardless of their biology—on their (Illegal Alien) Immigration Benefit forms. Mayorkas’ US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said that,

effective immediately, the agency was updating its policy to accept “the self-identified gender marker for individuals requesting immigration benefits.”
The gender marker they select does not need to match the gender marker indicated on their supporting documentation. The update also clarifies that people requesting benefits do not need to submit proof of their gender identity when submitting a request to change their gender marker, except for those submitting Form N-565, Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship Document.

Not only are President Joe Biden (D) and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (D) actively permitting illegal aliens to lie about their entry, now they’ll be permitted to extend the lie to include their gender—and get our tax remittals to pay for their special treatment according to their claimed gender.

We already allow—however disgustingly wrongly—male prisoners in our prisons to be housed with women in women’s prisons when a jailed man decides he’s a woman and wants to be housed with them. A critical difference, though, is that we know who these prisoners are; they’ve been well and thoroughly vetted throughout their history with our criminal justice system.

These illegal aliens have not been subject to any sort of serious vetting. They just show up, having gotten caught illegally entering, are detained briefly, and then either deported (occasionally) or released into our nation on their own recognizance (usually)—a recognizance they’ve demonstrated cannot be relied on, now as twice dishonest.