PRC Regulation of US-Listed PRC Companies

The Cyberspace Administration of China is moving to extend its regulation of PRC companies to include those listed on American exchanges. That’s all well and good; the US looks to regulate American companies that are listed on foreign exchanges.


All companies domiciled or headquartered in the People’s Republic of China became, formally, arms of the PRC’s intelligence community under that nation’s 2017 intelligence law.

No PRC company should be allowed to list on an American exchange, and those currently listed should be delisted.

Beyond that, no PRC company should be allowed to acquire, or gain a stake of any size in, any American company, nor should any PRC company be allowed to partner in any way with any American company.

The risks to the safety of intellectual property, the technology risks, the national security risks are simply too great.

The PRC’s Plan for Conquering the RoC?

The People’s Republic of China has released the outline of its strategy for overrunning and conquering the Republic of China.

The Chinese state media released Beijing’s supposed plan of invading Taiwan….
The first step would be a sudden attack of Taiwanese military bases, followed by the second step of cruise-missile strikes on infrastructure. The third step was described as a bombardment of Taiwan by Chinese warships.

That willingness to destroy the RoC’s productivity, its economy, and that generalized bombing, which maximizes collateral damage and civilian casualties demonstrates the PRC’s lack of interest in gaining economic and technological advances, only in gaining territory and enslaving survivors.

This is what President Joe Biden’s (D) timidity globally and vis-à-vis the PRC particularly is producing. That weakness is potentiated by Biden’s emasculation of our own defense establishment, putting critical race nonsense, with its divisiveness and racism, ahead of combat and combat support strengthening.

At this point, fundamentally pacifist Japan is showing more courage, more willingness to fight to defend an ally than is the Biden administration. Japan’s State Minister of Defense Yasuhide Nakayama:

This mean[s] they are trying to surround all the Taiwan islands. … How do we solve this issue? One thing that we can do is we have to show deterrence towards China.

Amen, and pass the ammunition.

Too Weak

Nike’s CEO, John Donahoe, has given his company’s game away. Recall that, earlier this year he claimed dismay over the People’s Republic of China government’s, and the Communist Party of China’s, abuse, slavery, and overt genocide against the Uighurs.

We are concerned about reports of forced labor in, and connected to, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). Nike does not source products from the XUAR and we have confirmed with our contract suppliers that they are not using textiles or spun yarn from the region.

Even that weak statement turns out to have been just pretense, virtue-signaling for his American audience, which is doubly dishonest just for that.

Now, via an earnings call, he

called the sportswear apparel giant a “brand of China” this week, following a fiasco it was involved in earlier this year over concerns about human rights abuses committed by the communist government.


…we are a brand of China and for China[.]

With that call, Donahoe announced his utter rejection of everything for which the US, the nation with the economic, political, and moral environment that enabled his Nike to flourish, stands.

With that call, Donahoe has announced his complete acceptance of abuse, slavery, genocide by the nation he prefers to call home.

Reasons enough to not do business with Nike.

When Hillary Clinton Sold

…a significant fraction of our uranium reserves to Russia, she was a piker.

Within months of President Joe Biden [D] halting the Keystone Pipeline, pausing new oil and gas leases on federal lands, and imposing further restrictions on US oil companies, US oil imports from Russia set a new record in March.


Crude oil imports from Russia in March stood at 6.1 million barrels, making Russia the third-largest oil exporter to the United States.


Biden’s policies have resulted in US oil production falling by 1.715 million barrels per day from a year ago….

Clinton made us dependent, in large part, on one of our enemies for the resources needed for our deterrence against that enemy’s nuclear attack.

Biden’s policies are making us dependent on that same enemy for the energy to power our economy and so our ability to survive even in peace. And by buying Russian oil, Biden is paying our enemy for the privilege of being dependent on it.

Off Limits

President Joe Biden (D) says he stood tall against Russian President Vladimir Putin and gave him a list of what must be off limits from Russian cyber attacks.

On cyber, the President said he gave the Russian a list of 16 types of “critical infrastructure” that “should be off-limits to attack, period.”

And with that, Biden gave Putin two target lists: a list of targets immediately critical to our national survival, and a list of targets he can attack with near impunity in order to damage and reduce or eliminate through a thousand cuts our ability to survive.

Only Progressive-Democrats are unable to conceive the idea that everything in our economy should be off-limits to attack, period.