Wrong Emphasis

The lede says it all.

The Biden administration and its European allies are laying plans for long-term military assistance to Ukraine to ensure Russia won’t be able to win on the battlefield and persuade the Kremlin that Western support for Kyiv won’t waver.

There’s no interest in the Biden administration or those European allies that are safely removed from the Russian border, insulated as they are (they think) by the eastern European nations who directly face the barbarian threat, to provide the prompt and extensive aid that Ukraine needs actually to win on the battlefield.

Biden’s, et al., decision merely to seek to prevent barbarian victory is crass, cynical, and just as barbaric as the Russian invasion, since all the decision does is prolong fighting and the resulting damage to Ukraine and increase the killings and maimings of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians—especially despicably, the killings and maimings and rapes of Ukrainian women and children.

The goal is to make sure Ukraine will be strong enough in the future to deter Russia from attacking it again. More immediately, Ukraine’s Western allies hope to discourage the Kremlin from thinking it can wait out the Biden administration….

This would be risible were it not so disgusting. Ukraine must first win before there can be any concern for deter[ing] Russia from attacking it again.

More immediately, there’d be no need to wait out the Biden administration were Biden to stop slow-walking and outright blocking delivery to Ukraine the weapons, ammunition, and supplies it needs to win outright.

What Biden Hath Wrought

Here are some data, and some perspective, regarding what President Joe Biden (D) has done with his destructive immigration policies and their intrinsic open invitation to illegal immigrants to come ahead on and flood into our nation.

  • 6 million illegal aliens crossing our southern border since Biden took office
  • 6 million, nearly 20% of that total, gotaways—illegal aliens detected crossing our border illegally but who escaped capture and arrest
  • May of this year: more than 240,000 illegal border crossers, including at least 60,327 gotaways
  • June: at least 175,000 illegal border crossers were reported, including 50,000 gotaways
  • July: at least 200,500 illegal border crossers were reported including 27,000 gotaways
  • Those 8.6 million illegal aliens are equivalent to
    • estimated individual populations of 38 American States
    • more than all US cities except New York City
    • all American counties except Los Angeles County
    • the populations of over 120 countries
  • Those gotaways alone are more than the individual populations of 11 American States

That’s just the broad characterization of the illegal aliens. Of particular concern to me are those gotaways. Given that our border agents have succeeded in catching, at border stations, a few hundred who were on terrorist watch lists, and several hundred who have records of violent crimes—rape and murder—and who have records of child abuse and child rape, it’s especially concerning that we have no idea how many terrorists, violent criminals (or any other sort of criminals), and child molesters are among the gotaways. Or, to add another category not mentioned in Just the News‘ article, how many Peoples Republic of China, Russia, Iran, northern Korea spies are among the gotaways.

Biden and the Progressive-Democratic Party that supports him don’t care about our border security; they don’t care about our borders. With all that implies regarding our nation’s security.

It’s Never the Criminal

It’s always the victim, or the victim’s property, or—in some infamous instances—the producers of the victim’s property that are to blame for the crimes. It’s a modern day version of “if she hadn’t dressed that way, she wouldn’t have been raped. She invited it.”

The latest example is the Progressive-Democratic Party’s Chicago mayor, Brandon Johnson’s decision to sue a couple of automobile manufacturers for Chicago’s spiking auto thefts. His rationalization is that those manufacturers didn’t install “standard” anti-theft technology on cars manufactured in the model years 2011 to 2022.

He’s carefully ignoring the fact that auto thefts in Chicago spiked during the latter years of his predecessor, Lori Lightfoot’s (D) term and continues in his own—with their decidedly soft on crime and no bail policies. All those model years prior, still lacking anti-theft tech acceptable to the mayor, weren’t getting stolen.

Nah, it’s the car manufacturers. It’s the gun manufacturers. It’s the woman’s attire. It’s any excuse Progressive-Democrats can dream up in order to avoid facing the fact that crimes are committed by criminals, and criminals need to be punished for their crimes. But, bleat these Leftists, that would work a hardship on the poor, misunderstood, downtrodden criminals.

“Let Ukraine Direct Its Own Counteroffensive”

US Army General Jack Keane (ret), once Army Vice Chief of Staff and current Institute for the Study of War Chairman, thinks US military personnel criticizing the way Ukraine is conducting its offensive should (my paraphrase) sit down and shut up.

Keane’s characterization of those sideline inhabitants’ behavior, chirping from the sidelines, is being generous. Whatever their own combat experience, if any, it has no relevance to the realized combat environment the Ukrainians are facing with the Russian up-armored barbarians.

No one in the American military today has designed large-scale mechanized operations against a serious and capable enemy that is employing a comprehensive defense. The last time was the Metz campaign in France in 1944, led by General George S Patton.

But in all their woke awesomeness, the Pentagon’s armchair junior high quarterbacks Know So Much Better. If these wonders truly want to help Ukraine, they’ll push President Joe Biden (D) to stop slow-walking and outright denying the weapons Ukraine needs to effectively and efficiently prosecute its offensive, and they’ll get their own bureaucrats out of the way of actual delivery.

Increasing Choice

New Jersey’s Progressive-Democratic Party Governor Phil Murphy’s Newspeak definition of increasing choice as he applies it to vehicles he will permit his subjects the citizens of New Jersey to buy goes like this:

“There’s a lot of misinformation about what this order does,” his climate director Catherine Klinger said in an interview with ROI-NJ that was published this week. “It requires that new vehicle sales in the state are zero emission by 2035. More than 50% of vehicles that are sold in the state are used. And there is absolutely no change to the used vehicle market.”
If you like your Jeep Cherokee, you’ll still be able to buy a used one….

While supplies last.

No, Murphy’s proclamation, made through his climate director, is nothing more than a cynical variation on Henry Ford’s marketing slogan of a century ago:

The customer can have any color they want as long as it’s black. A New Jersey citizen can have any vehicle he wants, as long as it’s electric. Never mind whether he can afford one.