Republican Virtue-Signaling

Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives voted Wednesday to impeach Philadelphia’s District Attorney Larry Krasner over his position that some crimes, like prostitution, theft, and drug-related offenses would no longer be prosecuted and were therefore de facto legal. Krasner also stands accused of lying to judges and to crime victims. The vote was 107-85. With violent crime spiking as it is in Philadelphia during Krasner’s soft-on-crime term, it certainly seems he should be unceremoniously removed from office.


Pennsylvania’s State Senate doesn’t even know when it’ll get around to trying him. It is certain, though, that there aren’t the votes to convict Krasner, and the Republicans in the House have known this all along.

This move goes along with the push by Republicans in the Federal House of Representatives to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and President Joe Biden—if, in fact, they win a majority of House seats. It’s certainly the case that Mayorkas badly needs removal, and it’s also likely that Biden is, for a number of reasons, unfit. House Republicans, though, know full well that there aren’t the votes in the Senate to convict either.

This is just Republicans yapping, it’s a waste of time, and the foolishness of it is one part of the reason the 2022 Red Wave turned out to be a little pink stain.

Negotiations with Russia

Boris Johnson, in his Monday Wall Street Journal op-ed, is on the right track regarding the idea of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy negotiating with Russian President Vladimir Putin an end to the barbarian’s invasion. Negotiations now would be both fruitless and pointless, Johnson writes, because they would require Ukraine to surrender Ukrainian territory and they would idiotically rely on the barbarian’s trustworthiness in keeping any agreement. Negotiations now would be ill-timed, as well: the time for negotiating can only be after the barbarian has been driven entirely from Ukrainian territory and Ukraine having won, totally and decisively, the war the barbarian began.

Johnson had this, too, though:

If Mr Putin were to use a weapon of mass destruction [one of the barbarian chieftain’s many threats], he would be tendering Russia’s resignation from the club of civilized nations….

With this characterization, Johnson is being…generous. Russia hasn’t been a civilized nation, at the least, since the mass starvation the Russians—the people as well as the government—inflicted on Ukrainians and on the Stockholm Syndrome-afflicted Belarussians during the kulak collectivization atrocities of the 1930s. The barbarian has demonstrated—in rivers of blood—the continuing depths of its depravity with the atrocities inflicted by the products of Russian society on Ukrainians in the present barbarian war. Atrocities Johnson describes so genteelly:

captives tortured, women raped, schools and kindergartens deliberately targeted.

He omitted the hospitals deliberately targeted, the vast lines of refugees from besieged cities that the barbarian had agreed to allow to evacuate—and then targeted for mass murder once they were so conveniently lined up on the agreed roads leading away from the city.

Those finally arrived at post-victory negotiations? [A] peaceful, orderly and lasting relationship, and friendship, between Ukraine and Russia, as Johnson so naively described them?

Keep in mind two things as you contemplate such a negotiation. The “soldiers” inflicting those atrocities today—the rapes, the tortures, the child butcheries, the attacks on hospitals, the attacks on infrastructure necessary for civilian survival during the coming winter—are the products of Russian society. Most of these armed thugs may well be from the lower tiers of that society, but who taught them to be the way they are? The rest of that society, who either condone the atrocities or actively order them, all the way up to the chieftain sitting on his throne in the Kremlin.

The other thing is the impossibility of Ukrainian friendship with a polity—barbaric or civilized—that is bent on the utter destruction of Ukraine.

No. The only outcome for the present situation is the utter, decisive defeat of the barbarian, with his being driven entirely from Ukrainian territory. The only possibility for any future relationship between Ukraine and Russia is Ukrainian eternal vigilance against the next wave of barbarians from the east. For that wave will surely come.

Hush Money Grants and Consequences

It turns out that quite a number persons with medical or other science-related degrees took Federal grant money as a quid pro quo for either remaining silent about the origins of the Wuhan Virus or actively denying its Wuhan lab origin.

Congressman James Comer (R, KY), the likely chairman of the House Oversight Committee if the GOP wins control of the House, told Just the News on Monday night that his investigators have evidence showing that even though Dr Anthony Fauci was warned the virus likely originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, China, he constructed, with the aid of federally funded private scientists, a counternarrative that COVID-19 evolved naturally from animals.
“Everyone in the medical community backed up Dr Fauci, and what we now know is they were receiving a lot of grant dollars[.]”


“What we learned is how much slush money the NIH had to award in the form of grants to these advisers.”

If the allegations prove true, then these persons who happen to have medical degrees of one sort or another plainly put their desire for money ahead their obligation to tell the truth—a Critical Item in their Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm.

If the allegations prove true, then others of these persons, who style themselves other scientists than medical doctors, plainly put their desire for money ahead of their obligation to tell the truth—a Critical Item in doing credible research.

Consequences. These persons need to be publicly identified and then cut off from any further Federal (and State, although the States will have to act for themselves) grants of any sort. These persons will have shown that they cannot be trusted with our tax money.

Too Bad, So Sad

It seems that Philadelphia is going to be the latest recipient of illegal aliens bused from Texas.

Cue the whining, this time from Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney’s spokesman.

This information was relayed to us from a community partner organization as Texas officials have not coordinated with the city. We do not have an exact location of where the bus will disembark, nor do we have any specific information about those on board, nor do we know if other buses are planned.

Neither do any of the cities getting the illegal aliens Biden flies in in the dark of night get any warning of arrival or of when they’re departing.

Neither do any of the cities in the border States get any warning of the illegal aliens streaming across our open southern border—other than the fact of that steady flow; 2.3 million illegal aliens in Fiscal 2022 alone.

Neither do any of us get any indication of when the Biden administration will start taking this border and illegal alien disaster seriously.

Virtue Signaling

Recall the climatistas who have been running around (sort of) gluing themselves to museum art, throwing messy food at the art, and one group, pleased to call themselves scientists, even glued themselves to the floor of a luxury sports car dealership showroom floor. All that in the name of saving the planet from overheating. (In that last case, dealership management just left them there, refusing to feed them or give them bowls into which to empty their bladders and bowels. Management just closed up and turned out the lights. Good for dealership management).

Now other climatistas are calling out these self-gluers. Danielle Butcher, American Conservation Coalition Executive Vice President:

Activists are trying to deface property and artwork specifically because it is shocking. The tactics, they’re focused on sparking conversation, whatever that means, but they’re not actually helping the environment tangibly.

Whatever that means, indeed.

Addressing only the self-gluers, I note Mason Cooley’s remark: Virtue sometimes pretends. Vice is always sincere.

Butcher went on:

You cannot annoy people into agreeing with you.
And certainly throwing mashed potatoes or glue or soup or dumping milk on a grocery store floor, those are not ways that you convince people you are in the right position[.]

On the other hand, “you” cannot always convince folks to agree with you when you cynically omit key facts, here related to Earth’s evolving climate. Facts like we’ve been hotter with lush life, and we’ve had higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations with lush life, and those periods do not correlate with each other.

Oh, and we’re still cooler than the geologic planetary warming trend line 11,000 years after the end of the last Ice Age.

Maybe Cooley’s remark applies here, too.