What Biden Hath Wrought

Two little girls—3yrs old and 5yrs old—were dropped over a 14ft fence from the Mexican side of our southern border onto the American side.

In the middle of the night.

In the middle of the desert.

With no supplies—no water, no food, no means of shading themselves from the coming sun.

With no one—not an adult, not a teenager, not anyone—to take them into care or custody, to take them to safety.

They were just dumped and left to die in the coming day’s heat (yes, in Arizona even this time of year) and aridity, whether from dehydration, overheating—or being coyote or bobcat food.

See a video of Biden’s child abuse here.

It’s just the little girls’ blind luck that they weren’t injured from the fall. It’s just the little girls’ blind luck, and God’s overwatch, that Border Patrol had surveillance drones in the area and happened to see the atrocity. As a result, they were able to rescue the girls.

Sadly, this is typical, not extreme—it’s just what happened to be spotted along our now deliberately porous border.

One Party Reign

Congressman Don Beyer (D, VA), Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, has this on working with Republicans to do things (assuming “things” need doing, which isn’t always the case, especially by Government):

I would personally prefer that it [President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar “infrastructure” plan] was fully paid for but I’m not going to insist on it. If we can get it half paid for, that’s a huge step forward….

Debt profusion doesn’t matter. It’s only money.

Working with Republicans on actual infrastructure? Here’s Beyer again:

[W]e’re not going to not do it because they won’t come along. … But at the end of the day, if they’re going to say no, then we will proceed with the reconciliation.

Come along. Either do things our way, quietly, or we’ll simply ignore you. That’s the Progressive-Democrat view of unity.

And it’s not just on infrastructure. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D, NY) is pushing for robo-reconciliation. Here’s the current rule [emphasis added]:

Under the 1974 Budget Act, Congress once each fiscal year can pass via simple majority vote a budget resolution for federal revenue and outlays.


Mr Schumer’s office is telling the Senate parliamentarian he wants more. His claim rests on Section 304 of the Budget Act, which allows for “a concurrent resolution on the budget which revises or reaffirms the concurrent resolution on the budget for such fiscal year most recently agreed to.” In English, Mr Schumer says he should be able to pass more bills with a mere 51 votes as “revisions” to underlying budget resolutions.

No need to talk to Republicans at all on money matters. They’re obstructionist tightwads, anyway. Again, it’s only money. Especially since it’s OPM.

Progressive-Democrats aren’t interested in bipartisanship.


Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D, NY) has announced that talking about the surge (of illegal aliens) at our southern border is putting the crisis in militaristic terms.

They wanna say, “But what about the surge?” Well, first of all, just gut check, stop. Anyone who’s using the term “surge” around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame.
And that’s a problem because this is not a surge, these are children and they are not insurgents and we are not being invaded, which by the way is a White supremacist idea-philosophy…

Here are some other things that surge:

  • electricity—which also damages when it does so
  • tides
  • the sea itself
  • ships in that sea
  • water when driven by wind
  • floods
  • momentum in sporting games
  • a soft drink
  • stock markets
  • cold air comes surging in the house if doors are left open
  • rainwater through cracks in windows
  • product sales after ad campaigns

Oh, and Anthony Fauci’s coming COVID-19 surge.

All of these things are military formations of White supremacy according to Ocasio-Cortez.


Costs and Capitalism

Texas State Representative Matt Shaheen (R, District 66—full disclosure: he represents me among others in the District) put this up on his Twitter feed Tuesday:

(Note: the blue box at around 60% on the y-axis reads “Overall Inflation (59.6%”)

Notice that. All those blue-lined curves running at no or decreasing inflation (some might say, “deflation”) are in competitive industries. There’s nothing wrong with those health care costs—hospital and medical care services—that replacing government with competition, with capitalism, in the market segment wouldn’t cure.

Additional note: see the college-related curves. Those also result from government intrusion into our post-high school education system, here in the form of overt subsidies to the institutions. There’s nothing wrong with these costs, either, that replacing government with competition, with capitalism, in the market segment wouldn’t cure.

Pesky Democracy

We’ll have none of that here. Much too noisy. Much too disordered. Much to great a risk to our rule.

And so the People’s Republic of China has extended its despotism further into Hong Kong.

China has sharply reduced the number of directly elected seats in Hong Kong’s legislature in a setback for the democracy movement. The changes were announced Tuesday after a two-day meeting of China’s top legislature.
In the new make-up, the legislature will be expanded to 90 seats, and only 20 will be elected by the public. Currently, 35 seats, or half of the 70-seat legislature, are elected.
China’s top legislature approved amendments to Hong Kong’s constitution on Tuesday that will give Beijing more control over the makeup of the city’s legislature.

Those 20 will be carefully selected by the PRC’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress:

Local national-security officials will also get effective veto power over election candidates, allowing authorities to bar opposition figures from elected office.

This is not the behavior of a civilized, much less enlightened, nation. It is, though, of a piece with the barbarism of genocide against the Uyghurs, the occupation of Tibet and the South China Sea, and the threats of war against the Republic of China.