Our Secure Southern Border

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas insists that our southern border is secure. President Joe Biden (D) echoes him with his own silence on Mayorkas’ claim. Here’s some of what Texas’ police and National Guard are intercepting at that border under Governor Greg Abbott’s (R) Operation Lone Star, which has the Texas National Guard also working the border, according to Texas Department of Public Safety Sgt Marc Couch:

  • more than 225,000 migrant apprehensions
  • more than 13,000 criminal arrests,
  • more than 3,500 weapons seized
  • 289 million deadly fentanyl doses

That’s since Operation Lone Star began. Just since last October, there also have been 500,000+ known “gotaways,” illegal aliens who were spotted crossing our border illegally but who evaded capture.

This is what Biden and his DHS Secretary, neither of whom are willing actually to visit our southern border, are letting through with their version of “secure.” Since that’s what they’re calling it, I have to conclude they’re deliberately letting this sewage in.

Imagine the intercepts and the increased safety of our nation if the Federal government were really interested in security.

A Border Control Thought

This idea came to me while watching another of the innumerable videos of illegal aliens piling out of pickup trucks at/near the Rio Grande and scattering into the Texas brush, trying to escape.

A bola is a pair of weights tied together by a length of cord

used to capture animals by entangling their legs. Bolas were most famously used by the gauchos….

My thought is this. Arm (some of) our Border Patrol agents with these, with specially designed slingshots or modified beanbag-firing shotguns to propel them, to capture fleeing illegal aliens and their coyotes. Bolas also can be hand-thrown to good effect—and originally were—but only from closer ranges, which may not always obtain.

Bolas are range-limited by their nature and nonlethal. Their use would take training, but no more than the gaucho who uses them on his ranch, or than the police need with their beanbag-firing shotguns. An additional advantage is that it will take some time for an illegal alien/coyote to disentangle himself from the bola, enabling a following Ranger to finish securing several illegals while the bola-armed Ranger continues pursuit, rather than the [two] of them having to capture and secure illegals one at a time.

Here’s an Idea

The Biden administration is becoming more open about transporting illegal aliens (which administration personnel and too many in the press cynically call “migrants”) into the interior of our nation.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is drafting plans to drop off migrants in American towns hours past the US-Mexico border, Republican lawmakers say.
The potential policy is one way DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is seeking to ease the influx of migrants to US border towns….

It’s being done behind the backs of the Congressional Representatives in whose districts the “recipient” towns sit and whether or not those towns agree to the moves, too. Congressman August Pfluger (R, TX) formally asked DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about it, saying in part,

San Angelo is a welcoming community, but the locality has not volunteered for this mission, nor are they responsible for the burdens of the border crisis.

Pfluger also noted that he only found out about the DHS plans after local law enforcement in San Angelo informed him. From that, he asked Mayorkas what communities Mayorkas already was targeting with illegal alien transport, what steps he was taking to ensure the illegal aliens being so transported would pose no danger to the victim recipient towns, what procedures Mayorkas was using to

notify and alert local, state, and Congressional leaders that illegal immigrants will be transported to an area….


How much notice do you provide these entities before illegal immigrants arrive?

Ease the influx of “migrants:” here’s an idea—work with me on this, it’s apparently a difficult concept for those on the Left and in the present administration—stop letting the illegal aliens in in the first place. Stop them at the border and keep them out. Push Mexico to stop letting them in at the Mexican southern border and detain the illegals as they enter that country.

In short, reimplement the border and immigration policies of the prior administration.

Alejandro Mayorkas’ Secure Border

The border crossings by illegal aliens are rapidly expanding, even as DHS Alejandro Mayorkas insists our border is entirely secure.

[Daily Caller] Reporter Jorge Ventura said on Fox & Friends Monday he recorded hundreds of illegal immigrants running across the southern border into Yuma, Arizona.

Ventura said,

We saw hundreds and hundreds. I encountered just in a couple of hours migrants from 11 different countries from Georgia, India, Russia, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and even Afghanistan. And I ran into massive amount of groups of single males, which you don’t really see down at the border[.]

It’s a matter of perspective, I suppose. Our border is secure: the illegal aliens are secure in their illegal crossings. Including the 43 terrorists Mayorkas let in and now has no idea where they are—or chose not to track them at all.

Wrong Answer

President Joe Biden (D) and his equally progressive crony DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas now intend to move illegal aliens crossing our border into the interior of our nation, at taxpayer expense, where they will live in accommodations also provided at taxpayer expense.

The plan is designed to lessen the crowding now taking place along the border, where illegal immigrants have flooded the shelters in many cities, causing Customs and Border Protection agents to reportedly release the crossers onto the streets.

This, of course, is the wrong answer to the (over)crowding now occurring along our border.

The right answer is to not have the crowding at all, by not allowing the illegal aliens to come into our nation in the first place, and to promptly deport those who do cross our border illegally and are subsequently caught.

No one—not armies, not individuals, not collections of individuals—has any intrinsic right to enter another country without that country’s prior permission. No country has any intrinsic obligation to grant that permission. Borders and permission-granted entries are how a nation protects its own culture—and in the particular case of the United States, it’s how we protect the American culture and opportunities that make our nation a desirable place to live and to come to.

But the Biden administration knows this. The flooding of our nation with illegal aliens is one aspect of Joe Biden’s and his predecessor and BFF/mentor, ex-President Barack Obama’s (D), promises to fundamentally transform America.