Lockdowns and Employment/Jobs Recovery

Wall Street Journal editors had a couple of graphs that illustrated these things in their Tuesday editorial.

Those are primarily Republican/Conservative-run States at the top, and primarily Progressive-Democrat-run States at the bottom.

And this one:

Again, the worst performing States are primarily Progressive-Democrat-run; the best performing—notably at/near their pre-Wuhan Virus situation levels—are primarily Republican/Conservative-run.

The primary distinction is between States with hard and broad restrictions on movement and gathering together, up to and including sharp and extended lockdowns, and those States with markedly looser restrictions, up to and including no or very brief lockdowns of limited breadth.

It’s instructive, though, to see the former are primarily run by Progressive-Democrats, who trust no one but their personal selves, and the latter are primarily run by Republicans and Conservatives, who trust their constituents to make in-the-main sound decisions regarding their own and their neighbors’ individual welfare.

“Student-Loan Debt Is a Burden on the Young”

A number of letter writers The Wall Street Journal‘s Wednesday Letters column expressed their concerns about student debt. One comment, though, jumped in my direction.

It is time for the federal government to get out of the student-loan business.

The writer is well along; that’s a critical half of the problem.

The other critical half, is to not borrow in the first place. If a person can’t afford to go to college on his own nickel or on scholarships, he should go to a trade school or a community college that teaches trades.

Then get a job. The trades are more than honorable jobs, they’re their own Critical Items in our economy: nothing gets built—including the Progressive-Democrats’ turtles all the way down infrastructure—without them. And, the trades provide a nice income as well as actual work experience and time in the real world during which the person can arrive at a more informed decision about what he wants to do with his life and/or what he wants to get out of college.

And in the latter case, he can be accumulating a sum of his own money with which to cover his college costs.

Foxconn’s New Deal

In 2017, Foxconn signed a deal with Wisconsin to invest $10 billion, build an electronics manufacturing plant in the State, and hire 13,000 people by the year 2032.

Now, Foxconn has renegotiated the deal and will invest as much as $672 million and create 1,454 jobs by the year 2025.

What’s changed?

A number of things, but two in particular are the Republican Governor and Republican President in 2017, and the Progressive-Democrat Governor and the Progressive-Democrat President today.

It’s also true that the negotiated incentives are considerably less per job created under the new deal than under the old, but what does that matter to the 11,500 folks who won’t get any of those new jobs? What does that matter to the businesses—and their employees and prospective new hires—who won’t get the business associated with that earlier and much larger investment?

But hey, collateral damage happens. Nor does that damage matter to Progressive-Democrats; all they want is the look-good-in-the-shower headlines.


The Wall Street Journal‘s Editorial Board, in their Tuesday piece, wrote strongly about CEOs vs Shareholders in the context of the CEOs’ (among others)…disingenuousness…regarding Georgia’s newly enacted voting law, which expanded access to ballots and to the voting process while tightening the integrity of both.

The question is much broader than that, though.

President Joe Biden (D), with his blatant lies regarding Georgia’s election law, his open advocating for business boycotts of Georgia, while simultaneously scoffing at the idea of boycotting the People’s Republic of China’s Olympics—or anything else PRC—demonstrates his strong preference for the PRC government over the citizens of Georgia and of America.

Businesses like major league baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta, et al., repeating those lies about Georgia’s election law and pushing to leave Georgia, all the while being so desperate to do business within the PRC are similarly demonstrating their naked preference for the PRC government over the citizens of Georgia and of America.

It’s disgusting, and it’s shameful.

We can answer the businesses by boycotting them, starting yesterday. We can answer Biden and his coterie by tossing his Progressive-Democratic Party-controlled Congress in 2022 and then by tossing the Progressive-Democrat Biden/Harris administration in 2024.

It’s interesting, too, that the Party of Jim Crow suddenly is decrying Jim Crow—even as it lies about what is Jim Crow.

Lies of Progressive-Democrats

Yet more of them, this time centered on jobs for American citizens.

Here’s what Moody’s Analytics said about President Joe Biden’s $2.2 trillion American Jobs Plan Spend-a-Thon to which is attached some bucks for actual infrastructure work:

The firm estimated that the US economy will add roughly 16.3 million jobs between the fourth quarter of 2020 and the fourth quarter of 2030. If Biden’s proposal were to pass, Moody’s Analytics economists estimated that the US economy would add 19 million jobs over the same time period—indicating the proposal would be responsible for about 2.7 million jobs.

Here’s what Biden’s hand-picked Transportation Secretary “Pothole” Pete Buttigieg said.

The American Jobs Plan is about a generational investment. It’s going to create 19 million jobs. And we’re talking about economic growth that’s going to go on for years and years. It’s time for America to lead the way again. And those 19 million jobs we’re about to create go way beyond some quarterly or monthly report.

Twice he lied, in quick succession.

Biden’s White House National Economic Council Director Brian Deese was completely direct in his lie:

Moody’s suggests it would create 19 million jobs[.]

And then Biden personally lied about what Moody’s actually said:

Independent analysis shows that if we pass this plan, the economy will create 19 million jobs….

It makes me wonder whether anyone in this administration is capable of discriminating truth from fiction. Or whether they can, but they don’t care; they’ll just mouth whatever they think they can get away with that will benefit them politically.