Biden’s Open Support for Hamas

His support, and his hypocrisy, is made especially manifest by this remark of his regarding Israel’s accidental bombing of a World Central Kitchen food delivery truck:

Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians. Incidents like yesterday’s simply should not happen.

Never mind that Biden has chosen to offer no evidence—at any time in his drumbeat of condemnation of Israel in its war for survival—that Israel isn’t doing its utmost to avoid civilian casualties.

Biden has, however, authorized his own missile attacks on pickup trucks that later turned out to be carrying solely civilian families, like this one that Biden’s administration carried out in Afghanistan that killed seven children while Biden was immersed in his panic-ridden cutting and running from Afghanistan.

At least the WCK workers new they were operating in a war zone with all the attendant risks. What did those Afghani children know and their parents know?

Timid is as Timid Does

Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden is upset that Russian President Vladimir Putin attacked, again and extensively, Ukraine’s power infrastructure. He said, through his National Security Council’s Spokesperson Adrienne Watson,

This bombardment—part of a series of Russian attacks on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure— is a terrible reminder of Vladimir Putin’s efforts to break the spirit of the Ukrainian people and plunge them into darkness[.]

Here is our President yapping like a porch dog from the safety of his NSC porch, along with (to mix metaphors) furiously wagging his finger at the barbarian.

While doing precisely nothing material to help the Ukrainians.

Biden is, for instance, holding up transfer of badly needed air defense systems, including Patriot and Stinger, while only “soon” will F-16s start arriving in Ukrainian inventory. Biden has chosen to do nothing regarding delivery of drone and anti-drone systems to Ukraine, forcing them to use those expensive Patriots they do have on far cheaper inbound drowns and missiles. Biden has chosen to do nothing regarding paying for the transfers he has deigned authorize, the lack of which pay-fors are at the core of Republican objections to further expenditures in favor of Ukraine.

How is this Possible?

Personal information of 7.6 million AT&T customers and of 65 million former AT&T customers have appeared on the dark web in the last two weeks. Stuff happens, even egregiously bad stuff. What makes this stuff especially egregiously bad, though, is AT&T‘s claim that the data appear[] to have come from 2019 or earlier.

That especially bad status flows from some questions:

Why wasn’t the data breach discovered those 5 or more years earlier; why did AT&T not know of the breach of its own systems until they saw the results of the breach just recently?

If AT&T did know of the breach those years ago, why did they sit on the information all this time?

If AT&T did discover the data breach promptly, and the data that appeared on the dark web only happened to be from 2019 and prior, what were the safe guards in place—or not—for what would have been archived data? What are the safeguards for data from 5 years ago through to the present? How does AT&T know those data haven’t been penetrated and stolen, also?

Pay Their Fair Share

Progressive-President Joe Biden is busily trying to raise taxes in his never ending effort to get the Evil Rich to Pay Their Fair Share™.

Here are some numbers and a couple of graphs, via The Wall Street Journal‘s editors:

…for 2021 show that the top 1% of Americans reported 26.3% of the country’s adjusted gross income, while paying 45.8% of total income taxes.

This graph shows the trend of taxes paid and who pays them over the course of this century:

Yet Biden, Progressive-Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY), Progressive-Democrat Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (IL), and the rest of Biden’s Party syndicate, individually and as a group, flat refuse to say what they believe that fair share should be. Plainly, that’s because they’ve already defined among themselves, that fair share to be All of It.

This is illustrated by the tax increases that Biden is actively pushing this year. Per a Tax Foundation analysis,

The tax increases would substantially increase marginal tax rates on investment, saving, and work, reducing economic output by 2.2% in the long run, wages by 1.6%, and employment by 788,000 full-time equivalent jobs. On a gross basis, we estimate Biden’s FY 2025 budget would increase taxes by about $4.4 trillion over that period [of 2024 to 2034]. After taking various credits into account, the increase would be about $3.4 trillion[.]
[Biden’s] tax changes…include “additional taxes on high earners, higher taxes on US businesses—including increasing taxes that Biden enacted with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) —and more tax credits for a variety of taxpayers and activities[.]

As the WSJ editors asked,

Is this not a “fair share” to Mr Biden? Then what would be?

Plainly what would be to Biden and his Party syndicate All of It.

This is the central plank of the Progressive-Democratic Party’s platform this season. And they won’t stop with the Evil Rich as they define down what constitutes “rich” behind their DEI smokescreen.

Dithering Is as Dithering Does

No Labels, the political organization pretending to want to field a President/Vice President ticket in the upcoming race, is having trouble finding candidates to take them seriously.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie…indicated he didn’t plan to run with No Labels, which had been encouraging him to lead a “unity” presidential campaign….

So have Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Larry Hogan, and Joe Manchin.

And: former Republican North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, No Labels co-chair, resigned from the organization earlier this month.

No Labels began its “campaign” this season by announcing proudly that it wouldn’t run a slate if that slate were to be a spoiler—of which main party candidate they declined to say. That announcement demonstrated its unseriousness, demonstrating as it did, that the organization wasn’t prepared to run seriously, not even as seriously as Ross Perot, or even the Republican Party of the 1850s. So began its pretense.

Then the organization dithered for months over in which States they’d try to get on the ballot first, whether or not they had a ticket.

Then the organization dithered for months after that over which potential candidates they’d approach for joining their ticket.

Then, with all that dithering and unseriousness, when they started actually talking to candidates, all those folks said no.

This is not an organization that’s ready for prime time. Or even for AA ball.