Favoring Illegal Aliens over American Citizens

That’s the position of Illinois’ Progressive-Democratic Party Governor JB Pritzker.

We have taken some of the programs that have pre-existed the crisis and adjusted them to help with the migrant crisis. Let me give you one example, our rental assistance program. We have provided some of that rental assistance money, which wasn’t originally intended to be about asylum seekers, for this challenge.

Pritzker is deliberately, cynically taking money intended to help American citizens, Illinois citizens, who are economically straitened and using it for illegal aliens instead. Because illegals are more important than citizens.

This is yet another example of the contempt for ordinary Americans that the Progressive-Democratic Party has. Keep this in mind in November 2024.

It Doesn’t Get any Clearer than This

The citizens of California want to have a State referendum on taxes, specifically a vote on the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act, in November 2024. The Act would limit the State government’s ability to raise taxes on those good citizens.

Progressive-Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has joined John Burton, ex-State Progressive-Democratic Party Chairman, in an emergency(!) petition to the State’s Supreme Court to get the initiative removed from that election. The measure if passed, Newsom and Burton worry, would gut the administrative state and shift the longstanding balance of powers in California back toward the State’s legislative branch.

Gut the administrative state. Increase the power of the citizens’ more direct representatives in their House and Senate.

To hell with democracy, especially to hell with representative democracy.

…voters will be harmed if the Measure appears on the November 5, 2024 ballot….

The State Knows Better and must not be constrained by these…commoners.

As goes California’s State Progressive-Democratic Party, so goes the national Progressive-Democratic Party.

This is what’s on the national ballot—however sotto voce—in 2024.

See No Evil

The Hamas terrorists coordinated their assault on Israel with the terrorist Hezbollah, and both had serious planning help from Iran, via that nation’s terrorist Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. This is from senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land, and sea incursions….
Details of the operation were refined during several meetings in Beirut attended by IRGC officers and representatives of four Iran-backed militant groups, including Hamas…and Hezbollah….


A European official and an adviser to the Syrian government…gave the same account of Iran’s involvement in the lead-up to the attack as the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members.

But our Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden, through his State Department Secretary, Antony Blinken, insists

We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there is certainly a long relationship.

Appease evil, instead.

Couple Thoughts re Ramaswamy’s Thoughts

Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has some ideas about what to do were he to be elected President. I have some ideas about those ideas.

Let’s have a reasonable path to peace. Make a permanent commitment that NATO will not admit Ukraine to NATO, but in return, require Russia to exit its military partnership with China. Now that weakens China. Now, Xi Jinping is gonna have to think twice before going after Taiwan.

This is breathtakingly naïve. On what basis does Ramaswamy think Putin would honor any agreement? Russia already has welched on the Budapest Memoranda, Minsk I, and Minsk II, and he faked his 2014 “referendum” that he used to rationalize his occupation of Crimea. That’s just Russia’s recent history with Ukraine. Then there’s Putin’s avowed goal of reconstituting the Russia’s Soviet (Union) empire. Ramaswamy’s plan for this “peace” of his also includes an in-place cessation of the fighting—forcing Ukraine to surrender the 20%, or so, of its territory that Putin currently occupies to him, which only rewards Putin for his invasion.

Then there’s the bit about Russia leaving its alliance with the People’s Republic of China, which he alleges would weaken the PRC. What makes Ramaswamy think that alliance itself doesn’t weaken the PRC? Russia desperately needs money and weapons/ammunition. Iran and northern Korea can’t supply any of that in sufficient numbers; only the PRC can—at the expense of its own finances and military equipage. Beyond that, the PRC already is spending treasure propping up the Russian economy and war effort.

Finally, there’s the fact that Russia winning in Ukraine—getting to keep those 20%—would only embolden Xi, not give him pause.

…doubling down on his promise to shrink the federal bureaucracy by 70%….

This actually is a worthy goal. However. There are some 2 million civilians employed by the Federal government. Assume, arguendo, he’s capable of getting rid of those 70%. What’s his timeline for terminating 1.4 million civilians? He never says. What will be the impact (viz., unemployment insurance, food stamps) of dumping 1.4 million out-of-work workers onto the private economy? He never says anything about that, either. How will he handle the nation’s economic dislocation resulting from dumping 1.4 million more out-of-work workers onto the private economy? He never says anything about that, either.

Why Isn’t It a Concern?

Crime in the District of Columbia is rampant and rising. DC isn’t alone in this regard; that’s the case in a broad variety of Progressive-Democratic Party-run cities. The remark of DC’s Deputy Mayor for Public Safety, Lindsey Appiah, is strongly illustrative of the general problem, though:

I definitely think public safety has been and continues to be the No. 1 concern for district residents[.]


In DC,

  • 216 homicides this year, 38% more than at this point in 2022
  • robberies are up 70%
  • car thefts have more than doubled

Why don’t the persons of the DC government also think public safety has been and continues to be the No. 1?