“Without any Morals”

Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot (D) said that about Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) after two busloads of illegal aliens were transported to Chicago.

These are human beings, moms and dads, young children, elders, who deserve our respect and dignity. They’re not cargo. They are not chattel. They’re human beings, just like you and me[.]

Indeed, they are. And, as Seth Christensen, Texas Division of Emergency Management’s Chief of Media and Communications, made clear,

the migrants were on a bus with air conditioning, and were provided with food, water, and security.

Abbott’s Press Secretary, Renea Eze:

Where was her [Lightfoot’s] outrage and condemnation of President Biden as he flew planeloads of migrants across the country and dropped them in communities in the cover of night?

Lightfoot is proudly a mayor of a sanctuary city, and she proudly proclaims all illegal aliens are as welcome as legal immigrants.

Now she’s complaining at the top of her lungs about having to care for these human beings, moms and dads, young children, elders when invited actually to honor her commitment of sanctuary for them.

Who is it who lacks morals?

My Advice

The Progressive-Democrats who are especially vulnerable to losing their (re)elections this fall are hiding away from/dodging/refusing to answer questions about their Party leader, President Joe Biden’s (D) characterization of half of us Americans as being “semi-fascists” and “threats to democracy.”

Fox News Digital reached out to each of the 21 Democrats running for re-election in districts considered “toss-ups,” as well as “lean” and “likely Republican,” and asked them whether they, like Biden, do not respect “MAGA Republicans” and whether they believe Republicans are a “threat” to democracy as the president has claimed. None of them responded.

My advice to Republican candidates, in those districts and everywhere else: keep asking that question of your opponent in every ad, in every debate, but don’t dwell on it. Turn immediately to identifying in concrete, measurable terms the failures in your immediate opponent’s policies, or the fact that he has no concrete policy on offer. Then finish with what you’ll push for, fight for, if elected, and do that in concrete, measurable terms. No more glittering generalities.

My advice to Dr Mehmet Oz (R, PA, Senate candidate) in particular: since your opponent, John Fetterman (D, PA, Lieutenant Governor and Senate candidate), won’t debate you, hold three public debates anyway, or all five of them that you have on offer, each time against an empty chair. Ask him/his chair about his inflammatory statements, and let the chair’s silence be his answer. Then talk, as just above, about what you’ll do, specifically, if elected, and ask the empty chair if he has any disagreement. Let the chair’s silence be his answer.

Rogue DoJ

President Joe Biden’s (D) Progressive-Democrat Attorney General Merrick Garland is trying to muzzle his Department personnel—by telling them not to talk to Congress without his prior permission.

[N]o department employee may communicate with Senators, Representatives, congressional committees, or congressional staff without advance coordination, consultation, and approval by OLA [Office of Legislative Affairs][.]

The trigger for Garland’s missive?

The memo comes as whistleblowers have flocked to Republican elected officials with whistleblower allegations of political bias….
Whistleblower reports allege that FBI senior officials forced their subordinates to sign false affidavits. Others have pointed to domestic terrorism probes of parents who objected to left-wing school board policies.

Not similar injunction, though, about telling them not to leak to the press.

“Putin Will Adapt”

In Holman Jenkins’ opinion piece in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal concerning Russian President Vladimir Putin’s energy war against Europe (as a secondary front in his war against Ukraine), he offered this regarding Europe’s stick-to-it-iveness vs Putin’s:

Mr Putin will quickly adapt once it’s proven to him Europe’s governing parties can’t knuckle under to Russian blackmail and retain their democratic viability.

If Europe doesn’t surrender in the face of Putin’s energy war, it will be the Russian people who feel the resulting economic, and other, pain.

Jenkins is incredibly naive to think Putin cares about that. He’ll persist until he is militarily driven out of Ukraine. And he’ll persist elsewhere for as long as he’s in power. The situation is all about Putin and his angst over the “greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century” and his obsession with redressing that.

Europe needs to defeat Putin in his energy war, not only to save themselves (and Ukraine) in the near term, but also to greatly mitigate the costs of Putin’s aggressively pushed obsession in the longer term.

Humane, Progressive-Democrat Style

President Joe Biden (D) and his administration constantly brag about how humane his No Southern Border immigration policy is.

Here is the realization of that humaneness.

Since the start of the federal government’s 2022 fiscal year last October, authorities have found 609 bodies on the U.S. side of the southern border, according to internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Washington Examiner and confirmed by three federal law enforcement officials.
The 609 figure is already higher than the 566 record set in all of 2021….

That compares with the previous administration’s Secured Southern Border immigration policy results.

This year’s current total is more than double the 300 bodies recovered in 2019 and 247 in 2020….

The raw, bland numbers mask the individual tragedies that go into them. For instance,

[a] young girl’s body being pulled from the water near El Paso, Texas last Monday. The river’s undercurrent had swept the girl from her mother’s arms. Both were from Guatemala.


[a] boy was killed separately near Eagle Pass, Texas in a similar drowning incident.


On Friday, US authorities found a 4-month-old infant and an 18-month-old toddler in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, which borders Mexico. Smugglers left the young children in the desert “to die[.]”


A 2-month-old infant who was also found is currently fighting for his life in critical condition.

This is what happens when Progressive-Democrats succeed in pushing their own policy of illegal alien immigration, all in the name of humaneness, a policy that actively encourages masses of people to trek across Mexico, risking the nation’s arid heat and the nation’s drug and human trafficking cartel population, in order to become illegal aliens in the US.

This is what Progressive-Democrats see as humane.