“Refuse to Enforce”

That’s the position of a large number of leftist District Attorneys regarding State abortion-related laws that are likely to take effect or get enacted if the Supreme Court, in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization, significantly restricts or overrules Roe v Wade. The DAs are going on record as saying they won’t enforce anti-abortion laws that might take effect.

District attorneys in metropolitan areas including Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, and San Antonio have said they won’t prosecute abortion providers or others, including those who assist a woman in obtaining the procedure.

Those aren’t the only regions, either. An Arizonan is running for District Attorney on her promise to refuse to enforce any Arizona anti-abortion law. A sitting DeKalb County, GA, District Attorney says she won’t prosecute abortion providers—Georgia law be damned, apparently, when it doesn’t suit her personal whim.

Object to anti-abortion laws if they disagree with them, certainly. DAs also should work to change those laws, if they disagree with them. But blithely disregard or disobey them?

Only the Left views laws as suggestions to be heeded or ignored at convenience.

DAs—officers of our governments—who ignore these laws or any others they find inconvenient are breaking those laws, and they’re violating their oaths of office.

Those are offenses worthy of prompt removal from office.

That’s Their Goal

The Progressive-Democratic Party is pushing bills in the House and Senate—the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act is the House version—that would attach price controls to gasoline sales. The Taxpayers Protection Alliance says, correctly, that such a move could lead to a return to the gas lines of the 1970s. That’s the period of then-President Richard Nixon’s (R) price control regime which he implemented in response to OPEC’s oil embargo against us.

But gasoline lines and limited supply of oil- and gas-based (and coal-based) energy are Party’s and President Joe Biden’s (D) purpose. Those are intended to drive us off hydrocarbon-based energy altogether in favor of the Left’s phantasmal “green energy” utopia.

Recall that Biden’s mentor and BFF, then-Presidential candidate Barack Obama (D) campaigned on a promise to apply regulations that would price coal plants completely out of business.

Recall that then-Presidential candidate Joe Biden (D) campaigned on a promise to end oil and gas production and force us onto solar- and wind-powered energy.

Recall that newly sworn President Joe Biden (D) canceled Keystone XL, a pipeline that would have brought 800,000 barrels of Canadian oil into the US for refining and supply. He then implemented Executive Orders and instructed his various Cabinet Departments to implement regulations that would severely inhibit domestic oil and gas production.

Recall that Biden still is having his Cabinets slow-walk leasing for oil and gas production on Federal lands, and is even slower-walking permits actually to do anything with those leases that are eventually granted.

What we have now is President Joe Biden (D) implementing his own oil embargo against us and his Party syndicate in Congress looking to tighten the embargo.

The Left’s Hysterics

Their hysteria seems manufactured, at least when it comes to abortion and their claimed “right” to it.

The radical leftist group Ruth Sent Us (radical left at least by national standards; on the political spectrum of the Left, they’re mainstream) has given that game away.

While crying out that Senate Majority Whip and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D, IL) has a conflict of interest between your Catholic faith and your role as Chair…with sole discretion to hold hearings into corrupt Catholic Justices, they demand that he

Announce televised hearings into the traitors and sexual assaulters on the Court [Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh]. Watch your power grow.

Watch your power grow. There’s the sum and total of it.

Another European Leader Visits

This time, it’s Portugal’s Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, who last Saturday walked the streets of Irpin, Ukraine, along with Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mykola Tochytsky. Irpin is a suburb on the northwestern edge of Kyiv and was savaged by the Russians during the barbarian’s occupation.

Where’s our President Joe Biden (D)? He went to eastern Asia, still determined to stay as far away from Ukraine as he can.

Typical of the Left

And a measure of how radical and extreme our nation’s Left has become, is New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s (D) op-ed, wherein she advertised her State’s protection of the “right” to abortion as an inducement for businesses to return.

A couple of letter-writers in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal Letters section are more accurate.

The humor in the governor’s invitation peaks with her description of the “freedom” and “respect” that New York offers its business communities. High tax, high cost, high crime—surely New York’s reputation speaks for itself? The joke may be on the governor.

But especially this:

New York’s Governor Hochul is angered at the possibility that her newborn granddaughter will inherit a “fight” to save abortion. Yet if she had taken advantage of Roe, her descendants would have avoided this fight simply because they would have ceased to exist. Ms Hochul is not fighting for her descendants to fall victim to abortion. She is fighting for yours to do so.