PRC Regulation of US-Listed PRC Companies

The Cyberspace Administration of China is moving to extend its regulation of PRC companies to include those listed on American exchanges. That’s all well and good; the US looks to regulate American companies that are listed on foreign exchanges.


All companies domiciled or headquartered in the People’s Republic of China became, formally, arms of the PRC’s intelligence community under that nation’s 2017 intelligence law.

No PRC company should be allowed to list on an American exchange, and those currently listed should be delisted.

Beyond that, no PRC company should be allowed to acquire, or gain a stake of any size in, any American company, nor should any PRC company be allowed to partner in any way with any American company.

The risks to the safety of intellectual property, the technology risks, the national security risks are simply too great.

There are Jobs…

There are Jobs…

…and there are jobs.

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler had this to say about President Joe Biden’s (D) “jobs” plan:

[He’s] doing a “masterful job aligning his cabinet secretaries in this messaging” about creating union jobs with taxpayer-funded infrastructure projects.

Notice that. Our tax payments are going to provide union jobs under the Biden plan, and this is a good thing, the union mucky-muck says.

No non-union jobs. No jobs funded by private enterprise in a free market economy. No hand-up type support for private enterprise to expand and create non-union (or union, come to that) jobs. Only government-funded union jobs for government-favored entities.

Keep this in mind in the fall of 2022 and again in 2024.

The PRC’s Plan for Conquering the RoC?

The People’s Republic of China has released the outline of its strategy for overrunning and conquering the Republic of China.

The Chinese state media released Beijing’s supposed plan of invading Taiwan….
The first step would be a sudden attack of Taiwanese military bases, followed by the second step of cruise-missile strikes on infrastructure. The third step was described as a bombardment of Taiwan by Chinese warships.

That willingness to destroy the RoC’s productivity, its economy, and that generalized bombing, which maximizes collateral damage and civilian casualties demonstrates the PRC’s lack of interest in gaining economic and technological advances, only in gaining territory and enslaving survivors.

This is what President Joe Biden’s (D) timidity globally and vis-à-vis the PRC particularly is producing. That weakness is potentiated by Biden’s emasculation of our own defense establishment, putting critical race nonsense, with its divisiveness and racism, ahead of combat and combat support strengthening.

At this point, fundamentally pacifist Japan is showing more courage, more willingness to fight to defend an ally than is the Biden administration. Japan’s State Minister of Defense Yasuhide Nakayama:

This mean[s] they are trying to surround all the Taiwan islands. … How do we solve this issue? One thing that we can do is we have to show deterrence towards China.

Amen, and pass the ammunition.

Who Are We Supposed to Believe…

…the press, or our lying eyes?

Recall how the NLMSM tried to argue—based on the claims of journalists’ toddler invisible friends—that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) and former President Donald Trump (R) were feuding over DeSantis’ decision to not attend Trump’s Florida rally during the recovery efforts of the collapsed condo in Surfside.

DeSantis promptly exposed the press’ lie, saying in so many words no feud existed or exists. DeSantis’ Press Secretary Christina Pushaw:

Contrary to inaccurate reporting based on anonymous sources, the Governor never suggested cancelling the event. I’d also like to emphasize that there was never, at any time, a “plea” from Governor DeSantis or anyone on his team to cancel or postpone the rally. There was never a “feud” either.

Trump has also called out the press’ lie:

The 45th president said on Monday [5 Jul], he and DeSantis had mutually agreed that the governor would not attend the rally.
Trump insisted DeSantis had a lot of work to do due to the risk of a tropical storm in Florida as well as the demolition works in Surfside.

Who should we believe, then—the NLMSM’s tooth fairy invisible friend, or on-the-record statements by the principals?

California Medicaid

It’s not only for US and California citizens. American taxpayers’ monies are not to be spent solely for American and California citizen benefit. Keep in mind, first, that a State’s Medicaid payments are not funded solely by the State’s taxpayers. The largest part of each payment comes from transfers by the Federal government of taxes paid by the taxpayers of all of the other States in our nation.

Here’s California’s latest move with your taxes:

California taxpayers will soon pay more in taxes to enroll more illegal immigrants in Medicaid, a plan that was part of a recently approved state budget. Younger illegal immigrants are already enrolled in Medicaid, SNAP, and other federally funded programs.
The plan proposed by California Democrats guarantees that low-income illegal immigrants older than age 50 will receive health insurance. Coverage would take effect in 2022 and cost taxpayers $1.3 billion per year.
It follows a $213 billion taxpayer-funded plan proposed in 2019 to allow low-income illegal immigrants between the ages of 19 and 25 to enroll in Medicaid. Democrats then estimated that adding 90,000 people to Medicaid would cost taxpayers $98 million per year.

Never mind that

nearly 3.2 million Californians remain uninsured, accounting for 9.5% of the state’s population, according to data from the University of California–Berkeley Labor Center.

They’re not that important.