Discretionary Spending

Much is made of the limits imposed on the Federal government’s discretionary spending by such “mandatory” spending items as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and interest on the national debt.  Indeed, after mandatory items—these three major items and a few others—discretionary spending amounts to only 33% of total Federal spending as of 2015.

This dichotomy, though, isn’t only misleading, it’s entirely wrong.  The fact is, nearly all of Federal spending is discretionary: Congress sets the spending levels everywhere, and it decides the things on which to spend nearly everywhere.  There are only three categories of spending that our Constitution requires of Congress: to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.  Even in these three mandatory areas, though, the amounts to be spent are left to the discretion of Congress, even if the requirement to pay the Debts implies a requirement to spend at least enough to keep the debts current if not actually to move the size toward zero, and even if the requirement to provide for the common Defence implies a requirement to spend at least enough to keep our defense establishment superior to all threats.  Even the requirement to spend for the general Welfare is limited to the 16 items enumerated in Article I, Section 8; here, too, the amounts actually to be spent are left to Congress’ discretion.

There is, then, no requirement for Congress to spend Federal monies—citizens’ tax money—on Social Security or Medicare and Medicaid.  And no Federal money should be spent on these items, which as of 2015, comprised 49%, or $1.8 trillion of the total $3.7 trillion in Federal spending.

Think about the uses to which that money could be put were Social Security and Medicare privatized and Americans allowed to be responsible for their own health and futures, rather than being required to spend their money on others’ current retirement and health costs.  Think about the effects of block granting Medicaid payments to the individual States and then annually reducing the size of those grants to zero, so that the States would be allowed to be responsible for their own budgets and their citizens could spend that money on themselves.

Think about how $1.8 trillion could be redirected: lower tax rates and less government spending, so that Americans could keep more of their own money to spend on their own imperatives, needs, and wants, and the effect of their being able to spend in a market in which the Federal government isn’t crowding out private enterprises, private buyers and sellers with government competition for the same goods and services.

Think about other redirections of those $1.8 trillion: keeping lowered spending less than lowered tax revenues and so eliminating Federal deficits: budget surpluses and a significant fraction of those $1.8 trillion could be redirected toward paying down our nation’s exploding debt.  Another significant fraction of those $1.8 trillion could be redirected toward rebuilding and then vastly improving our national defense establishment, so that we can, not merely match, but exceed and defeat the threats against us, defeat our enemies and friends’ and allies’ enemies acting on those threats.

Congress has the discretion to do all of these things; its spending decisions—its revenue decisions generally—are not limited to those $1.2 trillion misnamed “discretionary.”

Unfortunately, the present Government doesn’t trust its employers, We the People, collectively and individually, to see to our own needs and wants; Government insists on determining these for us.  This Government, too, doesn’t believe we need a very large defense establishment at all.  It prefers, instead, to retreat from the world stage, to talk to Russia about its aggressions in eastern Europe and the Middle East, to talk to the People’s Republic of China about its aggressions in the East and South China Seas.  This Government doesn’t even recognize the Islamic terrorist threat and their war actively being prosecuted against us.

This needs to change.  Every single bit of it.

Hostage Takers

As Florida state and local officials scramble to contain a Zika virus outbreak in Miami Beach—a serious threat to the region’s $24 billion-a-year tourism industry—congressional lawmakers from both parties continue to be locked in battle over a billion dollars in vital funding that experts say is needed to keep the virus from breaking out across America.

This is a misleading opening paragraph in the Fox News article.  Congress isn’t deadlocked.  The House already has passed a Zika funding bill.  Democrats in the Senate are blocking the bill over wholly unrelated matters: Planned Parenthood funding, which the Zika bill cuts off, and birth control funding in bankrupt Puerto Rico, which the Zika bill provides.

No, Democrats are holding the welfare of the citizens of Florida and Puerto Rico, and our citizens in the other States at risk, hostage both over Democrats’ fight to have Federally funded abortions and their hypocrisy in demanding health coverage providers provide premium-free birth control coverage while denying access to birth control in one of our territories.

Tony Blair Misunderstands

Great Britain’s Ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair has sensed danger from the Brits’ vote to leave the European Union.

Blair said in a Friday column in The Daily Telegraph that the future of the United Kingdom is at stake as the country faces negotiations on the terms of leaving the European Union.

Of course there’s danger—there always is when a change as large as this is embarked on.  But Great Britain didn’t get to be as great as it was and still is by being timid.  This move is a great opportunity for the nation, much more so than it is a risk, however real that risk is.

Blair also worried:

Britain is dangerously divided, with “profound dismay” felt by many of the 48 percent who wanted to remain in the EU.

He’s missing the other question, though: would Great Britain be any less divided had they voted to Remain?  Not a bit.

Look forward, not backward.


The People’s Republic of China now has the fastest supercomputer in the world.  In fact, it has the two fastest.  There’s more to it than this, too, as Horst Simon, Deputy Director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, noted:

The fact that every single piece is Chinese-made is huge.

side from minor matters like predicting the weather and the investment markets, these kinds of computers are useful in identifying and solving complex problems involved in design of equipment, weapons, defense weapons, collating intelligence information and making serious predictions based on that information, and on and on and on.

This is an area in which we can’t afford to lag.  Especially to trail our enemies.

More Pseudo-Keynes

Central Bankers now want governments to spend more and thereby increase their deficits and their nations’ debts in order to stimulate economies around the world.  At least they may finally be recognizing their own failure to manage the Panic of 2008 and the Panic’s ongoing aftermath.

Unfortunately, they choose not to recognize their own role, and that of governments, in worsening the Panic and prolonging the Panic’s recovery.  They ignore the difference, for instance, between the American Depression of 1920-21, which benefitted from a decided lack of government intervention, either by a Central Bank or by Government, and the American Great Depression, which was potentiated by a Central Bank’s screwed up behavior at the Depression’s outset and heavily extended by Government intervention in the middle of it.

Fed officials and counterparts in other central banks have already forced down interest rates and launched multiple rounds of asset purchases to spur an economic expansion.  Many say it’s past time for fiscal policy to step in and take advantage of low rates to funnel money into infrastructure and other projects.

Never mind that those low interest rates are artificial, and when they rise again, the added debt, together with existing debt, will become ruinously expensive even to keep current, much less actually to pay down.

Never mind that

[a]ging populations in developed countries are burdening public-pension programs and sparking fears that tomorrow’s labor force will be too small to pay off today’s debts.

That’s no idle fear.  Developed countries’ fertility rates generally are well below even replacement rates, which would simply maintain today’s worker-to-retiree ratio shortfall, not improve the ratio to economically sound levels.  The sole exceptions are the US, with a slightly below break-even ratio that’s covered by immigration (and could be better covered with immigration reform), and France, with a slightly above break-even ratio.  Government pension programs, whether for government work forces or public programs like our Social Security and Medicare programs (and the States’ Medicaid programs) are at considerable risk, not least because of that ratio.

Andrew Biggs, of the American Enterprise Institute, is on the right track:

…rising government debt will crowd out private investment, making less money available for businesses to invest.

On the other hand, folks like Doug Elmendorf, late of the CBO, and Louise Sheiner, of the Brookings Institution, are dead wrong.  They think that

ultralow interest rates should tip the scales in favor of more government borrowing and investment.

No.  These pseudo-Keynesian deficit spending policies—at any interest rate—are just excuses to keep expanding Government.  Aside from the interest on government debt—which will rise as surely as the sun—crowding out private spending (in favor of growing Government) by driving up the cost of money, including private borrowing for private economy investments; Government spending generally crowds out private spending (in favor of growing Government) by driving up the cost of goods and services and by competing for and absorbing resources that should be left to the private economy’s more efficient use.