Queen Michelle Lujan Grisham

New Mexico Reina Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has said the quiet part out loud: the solemn word of a Progressive-Democratic Party politician is worthless.

Reina Grisham has taken it upon herself to completely suspend our Constitution’s 2nd Amendment, and with that, she is actively barring the open or concealed carry of firearms in her realm, even by New Mexico citizen-subjects who are duly licensed to do so.

What’s also—and possibly more broadly—dangerous is that Grisham’s suspension demonstrates her belief that her oath of office is not absolute. She can walk away from any part of it whenever that oath, or anything her oath binds her to and to do, becomes inconvenient to her and/or to her politics. Here she is as plain as can be (listen to the whole four minutes, or scroll ahead to about 2:25):

No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute.

This is what the New Mexico constitution requires in the way of an oath of office. Article XX, Section 1:

Every person elected or appointed to any office shall, before entering upon his duties, take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation that he will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution and laws of this state, and that he will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of his office to the best of his ability.

She is required to support…the constitution and laws of this state. There is no caveat giving the governor of the State an out for whenever she doesn’t feel like keeping her oath. Further, that bit about faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of his office explicitly demands that the State’s constitution and laws be enforced fully; no part of either of them can be set aside whenever they become inconvenient to the governor.

With specific reference to our Federal Constitution’s 2nd Amendment, the New Mexico governor also is explicitly sworn to support the constitution of the United States, again without exception, caveat, or instance of inconvenience.

This is the degree of integrity of the members of the Progressive-Democratic Party. Grisham has made it explicit: Party member commitments, promises, even oaths of office are utterly worthless. They—each of them—will walk away from their promises the moment that promise becomes personally or politically inconvenient to them.

Oh, and one more thing. This is what Article IV, Section 36, of New Mexico’s constitution says about impeachable offenses:

All state officers and judges of the district court shall be liable to impeachment for crimes, misdemeanors and malfeasance in office….

Grisham’s conscious, deliberate violation of her oath of office is, very clearly, malfeasance in office, and so she is plainly impeachable and convictable for her violation. However, with strong Progressive-Democratic Party majorities in both houses of the New Mexico legislature, that will never happen.

To The Extent That’s True…

Progressive-Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams claims to be worried about the destruction of New York City by the illegal alien migrant (Adams’ term) “crisis.”

Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this. I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City. We’re getting 10,000 migrants a month.

Along with a total of 110,000 illegal aliens coming into the city over the last year, plus.

One hundred ten thousand illegal aliens pour across our southern border in a couple of weeks—that’s what the small, non-sanctuary cities along our southern border are faced with routinely.

…it’s been brought on by none other than Adams himself with his proudly supported sanctuary city status and his resulting open invitation to all illegal aliens to come ahead on into the city.

Were Adams serious about the fate of NYC, he’d end the city’s sanctuary city status, end his open invitation to illegal aliens, and bar them from the city’s and the State’s welfare programs (as far as he can within State law). He’d be moving to support their prompt deportation, instead.

Wrong Emphasis

The lede says it all.

The Biden administration and its European allies are laying plans for long-term military assistance to Ukraine to ensure Russia won’t be able to win on the battlefield and persuade the Kremlin that Western support for Kyiv won’t waver.

There’s no interest in the Biden administration or those European allies that are safely removed from the Russian border, insulated as they are (they think) by the eastern European nations who directly face the barbarian threat, to provide the prompt and extensive aid that Ukraine needs actually to win on the battlefield.

Biden’s, et al., decision merely to seek to prevent barbarian victory is crass, cynical, and just as barbaric as the Russian invasion, since all the decision does is prolong fighting and the resulting damage to Ukraine and increase the killings and maimings of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians—especially despicably, the killings and maimings and rapes of Ukrainian women and children.

The goal is to make sure Ukraine will be strong enough in the future to deter Russia from attacking it again. More immediately, Ukraine’s Western allies hope to discourage the Kremlin from thinking it can wait out the Biden administration….

This would be risible were it not so disgusting. Ukraine must first win before there can be any concern for deter[ing] Russia from attacking it again.

More immediately, there’d be no need to wait out the Biden administration were Biden to stop slow-walking and outright blocking delivery to Ukraine the weapons, ammunition, and supplies it needs to win outright.

What Biden Hath Wrought

Here are some data, and some perspective, regarding what President Joe Biden (D) has done with his destructive immigration policies and their intrinsic open invitation to illegal immigrants to come ahead on and flood into our nation.

  • 6 million illegal aliens crossing our southern border since Biden took office
  • 6 million, nearly 20% of that total, gotaways—illegal aliens detected crossing our border illegally but who escaped capture and arrest
  • May of this year: more than 240,000 illegal border crossers, including at least 60,327 gotaways
  • June: at least 175,000 illegal border crossers were reported, including 50,000 gotaways
  • July: at least 200,500 illegal border crossers were reported including 27,000 gotaways
  • Those 8.6 million illegal aliens are equivalent to
    • estimated individual populations of 38 American States
    • more than all US cities except New York City
    • all American counties except Los Angeles County
    • the populations of over 120 countries
  • Those gotaways alone are more than the individual populations of 11 American States

That’s just the broad characterization of the illegal aliens. Of particular concern to me are those gotaways. Given that our border agents have succeeded in catching, at border stations, a few hundred who were on terrorist watch lists, and several hundred who have records of violent crimes—rape and murder—and who have records of child abuse and child rape, it’s especially concerning that we have no idea how many terrorists, violent criminals (or any other sort of criminals), and child molesters are among the gotaways. Or, to add another category not mentioned in Just the News‘ article, how many Peoples Republic of China, Russia, Iran, northern Korea spies are among the gotaways.

Biden and the Progressive-Democratic Party that supports him don’t care about our border security; they don’t care about our borders. With all that implies regarding our nation’s security.

Whither Germany?

Or maybe it’s quo vadis, Germania? It seems that a number of German daycare centers have set up “sexual exploration rooms,” for the children entrusted to their “care.” The German newspaper Die Welt has the…sad…report. It’s behind a paywall, so I’m only quoting the headline and lede paragraph. Otherwise, I’m relying on Not the Bee‘s reporting. The lede image is quite graphic (not copied here; it’s NSFW—German nudity taboos are looser than ours).

Wo Männer Babys gebären und „Mann und Frau“ tabu sind
Stand: 24.08.2023 | Lesedauer: 6 Minuten
Von Till-Reimer Stoldt
Auf dem Foto sieht man Handpuppen mit extrem ungewöhnlich kombinierten Geschlechtsmerkmalen – die eine mit Bart und Busen, die andere mit Vulva ohne Busen. Sie stammen aus Deutschlands einzigem Studiengang zu „Angewandter Sexualwissenschaft“ in Merseburg
Ob Masturbationsräume in Kitas oder Werbung für Geschlechtsumwandlung in Schulen – in den Bundesländern hat sich eine kleine genderpolitische Revolution ereignet. Ganz vorn dabei: Nordrhein-Westfalen. Nur eine Partei protestiert gegen gebärende Männer. Und Eltern haben Mitspracherechte.

That translates to

Where men give birth to babies and “man and woman” are taboo
Status: 08/24/2023 | Reading time: 6 minutes
By Till Reimer Stoldt
In the photo [the lede image mentioned above] you can see hand puppets with an extremely unusual combination of sex characteristics—one with a beard and breasts, the other with a vulva without breasts. They come from Germany’s only course in “Applied Sexology” in Merseburg.
Whether it’s masturbation rooms in day-care centers or advertising for gender reassignment in schools—a small gender-political revolution has taken place in the federal states. At the forefront: North Rhine-Westphalia. Only one party protests against men giving birth. And parents have a say.

NtB cites Fox News for this part:

Die Welt reported that one daycare in Kerpen [in North Rhine-Westphalia, a few miles west of Köln] offers children the “freedom to try out childish sexuality.” The daycare also said that sexual self-pleasure on its property is of “great importance,” insisting that “masturbation is normal.”

NtB reports that the day care centers have some rules, though:

  1. Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games.
  2. All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place.
  3. Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children.
  4. No child hurts another.
  5. No child sticks anything into another child’s body openings (bottom, vulva, mouth, nose, ear) or licks another child’s body.
  6. The age gap of the children involved is at most 2 years.
  7. Older children, young people, and adults are not allowed to take part in the doctor games.
  8. You can say “stop” at any time and will always be respected.
  9. Asking for help is not snitching.
  10. If there are not enough educational staff to ensure compliance with the rules, there may be restrictions on play, g., children are not allowed to go naked.

Well, that’s all right, then.

No, it isn’t.

NtB also reports that

a spokesperson for the Ministry of Education in the Lower Saxony state capital said, “The educational concept in this form endangers the well-being of the child.”
Later, the head of the nursery group’s management company stated that their head office had not approved the letter [announcing the special rooms and their purpose] sent to parents, and the kindergarten has since canceled the project.

It’s still not all right. This sort of thing never should have gotten this far, and to date, there’s no indication that the fools who dreamed up this sewage and started to implement it have been fired and had whatever licenses they might have held canceled with prejudice.

This is the degradation of Germany.