Government Attacks on Us Citizens

First, it was Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland agreeing with a National School Boards Association letter to him labeling American parents who object to school board decisions regarding sexualizing their children’s education as domestic terrorists and his subsequent ordering an FBI investigation into our parents. The NSBA has since retracted the letter, and Garland insists he meant no such thing, but where is the evidence that he’s called off the FBI’s investigation, or that the FBI has stopped?

Then it was Biden’s DoJ’s FBI memorializing in an internal memo the FBI’s position that traditional Catholics should be considered, and treated consonantly, to be in the same category as violent extremists. FBI Director Chris Wray has since claimed to have ordered the memo’s rescission, but where is the evidence the FBI isn’t still investigating traditional Catholics—or any other Catholics, or any group of Americans of any other religious adherence?

Now it’s Biden’s Department of Homeland Security. The subheadline says it:

Clergy, spouses, bartenders should keep tabs on “middle-aged” women who are “increasingly fervent” against abortion, white men who rant about government online and go to rallies, domestic terrorism materials say.

This tab-keeping actually is an older assault, dating from 2021, but they’re only now being exposed, pursuant to an FOIA request by America First Legal.  The “concerns” are the outcome of a series of Choose Your Own Adventure videos intended by DHS to instruct us ignorant American citizens in identifying and mitigating “radicalization and potential violence.” Because pro-life Americans, along with white male Americans who disagree with the government and attend political candidate (or other) rallies, and (divorced) mothers suspecting government connections to child abuse and trafficking are domestic terrorists.

JtN notes that it’s not clear whether DHS ever actually made the videos, but DHS didn’t respond to JtN‘s Sunday (7 May) requests for comment. DHS’ decision to remain silent on the matter emphasizes the lack of clarity of whether the department did not make the videos or, more importantly, whether the department is acting sub rosa on the information garnered during the proposal stage.

This is part and parcel with Progressive-Democratic Party members constantly deriding the concept of MAGA—we’re all MAGA extremists, or MAGA Republicans—in their disdain for the concept of Making America Great Again. Instead, it’s disagree in any way with the Progressive-Democratic Party-run government and be labeled, in one form or another, an Enemy of the State.

Elections do, indeed, have consequences, and we need to inflict some in the fall of 2024.

In Which Riley Gaines is Right

Riley Gaines thinks the only way left for women to protect their sports and their sports programs, to go back to being able to compete on even ground, is to boycott competitions in which a trans athlete(s) is competing, and to be joined by their coaches in the boycott.

We have to have girls who, when the whistle blows, they don’t run, they don’t swim. They stand up on the block and they don’t go[.]

I think this will get worse before it gets better. How many girls have to be injured playing against a male, how many girls have to lose out on scholarships and trophies and titles? How many girls have to feel violated in the locker room?

Progressive-Democrat House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D, NY) gives the lie to Party’s and its Leftist supporters’ “argument” against barring trans athletes from women’s sports with his smear against MAGA (Make America Great Again) and Republicans, using those terms as some sort of condemnation:

MAGA Republicans are trying to sensationalize an issue that doesn’t really exist in the way that they are falsely portraying[.]

He deepens his lie by claiming that the problem with biological men competing in women’s sports isn’t a problem.

Trans athletes and their Progressive-Democratic Party supporters could make a better case, or at least an honest one, by arguing, under Title IX, for requiring sports programs already receiving Federal money (which is to say, receiving the tax dollars remitted to the Federal government by us citizens, and then transferred to those programs) and which already have separate men’s and women’s sports programs to have, also, substantially equally funded and supported trans athlete sports programs.

The better solution, and one which likely would have broad bipartisan support (depending on the actual details), would be to amend Title IX, which already mandates program separation based on biological sex, to explicitly include a third separation, trans.

A Red Flag Law

This one waiting to be signed by Michigan’s Progressive-Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

A judge would have 24 hours to decide on a temporary extreme risk protection order after a request is filed. If granted, the judge would then have 14 days to set a hearing during which the flagged person would have to prove they do not pose a significant risk. A standard order would last one year.
Lying to a court when petitioning for a protection order would be a misdemeanor punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a $500 fine.

The law starts out being unconstitutional: the flagged person would have to prove they do not pose a significant risk. No. As with all other moves to limit an individual liberty or to circumscribe an individual right, it must be on Government to prove the “flagged person” is a risk.

Then, since the matter is claimed to be urgent, the court should be required to complete its adjudication within an additional 24 hours after having granted the temporary order.

Beyond that, the sanction for dishonestly petitioning for a red flag order must not be left to the wrist slap of a misdemeanor punishment. Falsely petitioning for a red flag order should carry a jail sentence—not reducible—of one year, the same duration of the red flag sanction if a petition is upheld.

And one item not addressed in this red flag law proposal, or in any of the others: the police department that took possession of the weapons on execution of the temporary extreme risk protection order must produce them in court, and in the event Government fails to make its case of significant risk, release them to the now no longer flagged person on the spot.

There also are no protections for the rights of other members of the “flagged person’s” household regarding their lawfully possessed weapons. Those weapons also are subject to seizure under the Michigan red flag law and other such laws. That seizure is an unconstitutional infringement of the non-flagged persons’ right to keep and bear Arms.

As with all the red flag laws on the books or currently proposed, this one is fatally flawed and a deliberate attack on our Constitution’s Second Amendment.

The Joe Biden Version of Immigration Reform

Now the CBP is being ordered by the Biden administration to release illegal aliens into our nation’s interior on illegals’ lick and promise: their “Notice to Appear/Warrant to Appear” forms with immigration court dates no earlier than 2026. Apparently, this is to clear the border of the current buildup in preparation for the even larger flood that’s building in anticipation of the removal of the last of the Title 42 restrictions later this week.

The Center Square obtained documents provided in a packet to foreign nationals who were processed by Border Patrol agents in Brownsville, Texas, were released and later apprehended in Jackson County, 260 miles north. Highway 59 is a major human smuggling route where an Operation Lone Star Task Force is operating to interdict criminals.

Jackson County Sheriff Kelly Janica and his deputies have made a number of arrests of illegal aliens, but he’s had to release them all because CBP won’t—can’t, isn’t allowed to—come get them so long as they have those Notices/Warrants. For instance,

one of his deputies noticed a silver Toyota Tundra heading north on Highway 59 with five people sitting in the bed of the truck. The deputy pulled over the vehicle believing the group to be foreign nationals being smuggled north from the border.
The deputy asked if all the occupants in the vehicle were in the US legally and the driver said they were family members from Honduras who they picked up in Brownsville, Texas, and were driving to North Carolina.
All 11 being transported had Honduran identification cards or passports and were between the ages of 5 and 73, including four men and four women each, two boys, and one teenage girl. Three were minors, ages 5, 9, and 16.
They all had manila envelopes including “Notice to Appear/Warrant to Appear” papers, which are what Border Patrol agents give foreign nationals when they release them into the US.

Under normal circumstances, if federal law were being enforced, Janica said his deputy would have arrested the driver and front passenger and they would’ve been charged with human smuggling. The reason they couldn’t arrest them is because Border Patrol said they wouldn’t come and get them; a court date in 2026 was enough to release them, he said.

Biden is having illegal aliens released into our nation with court dates—but the illegals don’t have to appear in court to answer for their illegal entry for three years. At the earliest. This is aiding and abetting the crime of illegal entry into our nation.

A Discussion with ChatGPT re Climate

Eric Hines: Is rising atmospheric CO2 a threat to humanity?

ChatGPT: The rising atmospheric CO2 concentration is a threat to humanity in several ways. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. The increase in CO2 emissions is the primary cause of global warming, which is leading to a range of harmful effects, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of biodiversity.

Rising CO2 levels also have direct effects on human health. High levels of CO2 in the air can cause headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and other health problems. Furthermore, as temperatures rise, there will be an increase in the incidence of heat waves and related health problems, including heat exhaustion, dehydration, and heat stroke.

In addition to the direct effects on human health and the environment, rising CO2 levels can have significant economic and societal impacts. For example, the increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events can damage infrastructure and disrupt supply chains, leading to higher costs and reduced economic activity. The loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services can also have significant economic and societal consequences.

Therefore, it is important to address the issue of rising atmospheric CO2 levels and take steps to mitigate its effects on the environment, human health, and the economy. This can include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to cleaner energy sources, and promoting sustainable practices.

EH: What level of atmospheric CO2 is required to cause headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and other health problems?

ChatGPT: The levels of atmospheric CO2 required to cause headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and other health problems can vary depending on the individual’s sensitivity and exposure time. However, in general, indoor CO2 levels above 1,000 ppm (parts per million) can cause discomfort, headaches, and reduced cognitive function in some individuals, especially in poorly ventilated spaces.

In some studies, indoor CO2 concentrations above 2,000 ppm have been associated with increased sleepiness, decreased concentration, and reduced work performance. Concentrations above 5,000 ppm can cause more severe symptoms, including nausea, dizziness, and unconsciousness. However, it’s worth noting that outdoor CO2 levels are typically much lower than indoor levels and are unlikely to cause health problems on their own.

It’s important to note that CO2 levels are just one factor in indoor air quality and overall health. Other pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter, can also contribute to poor indoor air quality and related health problems. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain good ventilation and air quality in indoor spaces to ensure the health and well-being of occupants.

EH: What is the current level of atmospheric CO2 concentration?

ChatGPT: As of the latest available data, the current level of atmospheric CO2 concentration is approximately 416 ppm (parts per million) as measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. This is a significant increase from pre-industrial levels, which were around 280 ppm. The increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing steadily since the industrial revolution, and the rate of increase has been accelerating in recent decades. The current level of atmospheric CO2 concentration is the highest it has been in at least 800,000 years, based on measurements from ice cores.

The rising CO2 levels are a major concern because of their contribution to global warming and climate change, which can have significant environmental, social, and economic impacts. Therefore, it is important to continue monitoring and addressing the issue of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations to mitigate its effects on the environment and human health.

EH: Is global warming itself a threat to humanity?

ChatGPT: Global warming is indeed a threat to humanity and has the potential to cause significant environmental, social, and economic impacts. The increase in global temperatures caused by rising levels of greenhouse gases, including CO2, is leading to a range of harmful effects, including:

  1. Increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, and hurricanes, leading to loss of life, property damage, and displacement of populations.
  2. Rising sea levels caused by melting glaciers and ice sheets, leading to flooding of coastal areas and displacement of populations.
  3. Changes in precipitation patterns, leading to water scarcity and food insecurity in some regions.
  4. Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, leading to a range of environmental and societal impacts.
  5. Health impacts from exposure to extreme heat, air pollution, and the spread of vector-borne diseases.
  6. Economic impacts from disruptions to agriculture, infrastructure, and supply chains.

These are just some of the potential impacts of global warming, and they can have significant and far-reaching consequences for humanity and the planet.

Therefore, it is crucial to address the issue of global warming and take steps to mitigate its effects, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to cleaner energy sources, promoting sustainable practices, and adapting to the changing climate. By doing so, we can reduce the risks and impacts of global warming and help ensure a sustainable future for all.

EH: How do you reconcile all of the foregoing with the following facts:

  1. 11,000 years after the end of the last Ice Age, we’re still cooler than the geologic planetary warming trend line
  2. Ice cores taken from opposite ends of Earth–Greenland and Antarctica–that reach back 400,000 years indicate that atmospheric CO2 concentration is coincident with or lags planetary warming
  3. There are many long epochs in Earth’s geologic history when the planet was much warmer than today, and life was lush
  4. There are many long epochs in Earth’s geologic history when the planet’s atmospheric CO2 concentration was much higher than today, and life was lush
  5. Those epochs do not correlate with each other at all, and each atmospheric CO2 epoch covered periods when Earth was much warmer and when Earth was much colder than today.

ChatGPT: It is true that the Earth’s climate has changed throughout its history and has undergone periods of warming and cooling, sometimes associated with changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, it is important to note that the current rate of warming is much faster than any natural climate change that has occurred in the past, and that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are the primary cause of the current increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

Regarding your specific points:

  1. While the Earth is still cooler than the geologic planetary warming trend line, the current rate of warming is much faster than any natural climate change in the past.
  2. While it is true that ice core data shows that atmospheric CO2 concentrations have often coincided with or lagged behind planetary warming in the past, it is also important to note that this does not negate the fact that increased atmospheric CO2 levels contribute to global warming. Moreover, the current rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is much faster than any natural variability that has been observed in the ice core records.
  3. It is true that the Earth has undergone periods of warming and cooling in the past, and some of these periods have been associated with flourishing life. However, it is important to recognize that the current rate of warming is happening much faster than any past natural climate change, and this rapid change can pose a threat to current ecosystems and biodiversity.
  4. While it is true that life has thrived during periods of high atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the past, it is important to recognize that ecosystems are adapted to current conditions, and rapid changes in temperature and precipitation can lead to disruptions in these ecosystems.
  5. It is true that there have been epochs when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were high and the Earth was both warmer and colder than it is today. However, it is important to recognize that these past climate changes occurred over long time periods, allowing ecosystems to adapt gradually. The current rate of climate change is much faster than any natural climate change in the past, and ecosystems may not have enough time to adapt to these rapid changes.

In summary, while it is true that the Earth’s climate has changed in the past, the current rate of climate change is happening much faster than any natural climate change in the past, and human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are the primary cause of the current increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Therefore, it is important to take action to mitigate the effects of climate change and promote sustainable practices to ensure a habitable planet for future generations.

Discussion ends.

ChatGPT’s desperation to sell the threat of global warming and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration is palpable—it’s all going so fast!—while ignoring human penchant for technology advances and protections.

I didn’t press it on the fact that so many of his “threats” to humanity from global warming itself are inconveniences (often serious) rather than actual threats, and the others are not substantiated, for instance by the expanding number of plant and animal species that continue to be discovered from the Amazon jungle to bottom (and I do mean bottom) of Earth’s oceans.

The AI already was in over its CPU.