Did He Do It?

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley stands accused by the journalists Bob Woodward and his co-author Robert Costa of having made apparently treasonous calls to his counterpart in the People’s Republic of China government to assure them that an attack was not imminent and promising to give them a heads up if the US were about to attack.

He’s also accused by these journalists of having illegally inserted himself into the chain of command, instructing the generals involved to not act on the Commander-in-Chief’s (i.e., the President of the United States) order to launch our nuclear weapons under any circumstance without first involving him, Milley, in the decision.

These are plainly treasonous actions, and Milley deserves serious sanctions, as do those Generals who meekly went along with his illegal actions.

If Milley did the deeds.

However, the accusations are made by journalists who chose to cite only unnamed, carefully hidden, sources. Two hundred of them.

Which raises the question, as put by Huntsman, a logistician and founder of Fortis Analysis:

I want to know about the 200 sources who apparently corroborate this account about Milley and the PLA…
….And subsequently didn’t step forward to report it.
They leaked to Woodward, but didn’t say boo until now?
Something is way off here.

In addition to that, I want to know why Woodward and Costa, individually or together, chose to sit on these seemingly treasonous actions until they were ready to release their book and make some bucks.

Maybe the something is that the “sources” don’t exist. Maybe the something—8-10 months after the supposed deeds occurred—was intended to keep alive the Irrational Trump idea that is the lead conspiracy theory of the Left. And a source of book sales.


H/t Ralph Schwartz


Our Surgeon General has let the cat out of the bag. Again, regarding the cat.

Centering his remarks on vaccination against the Wuhan Virus and President Joe Biden’s (D) edict that we must all take the vaccine—because it’s not about freedom or personal choice—Vivek Murthy had this to say regarding exemptions to that edict:

Unfortunately, as a country, we have experience in dealing with exemptions….

Because what Progressive-Democrats want in their all-governing, heavily intrusive reign is one-size-fits-all rule, no exceptions. Ever.

Some CDC Data

…regarding the Wuhan Virus and vaccinated vs not being vaccinated.

[U]nvaccinated people face a far greater chance of death from the COVID-19 delta variant, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control.
The study monitored incident of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in 13 US jurisdictions during two periods between April 4 and July 17 in 2021. Findings showed that numbers for all categories were “substantially” higher in persons not fully vaccinated compared with those in fully vaccinated people.
After the second period, which occurred between June 20 and July 17, the study noted that not fully vaccinated individuals are 4.5 times more likely to get infected (89.1 per 100,000 vs 19.4), 10 times more likely to be hospitalized (7.0 per 100,000 vs 0.7) and 11 times more likely to die (1.1 per 100,000 vs 0.1) from the delta variant.

These data collections were done while the supposedly more dangerous Delta variant was (and still is) the dominant version of the virus.

Looked at another way, the rates for the fully vaccinated getting infected, being hospitalized, or dying are 0.0194%, 0.0007%, and 0.0001%, respectively.

The corresponding rates for the unvaccinated are 0.0891%, 0.007%, and 0.0011%, respectively.

It’s curious that the CDC chose to emphasize the fact that, arithmetically, the rates for the unvaccinated are 4.5 times, 10 times, and 11 times greater than for the vaccinated rather than the fact that the raw numbers clearly show that even those multiples of almost zero still are right next to zero.

The Wuhan Virus just isn’t that dangerous, but that simple fact contradicts the Progressive-Democrat administration’s narrative and gives the lie to their claim of a need for mask and vaccine mandates—for Government control.

The vaccine does produce those improvements, and I continue to recommend it, but as with most of my advice, the cost of not heeding my words is…right next to zero.

The Correct Way

The People’s Republic of China demands that the Republic of China be referred to, exclusively, as Taiwan, Province of China.

A large number of institutions cravenly go along with that, solely for their personal political gain, including—especially shamefully—an American high school.

Colorado’s Regis Jesuit High School applied for credentials to attend the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

The purpose of attending was to give some students a taste of foreign affairs.

That’s when the PRC, a member of that commission, instructed the school to mend its ways. The PRC, through that commission, instructed the school to “fix” an obscure reference to the RoC on its Web site:

…modify[] it to “Taiwan, Province of China.”

Christina Vela, the Spanish teacher responsible for the application, meekly complied—and she got her school permitted to attend the commission. What a lesson in foreign affairs that process was.

Nor was this American high school alone in its obsequiousness.

China cited improper Taiwan terminology to stall applications from at least six other groups, including the World Bicycle Industry Association, a French nature society called the Association of 3 Hedgehogs and For All Moonkind, a volunteer team of space lawyers trying to preserve lunar landing sites so they don’t become tourist traps in the far-off future.

Iain Patton, Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges CEO, another organization seeking permission to attend the commission, added Province of China some of the group’s Web site references after being told to do so by the commission.

We did it because we’re intent on getting in and influencing that [UN] system from within.

Left entirely unaddressed is how Patton or his organization expect to influence “the system” from within when his first act is to timidly succumb to that system’s diktat.

On the other hand, the PRC’s UN representative Zhang Zhe, makes the case (albeit unintentionally) for not “correcting” references to the RoC.

“…sovereignty and territorial integrity of UN member states” is a core UN principle, so “using correct terminology is one of the most basic criteria for submitting applications.”

Indeed, and the logic applies, also, to nations not members of the UN, including nations like the Republic of China which was so shamefully and spinelessly expelled from the UN’s Security Council and then from the UN altogether.

Thus, the correct way to write the name of the nation that’s on the island of Taiwan is “Republic of China.”

Full stop.

A Couple Perspectives

The contrast between them illustrates on the one hand the artificial nature of the hysteria that surrounds the risk of the Wuhan Virus, including its Delta variant, and on the other hand the very real risk to our children in the lawlessness in our (Progressive-Democrat-run) cities.

Over the course of 2021, more minors have been shot in Chicago than have died of [Wuhan Virus] in all of the United States, according to data from police and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
A total of 214 children 17 years old or younger have died of [Wuhan Virus] so far this year in the country. Comparatively, Chicago police told FOX 32 Chicago earlier this week that 261 children have been shot—41 of whom have died.

The endemic nature of the lack of law enforcement in Chicago (for example) is real and ignored. The endemic nature of the Wuhan Virus in children (and healthy adults, too) is artificial and hyped.