Abraham Accords

Allegedly—only allegedly—some peace deals might have been brokered by the Trump-Pence administration, with administration senior advisor Jared Kushner’s critical help.

But President Biden-Harris aren’t convinced. Ze said through White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki that

we don’t think they [the Trump administration] did anything constructive really to bring an end to the longstanding conflict in the Middle East[.]

Apparently, the Abraham Accords, bilateral peace deals between Israel and each of four used-to-be Arab enemies, are only figments of the fetid imaginations of President Joe Biden (D) and Co-President Kamala Harris (D). This is the disconnect from reality in the White House that our nation is saddled with.

Demanding Surrender

While Hamas increases its terrorist rocket attacks on Israel’s population centers—explicitly targeting civilian women and children with the targeting—and Israel increases its active defense against Hamas’ terrorism—while at the same time, warning the occupants of targeted buildings, including the terrorists therein, of the impending attacks—the Biden-Harris administration is stepping up its pressure on the Israeli government to come to a cease fire.

Since it isn’t possible for the Israelis to contemplate a cease fire until the terrorists cease firing, this amounts to Biden-Harris pressure on Netanyahu to surrender to Hamas.

This is a despicable Progressive-Democrat betrayal of our strongest ally in the Middle East and one of our strongest allies anywhere in the world—especially since Hamas’ purpose, and that of Hamas’ master, Iran, is not to force Israel to give them anything, but to achieve the utter destruction of Israel and the extermination of Jews. That purpose is well-known to the Progressive-Democrats, but it doesn’t matter to them.

At least, though, Biden-Harris is setting an example for Netanyahu. Biden-Harris has lifted bars to construction of Nordstream 2 and removed associated sanctions against Russian companies and government officials—ze’s own abject surrender to Russia.

It’s telling that Biden-Harris’ meekness in front of Vladimir Putin comes on the heels of a Russian entity hacking into a major US oil pipeline and shutting down 45% of the fuel deliveries to the east coast—until tribute ransom was paid (itself a disgusting display of abject cowardice that only increases the danger to us all).

Update: He’s gone ahead and done it. Biden has forced Netanyahu to call an end to Israel’s defense against Hamas’ terrorist attacks by agreeing an unconditional cease-fire, ostensibly brokered by Egypt (which has brokered similar deals in the past).

With this cease-fire, Israel has been forced to call off its active defense before it has reduced Hamas’ ability to assault Israeli women and children ever again.

Oh, when Biden announced the agreement, he had many pretty words about the US always standing with Israel, many flowery phrases nicely averring Israel’s right to defend itself.

But the bottom line is that Israel has been forced by Biden to stop defending itself before its task was finished, before Israel had achieved its goals of destroying Hamas’ weapons caches and launch facilities and of eliminating Hamas’ terrorist leaders.

“Merely as Districts”

Recall the spendiferous $1.9 trillion bill enacted in March that President Joe Biden (D) and his fellow Progressive-Democrats have been pleased to call their “American Rescue Plan.” This enactment included funding explicitly for the States. Recall further that this…plan…seeks to bar recipient States from reducing their own tax rates as a condition of receiving the money.

…can’t use their share of the funds to “directly or indirectly offset a reduction” in “net tax revenue.”

Ohio demurred from that Federal intrusion into State prerogatives, as those prerogatives are made explicit in our Constitution’s 10th Amendment.

It’s possible that the Biden administration will lose on Constitutional grounds, as the Editors noted at the end of their piece, which centered on a Federal trial judge’s ruling allowing Ohio’s suit to go forward:

[I]n a preliminary opinion last week, federal Judge Douglas Cole found the state has a “substantial likelihood of success on that [Spending Clause] argument.”

But this is just an early skirmish in the Progressive-Democrats’ war on our federal republican system of governance. After all, this is the position of Biden and his brethren:

It is my first wish to see the United States assume and merit the character of one great nation, whose territory is divided into different States merely for more convenient government and the more easy and prompt administration of justice, just as our several States are divided into counties and townships for the like purpose.


…one of the first wishes of my heart, viz., to see the people of America become one nation in every respect; for, as to the separate [state] legislatures, I would have them considered, with relation to the Confederacy, in the same light in which counties stand to the State of which they are parts, viz., merely as districts to facilitate the purposes of domestic order and good government….

No, wait—that was John Jay, both times, regarding the power he wanted in our then nascent central government prior to the Constitutional Convention.

Biden is just bent on reviving that. Americans successfully defeated Jay in those early days. We Americans need to defeat the Progressive-Democrats’ assault today.

Inflation Expectations

We consumers have them, and The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board ran one of their own in their Sunday piece. They also published the graph below, depicting consumer inflation expectations for the nearby future, originated by the University of Michigan’s Survey of Consumers.

Notice that. Between 2015, when the Obama “recovery” from the Panic of 2008 finally began to take hold, and 2021, when the Biden administration took office and renewed Jerome Powell’s and the rest of the Fed’s management team DOC, consumer inflation expectations remained remarkably steady in the range 2%-3%, just a skosh above the Fed’s currently claimed 2% target inflation rate.

Of course, those six years were in the face of the Fed’s artificial suppression of interest rates. Interest rates are a major driver of inflation.

However, with the Fed insisting on continuing to artificially suppress interest rates, now coupled with the Biden/Pelosi/Schumer-led Progressive-Democrat spending spree—a “checks in the checkbook, money still in the account” binge that makes Obama, and Trump, look like misers—and the resulting Federal deficit and national debt explosion, us consumers are recognizing that the money flood will override the interest rate suppression.

Because, in the end, inflation is always and everywhere a money phenomenon, not an interest rate one.

It’s possible that American consumers aren’t as dumb as our Central Bankers, enclosed in their own Beltway Bubble, make us out to be.

How Does This Work, Exactly?

In a Thursday article concerning Colonial Pipeline apparently paying ransom to get their systems back online the Wall Street Journal‘s writers let this tidbit slip.

Bloomberg reported earlier Thursday that Colonial had paid the hackers a sum of nearly $5 million, and that the decryption tool ultimately wasn’t effective in restoring operations. Instead, Colonial was able to recover by relying on system backups, Bloomberg reported.

Which raises two questions. If Bloomberg‘s reporting is accurate,

  • Where were Colonial’s CEO, COO, and CIO that they allowed the hack to occur in the first place?
  • Where were Colonial’s CEO, COO, and CIO that they didn’t go to those backups right away instead of rewarding their attackers for the privilege of being their victim?

Colonial management’s apparent cowardice not only serves to expose their company to further extortion, it exposes their peers in the industry and businesses everywhere to this sort of extortion.

Just as bad is the Biden administration’s timid response. The longstanding (not just under this administration) vulnerability of all of our nation’s financial, power, water, fuel infrastructure, coupled with Biden’s ducking away from the current attack (it’s a private matter), exposes our nation to state-level attack and crushing defeat.