Racist Spew

Many of you may recall Senator Tim Scott’s (R, SC) response to President Joe Biden’s speech to a sparsely attended joint session of Congress last Wednesday.

Many of you may recall the vitriol and outright racist spew sprayed Scott’s way in response to the Senator’s statement

Hear me clearly. America is not a racist country.

There are a couple of things that really stand out about that shameful period.

One is that Jack Dorsey let that racism trend on his Twitter for 11 hours, carefully reaching for the trending’s peak damage before deciding to…detrend…the spew. That makes Dorsey’s and his social medium’s views on race and on blacks in particular crystalline.

Even more shameful, even more despicable than that, though, is this.

Even after all this time, neither black Progressive-Democratic Party Senator—Cory Booker (D, NJ) or Raphael Warnock (D, GA)—have said a word—not a syllable—in objection to, much less in condemnation of, that disgusting response to Scott’s statement.

Not a single black Representative in the House has spoken in condemnation, or even mild objection, to that racist treatment of Scott.

Not even any of the White Saviors of the Progressive-Democratic Party members of either house of Congress have spoken against the spew or in support of its target.

It’s clear that the Progressive-Democratic Party condones this blatantly racist behavior.

That’s disgusting, and it needs to be remembered in the fall of 2022.


Who’s building them? President Joe Biden (D), within days of being inaugurated, ordered construction of physical walls along our southern border halted.

We have an exploding—and still expanding—crisis on that southern border, one that centers on illegal aliens inundating our facilities (and Mexico’s) and that has a second center involving accompanied children (children; let’s not hide behind the soft-pedaling euphemism “minors;” these unfortunates are as young as eight or nine), many of whom have been abused, repeatedly to the point of being a routine matter, on their way to that border.


Biden has refused to visit our southern border, and he won’t even discuss any plan to visit it in his term, much less at any time soon.

Vice President Kamala Harris (D) laughs at the idea of visiting our southern border, even though she’s been charged with responsibility for dealing with that crisis. She’s also more widely traveled domestically than her partner in this administration. She’s been to California to discuss Governor Newsom’s (D) plans for handling the State’s Wuhan Virus situation. She’s been to Chicago for a Chicago-style piece of German chocolate cake. She’s been to Connecticut to push her partner’s spending plan. She’s been to North Carolina to push her partner’s “infrastructure” plan. She’s been to New Hampshire on a 2024 campaign preparatory trip. Now she’s going to Milwaukee on a Progressive-Democrat agenda touting trip.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (D) actually has been to our southern border, but only to visit within the safety of the interior of a CBP/ICE facility; he’s never actually been to the border itself, away from those facilities.

It’s almost as though the Harris/Biden (Biden/Harris?) administration has erected its own wall—the purpose of which is to keep administration officials, including the two top dogs, away from the border.