“Dereliction of Duty”

After a second busload of illegal aliens were delivered to Vice President Kamala Harris’ (D) residence so that she could see to their care as her duty as Border Tsar would seem to require of her, Harris objected [ellipsis in the original].

I think it is the height of irresponsibility…frankly, a dereliction of duty, when you are an elected leader, to play those kinds of games with human life.

Indeed it is. The derelictions of duty are two. One is elected official Harris’ (D) refusal to visit our southern border to see with her own eyes (or to publicly avert them) the disaster in progress there, despite her being the Border Tsar since shortly after her ascension to office.

The other is elected official President Joe Biden’s (D) refusal to do anything about that illegal alien disaster in parallel with his own utter refusal to visit our southern border to see with his own eyes—or to avert them—that disaster.

Biden’s Humane Border Policy

President Joe Biden (D) says his No Southern Border Policy is very humane.

Here’s an example of how humane his policy is. Eagle Pass Fire Department Chief Manuel Mello III:

There are so many bodies being recovered that the morticians are asking for assistance. I had never seen so many drownings like we’re seeing right now.
We do a body recovery daily….

And this, summarizing Mello:

When Mello joined the fire department over 25 years ago, there would be only 12 body recoveries a year. Now, there are about 30 a month, he said.

That’s an aggregation of tragedies like this one, which Mello also described:

We had a three-month-old baby, we had a three-year-old baby brother that passed away. The uncle was trying to cross, he fell into a deep hole in the river, let go of the babies.
The babies drowned[.]

Mello offered a solution:

I would like to see the federal government jump in and help out in whatever way they can. If they could at least stop this migration, that would be awesome.

But the Feds—President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Progressive-Democrats all—refuse to come to the border and see for themselves. Biden won’t even come near it, and the closest Mayorkas and Harris have ever been are visits to border control facilities set well back from the border. Neither of them deigned join patrols actually down on the border, join river patrols on the Rio Grande.

Why would anyone expect politicians such as these ever to take these tragedies seriously? The illegal aliens aren’t even human beings as far as these persons are concerned. Illegal aliens are just tools to be wielded for personal and Party political gain.

That’s “humane” in Party’s Newspeak dictionary.

Xenophobia and Racism

That’s how Progressive-Democratic Party politicians describe Conservatives’ and Republicans’ efforts to control our southern border and earlier to prevent the massive influx of illegal aliens and now to stop the flood that’s happening.

It’s racist to try to prevent all those illegal aliens from entering because so many of them happen to brown-skinned.

It’s xenophobic to try to stop all those illegal aliens from entering because all of them are…foreigners.

Now DC Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) has declared an emergency over illegal aliens being transferred from the southern border to the city of which she’s mayor. All 10,000 of them, so far, compared to the millions flooding across our southern border.

Bowser claims her move is to enable DC to set up an Office of Migrant Services to better serve the influx of illegal aliens. The office, though, looks more like a considered effort to keep the illegal aliens carefully segregated from the residents of the city. The mayor of a sanctuary city objects to even those few brown-skinned foreigners coming into her city, and she wants them kept apart.

It’s not just Bowser, though. The mayor of another sanctuary city, Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot (D), also objects to brown-skinned foreigners coming into her city. She’s ejecting them from Chicago and kicking them to surrounding suburbs.

Go figure.

“Without any Morals”

Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot (D) said that about Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) after two busloads of illegal aliens were transported to Chicago.

These are human beings, moms and dads, young children, elders, who deserve our respect and dignity. They’re not cargo. They are not chattel. They’re human beings, just like you and me[.]

Indeed, they are. And, as Seth Christensen, Texas Division of Emergency Management’s Chief of Media and Communications, made clear,

the migrants were on a bus with air conditioning, and were provided with food, water, and security.

Abbott’s Press Secretary, Renea Eze:

Where was her [Lightfoot’s] outrage and condemnation of President Biden as he flew planeloads of migrants across the country and dropped them in communities in the cover of night?

Lightfoot is proudly a mayor of a sanctuary city, and she proudly proclaims all illegal aliens are as welcome as legal immigrants.

Now she’s complaining at the top of her lungs about having to care for these human beings, moms and dads, young children, elders when invited actually to honor her commitment of sanctuary for them.

Who is it who lacks morals?

Humane, Progressive-Democrat Style

President Joe Biden (D) and his administration constantly brag about how humane his No Southern Border immigration policy is.

Here is the realization of that humaneness.

Since the start of the federal government’s 2022 fiscal year last October, authorities have found 609 bodies on the U.S. side of the southern border, according to internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Washington Examiner and confirmed by three federal law enforcement officials.
The 609 figure is already higher than the 566 record set in all of 2021….

That compares with the previous administration’s Secured Southern Border immigration policy results.

This year’s current total is more than double the 300 bodies recovered in 2019 and 247 in 2020….

The raw, bland numbers mask the individual tragedies that go into them. For instance,

[a] young girl’s body being pulled from the water near El Paso, Texas last Monday. The river’s undercurrent had swept the girl from her mother’s arms. Both were from Guatemala.


[a] boy was killed separately near Eagle Pass, Texas in a similar drowning incident.


On Friday, US authorities found a 4-month-old infant and an 18-month-old toddler in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, which borders Mexico. Smugglers left the young children in the desert “to die[.]”


A 2-month-old infant who was also found is currently fighting for his life in critical condition.

This is what happens when Progressive-Democrats succeed in pushing their own policy of illegal alien immigration, all in the name of humaneness, a policy that actively encourages masses of people to trek across Mexico, risking the nation’s arid heat and the nation’s drug and human trafficking cartel population, in order to become illegal aliens in the US.

This is what Progressive-Democrats see as humane.