Terrorists in the Mix

CBP agents have caught 70 illegal aliens who are also terrorists on the government’s terrorist watchlist (including one who illegally entered through our northern border). That’s just in the five months of the current fiscal year, and those 70 compare with the 98 caught in the entirety of the prior fiscal year. This year’s pace, according to my third-grade arithmetic, works out to 168 terrorists that might be caught over the full course of this year.

That’s also only the ones we know about. Left uncounted, because unknown, are the number of terrorists in the vast numbers of illegal aliens flowing across our borders that escape CBP capture and detention and those among the vast numbers of illegal aliens flowing across our borders undetected.

Nor do we know how many terrorists are among the illegal aliens that CBP does capture but that the Biden administration orders released under President Joe Biden’s (D) Catch and Release program.

Canada’s “Surge”

Canada has started objecting to the illegal alien irregular immigration influx that nation is experiencing across its own southern border. Even The Dallas Morning News has the right of Canadian government personnel’s whining [emphasis in the original].

For those who live in places where mass migration isn’t a problem, it’s easy to take a tone of moral superiority and look down on those who have to balance humane treatment with security.
But when the problem lands on their doorstep, it’s surprising how quickly that tone changes and the attitude that something must be done takes root.


Certain Canadian leaders have preened about their nation’s welcoming spirit. In 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Canadian television that “I always sort of laugh when you see people who are—not many of them, but—intolerant or who think, ‘Go back to your own country.’… No! You chose this country. This is your country more than it is for others because we take it for granted.”

Now it’s

Fast forward to this week. Trudeau is pushing the Biden administration to stem “the flow of irregular migration into Canada[.]”

Whatever happened to the Trudeau Immigration Principle of You chose this country. This is your country more than it is for others because we take it for granted?

Here’s a quick table that puts Trudeau’s, et al., whining and hypocrisy into a bit of context.

Population Inflow CY2022 Inflow per 100,000 population
Canada 39,300,000 39,540     101
US 333,300,000 2,400,000     720

Whining Mayor Whines Again

New York City Mayor Eric “Squeaky” Adams (D) is crying now that his sanctuary city, a status of which he claims to be proud, is nearing its breaking point and there is no more room in New York. All because the city of 8.8 million has had an “influx” of 41,000 illegal aliens over the last nine or so months.

41,000. The Del Rio sector of the US-Mexico border, of which Eagle Pass, TX—population 28 thousand—is the primary border-crossing region, had more than 51,000 illegal aliens entering in December 2022 alone.

Adams needs to stop his cry-baby act; he’s embarrassing New Yorkers, if not himself. If he doesn’t want to handle his trickle of illegal aliens, his first step should be to end the city’s sanctuary status.

It’s Global?

HHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told the crowd at a DC conclave of city mayors that “global migration” is a…global…thing.

The challenge of migration is not unique to the United States nor to the border communities that confront it every day….
Around the world, there are more displaced people than at any time since World War II. Mass migration has gripped our hemisphere.

So, just suck up and deal. Tell that to the Progressive-Democratic mayors of Chicago and New York City, Lori Lightfoot and Eric Adams, though.

And, no. Migration may be global, but the hugely broad illegal alien flow into our nation is a national problem. Hiding behind global-ness is either dishonest or cowardly. Or both.

Sounds Like a Personal Problem

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is having a crying jag over the influx of illegal aliens arriving in his city.

We are at our breaking point. Based off our projections, we anticipate being unable to continue sheltering arriving asylum seekers on our own….

That overwhelming inflow? “More than” 3,100 “asylum seekers” in the past week, with 835 “last Thursday alone.” By his own estimate, his sanctuary city has received around 40,000 asylum seekers since the spring of 2022.

New York City is proudly a sanctuary city, and Mayor Adams is just as proud of his city’s status as a sanctuary city. Yet he both beefs about being taken at his word with illegal aliens sent—with the illegals’ prior written permission—to his city for the promised sanctuary, and he has chosen to do nothing since his accession to the Mayor’s Mansion (notice that: his mansion) to prepare his sanctuary city to receive sanctuary seekers.

Meanwhile, the cities and towns along our southern border, from western Arizona to Texas’ Gulf Coast, are inundated with millions of illegal aliens per year and nearly 48,000 just in the first three weeks of this year, not in the 10 or so months since the spring of 2022. These cities and towns truly are overwhelmed.

For Adams and his staffers that works out—if my third-grade arithmetic serves me well—to nearly 16,000 illegal aliens per week so far just this month. Again, for the benefit of Adams and his staffers, and again if my third-grade arithmetic serves me, that’s nearly five times the inflow that New York City has been experiencing. And not for just the few months that Adams’ team has been facing, but for the last two-plus years.

Adams has a personal problem, centered on his virtue-signaling hypocrisy and his squalling about being held to his word. Us average Americans are getting fed up with his whiny attitude.