Mayorkas’ Closed Border

Recall that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has repeatedly said that our southern border is closed, for instance, on the occasion of the end of Title 42. Here are some data just from the CBP app that DHS personnel have foisted off on the CBP, an app with which would-be entrants to the United States may schedule appointments to appear at US ports of entry.

Between January 12, 2023, and September 30, 2023, more than 278,431 appointments were made through the app, with roughly 95.8% of individuals securing parole into the US interior.

That’s just in general. It gets…more so…particularly regarding illegal aliens from nations that are inimical to us.

  • 94% of 20,948 Russians who scheduled appointments through CBP One secured parole
  • 93% of 246 Afghan applicants secured entry
  • 97% of 57,381 Venezuelans secured admission
  • 98% of 801 Belarusians were allowed in
  • 88% of 18 Iranians were allowed in
  • 88% of 36 Chinese were allowed in
  • 82% of 2,279 Uzbeks were allowed in

This is Mayorkas (and Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden, who hired him) using their Newspeak Dictionary definition of “closed border.”

Some Border Crossing Data

Illegal aliens are streaming across our southern border in increasing numbers under Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden’s Open Border Policy.

  • 269,735 illegal alien encounters in September
    • of which 218,763 were encountered entering illegally by Border Patrol agents
    • 18 encounters of people between ports of entry at the southern border were on the terror watch list
  • of those who entered, only 43,000 were processed through ports of entry via the CBP’s Biden’s/Mayorkas’ One app
  • yearly total for illegal aliens at the southern border for FY23: 2.48 million
  • 2.38 million in FY22
  • 1.73 million in FY21
  • 736 terrorist suspects stopped at the border in fiscal year to date
    • 564 of those encounters occurred at land border ports of entry
    • 172 encounters occurred between ports of entry.

That’s almost 25% of the terrorist suspect “encounters” occurring during attempts to enter illegally. How many more were gotaways? How many yet more were between ports of entry and undetected?

And this datum, via the second link above:

  • 2.06 million illegal aliens entering between ports of entry—not including “gotaways.”

These illegal alien encounter data represent the aggregation of those caught and those processed via that Biden/Mayorkas app. What percentage of total border crossings do illegal aliens who enter undetected represent?

The key measure there is “undetected,” and that’s the problem: we not only don’t know how many are flowing in so freely and apparently invisibly, we don’t know who they are, either. Likely the vast majority are just like those encountered—primarily those wanting a better life, with drug mules and human traffickers in the mix, and those on the terrorist and criminal watch lists. The terrorist numbers are quite small compared to the total, but they’re far greater than the number of terrorists who inflicted the murders and destruction of 9/11.

The undetected likely includes more of these types, to our great peril. But they likely also include some—many—explicitly trained to penetrate our border undetected: PLA special forces personnel, Russian special forces personnel, Iranian specially trained terrorists. Each of these types will be fully capable of setting up their separate cells for action at the times the PRC, Russia, and Iran choose, for espionage and/or sabotage.

This is the outcome of Biden’s Open Border Policy. This is what a closed border looks like in DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ fevered imagination. This is the closed border that the press misleads us about.

Update: Corrected some copy/paste errors in the presented data. Bad mouse. Bad mouse….

Because Of Course

The State Department, finally, is beginning to work on arranging charter flights for those Americans and their families currently trapped in Israel by American airlines’ timidity in flying into that nation.

But. But, but, but.

US law requires billing Americans for evacuations.

One of the first duties of government is to protect the citizens for whom it is responsible. But our government will send a bill to those for whom its exercising that responsibility. I’ll come back to this in a bit.

Meanwhile, illegal immigrants collect free assistance.

That’s actually illegal aliens; it’s disappointing that Just the News still acts like it doesn’t understand that. Anyway….

[T]he Biden administration’s generous financial support for the accommodation and relocation of illegal [aliens] to the United States.

Bill Americans, but pay the illegal aliens.

The law mandating requiring Americans to pay for their own evacuation needs to be changed. Americans who traveled in good faith—e.g., to Israel—should not have to pay to be saved from the dire circumstances that get inflicted on them by exogenous forces; that should be on the governments (yes, on us taxpayers’) nickel. Only those who foolishly, willfully travel to known danger zones—e.g., to Gaza, or Iran, or (today) the People’s Republic of China—should be required to pay for their ride out of the trouble they got themselves into. That’s long-term, though.

In the near-term, the Biden administration needs to stop flying—or transporting by any means—or providing any other form of financial support to illegal aliens. The only thing they should get at no further cost (they’ve already paid a high price to enter our nation illegally) is a ride back to their North American home countries or simply back into Mexico for non-New World illegal aliens. And that free ride should occur immediately on apprehension.

Full stop.

Favoring Illegal Aliens over American Citizens

That’s the position of Illinois’ Progressive-Democratic Party Governor JB Pritzker.

We have taken some of the programs that have pre-existed the crisis and adjusted them to help with the migrant crisis. Let me give you one example, our rental assistance program. We have provided some of that rental assistance money, which wasn’t originally intended to be about asylum seekers, for this challenge.

Pritzker is deliberately, cynically taking money intended to help American citizens, Illinois citizens, who are economically straitened and using it for illegal aliens instead. Because illegals are more important than citizens.

This is yet another example of the contempt for ordinary Americans that the Progressive-Democratic Party has. Keep this in mind in November 2024.

Biden’s Lack of Concern

There is a growing number of Progressive-Democratic Party politicians—governors and mayors—who are starting to decry their Party’s President, Joe Biden’s, lack of performance with our southern border. It’s an open question whether they’re actually beginning to recognize the problem or, in this election season, only posturing for public consumption and their own reelection chances. In either event, they’re still shifting all blame to the Feds:

Governor JB Pritzker (D) joined a growing number of Democrats who have criticized Biden’s border policies when he sent a letter to the president on Monday with a list of demands outlining how the federal government’s response to the border crisis is inadequate.

He, and others of Party, are continuing, though, to avert their faces from their own contribution to our border problem: their status as enthusiastic, openly inviting, sanctuary States and cities.

One thing, though, stood out for me in that article, which otherwise was centered on State and city Leftist politician…outcry.

Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) had a call with White House chief of staff Jeff Zients, senior adviser Tom Perez, and officials from the Department of Homeland Security.

Notice that. Biden couldn’t be bothered to pick up the phone himself, or even to join the call. He sent his underlings to talk.

This is the degree of concern Biden has for what’s going on at our southern border (and increasingly our northern border) and the impact that’s having on our cities and towns—even those in Party-run cities and towns, and States. Pritzker, Johnson, Adams, Hochul, et al., can rightfully be called out for putting their spyglasses to their blind eyes. Biden, though, simply doesn’t give a rat’s patootie.