Global Warming and the World Series

The pseudo-scientists of the climatistas say that the rain delay between the 9th and 10th innings of last Wednesday’s Game 7 was caused by global warming.

Seriously, the science wizards behind the party’s Twitter account asserted that it “should” be snowing in Cleveland on November 3. It’s November, it’s Cleveland…it’s called science, people.

It’s November. It should be snowing in Cleveland, not raining! Blame global warming for the delay. #WorldSeries

    — Green Party US (@GreenPartyUS) November 3, 2016

Science, indeed.  Here’s a table of temperatures in the latter two-thirds of November 1908, the last year the Cubs won a Series, via the same Watts Up With That link above [highlight in the original]:worldseriesglobalwarmingIt would be funny, if this weren’t so serious.  As it is, it’s risible.

Probably Not A Bad Idea, Then

The People’s Republic of China is…wary…of dealing with a President Trump, and they’re expressing that wariness in the milieu of the Paris climate accord.  Xie Zhenhua, the PRC’s climate negotiator, is being cited by The Guardian as saying, in response to Republican Party Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s commitment to walk away from the accord, that

The world is moving towards balancing environmental protection and economic growth….


I believe a wise political leader should take policy stances that conform with global trends.

And Trump should continue the meekness of President Barack Obama’s (D) following along leading from behind.  The PRC is much more comfortable that way.

That just supports the thesis that the Paris climate accord is worthless, and we should walk away from it.

Climate as Seen through Arctic Sea Ice

Here’s a graph of Arctic sea ice growth year on year, via Watts Up With That:arcticseaice

Looks to me like positive growth has vastly outstripped negative growth.  Indeed, here’s Anthony Watt’s take on the matter [emphasis in the original]:

Since hitting its earliest minimum extent since 1997, Arctic sea ice has been expanding at a phenomenal rate. Already it is greater than at the same date in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015. Put another way, it is the fourth highest extent in the last ten years. Even more remarkably, ice growth since the start of the month is actually the greatest on record, since daily figures started to be kept in 1987.



This is how out of touch the Democratic Party and this administration is.

Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State.

That’s just breathtaking.

Of course, it’s also true that a man said that in America a man has the right to be stupid if he wants to be.