What, Exactly, Are You Doing?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, through his Press Secretary Ned Price, is insisting two things.

One is that the (not so) dearly departed JCPOA

is [sic!] the most effective means by which to permanently and verifiably ensure that Iran does not obtain a nuclear weapon.

This has been shown to be a straight up lie almost since its parameters became public. All the JCPOA did was permit limited inspections—but not of Iranian military facilities where most of the nuclear weapons development and uranium enrichment process were occurring—and the JCPOA had an expiration date, upon which all sanctions would be lifted and all limits on Iran’s nuclear weapons program would expire.

The other is the State Department views Iran’s nuclear potential as an overriding threat. Nevertheless,

We are doing everything we can not only to support the human rights and the aspirations for greater freedom of the Iranian people, but also to hold accountable those within the Iranian system that are responsible for…violence against the Iranian people[.]

But still,

When it comes to Iran, though…there would be no greater challenge to the United States, to our partners, and to the broader international system than an Iran with a nuclear weapon.

That last might—might—be a valid priority in a cynical, long-term, Machiavellian sort of perspective. It does the Iranian people who are being imprisoned, or killed, or both today for their protesting against their current condition no good at all, though.

Which raises the question: what, exactly are you doing, Mr SecState, to support the human rights and the aspirations for greater freedom of the Iranian people? Lay it out in concrete, measurable terms—no glittering generalities, not fatuous claims of “everything we can.” What fills out this “everything” of which you speak?

Sack Them

Now the USAF Academy has torn it apart.

A diversity and inclusion training by the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado instructs cadets to use words that “include all genders” and to refrain from saying things like “mom” and “dad.”


“Some families are headed by single parents, grandparents, foster parents, two moms, two dads, etc.: consider ‘parent or caregiver’ instead of ‘mom and dad,'” the presentation states. “Use words that include all genders​: ‘Folks’ or ‘Y’all’ instead of ‘guys’; ‘partner’ vs. ‘boyfriend or girlfriend.'”
“Not ‘Colorblind’ or ‘I don’t see color,’ but Color Conscious,” it adds. “We see Color/Patterns AND VALUE people for their uniqueness.”

This is openly racist and sexist spew, it’s unacceptable anywhere in our nation, it’s especially unacceptable in those institutions where we train our military leaders—and it’s deliberately designed to keep our military personnel segregated, in a number of senses of that term, one from another.

This has gone ‘way too far. It’s time to sack SecDef Lloyd Austin, CJCS General Mark Milley, and to reassign all of the Pentagon’s current military staff who are focused on academic “training” and the military Academies’ Command and Staff personnel, to the combatant commands—in theater, not to command headquarters. Send the associated civilians back to the private sector.

It’s time these worthies lived in the destruction they’re seeking to wreak.

The Press Censors

And it tries to whitewash history, pretending what it’s censoring never happened.

The latest example is provided by NBC. That press outlet tweeted this, saying that Hispanic illegal aliens were just trash:

Now, as Molly Hemingway, Federalist Editor-in-Chief, has noted, NBC has cravenly deleted their tweet.

NBC didn’t—doesn’t—have the integrity or moral courage to leave the tweet in the public’s history with a note acknowledging its error. No, the press outlet has chosen instead to cower away, hide its tweet, and try to gaslight us average Americans into believing that the bigoted tweet never occurred at all.

Hemingway is being generous, too. NBC and its allies don’t just look horrific. They are horrific in the depths of their racist bigotry.

Legal Action

Sanctuary City mayors from New York City to Chicago to Martha’s Vineyard and beyond, are in a terrible snit because, having bragged about their willingness to give sanctuary to illegal aliens, they’re actually be called on to do so, as border State governors and border city mayors take them up on their offers.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D), especially, wants to take legal action against Texas Governor Gregg Abbott for his dastardly crime of believing Adams’ blandishments about sanctuary.

Our legal team is looking at legal challenges we could do with Texas. We believe there are some options we have, because when you involuntarily place someone on a bus, we believe that actually skates the law…. We’re not leaving any stones unturned to make sure that New Yorkers are [not] being treated in an unfair way.

Aside from Adams’ obvious lies—Abbott has the documentation that shows the illegals to be voluntarily boarding the buses (and knowing before they board where they’ll be going)—such an Adams-demanded case would be illuminating.

The only crime here is a Progressive-Democratic mayor of a sanctuary city not wanting to provide sanctuary when called on actually to deliver, all the while whining loudly about having to make even the paltry effort that he does.

OK, so hypocrisy isn’t a crime, but it’s still completely wrong.

But, go ahead and bring your “legal action,” Adams. The discovery phase will be fun.