The Biden/Harris Failure

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has most of the right of the matter. Never mind that she speaks from one side of the aisle, the truth of her remarks on this item is independent of that.

Biden has betrayed our allies and our own military in the wake of his failure. Thousands of translators and Afghan Special Forces who bravely fought alongside American troops now risk being executed in the streets. And the sacrifices made by our military men and women—who have fought, been wounded, and died in Afghanistan for decades—have been disrespected beyond measure.

I wrote that McDaniel has mostly right. She actually has understated the matter.

President Joe Biden (D) also has betrayed the United States, all of us citizens, and especially those Americans still in Afghanistan.

National security officials in the Biden administration told a bipartisan group of Senate staffers on Tuesday that about 10,000 to 15,000 US citizens remain in Afghanistan, according to two Senate aides.

According to the aides, the administration officials—from the State and Defense departments, as well as the National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff—also told the assembled Senate staffers that there is no plan to evacuate Americans who are outside Kabul, as they do not have a way of getting through the Taliban checkpoints outside the Afghan capital.

Not even a matter of no plan for their evacuation. No interest at all in going and getting them. They’re on their own, abandoned by the Biden/Harris administration (Joe’s required designation).

But Biden gets his vacation. The Biden/Harris administration’s Vice President Kamala Harris, also a Progressive-Democrat, gets her disappearance.

Does Biden’s perfidy—or Harris’—have any bottom at all?

America Last Again

In the collapse of the US presence in Afghanistan and the collapse of the Afghan “army” and so of that pseudo-nation, there is a wholly justified effort to help Afghan refugees escape from the coming destruction and slaughter.


This is what our President Biden/Harris and their Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin are doing about that:

[Department of Defense Press Secretary Admiral (Ret) John] Kirby says American citizens will not be given priority evacuation over Afghan SIV [Special Immigrant Visa] applicants.

In Biden/Harris’ and Austin’s own words, recited by Kirby:

We’re going to focus on getting people out of the country, then sorting it out at the next stop. It’s not going to be just Americans first, then SIV applicants. We’re going to focus on getting as many folks out as we can.

It’s not going to be just Americans first.


Not even in this administration’s present failure are these folks putting Americans anywhere but the back of the metaphorical bus.


President Joe Biden’s (D) Secretary of State Antony Blinken, just a few days ago in the depths of the Afghan collapse:

We’ve known all along: the Taliban are at their strongest since 2001.

Yet Biden chose to withdraw, completely and relatively suddenly, it turns out, at the height of the Afghan fighting season. When he, Blinken says, knew the Taliban were at their strongest. He chose not to wait until winter. He chose not to carry out former President Donald Trump’s withdrawal plan, even as he claimed he was trapped by it, both in his Saturday “statement” and Monday afternoon when he finally showed up for work—briefly; he hustled off the stage rather than take questions—to make his excuses for his everyone else’s failure in Afghanistan.

That speech came after he and Vice President Kamala Harris (D) both were absent from duty until after Kabul had fallen, together with our embassy; the Kabul airport was blocked from incoming/outgoing flights; and he’d surrendered Bagram Air Base north of the fallen capital.

This is a level of dereliction of duty that is amoral and seriously dangerous to our national security, to our nation itself.

Biden’s Protection

President Joe Biden (D) is the subject of some low key, small chit-chat of removal by Article 25 action.

That’s unlikely, and it’s not the existence of Kamala Harris (D) as Vice President that is Biden’s job security. No, it’s the position of Vice President and that office’s role that is Biden’s job security.

If Biden is removed, and Harris sworn in as our new President, who will be the new Vice President?

I suggest no one. The new Vice President would need to go through the nomination and Senate confirmation process. There’ll be a tie vote in the Senate on that nominee, and with no sitting Vice President to break the tie, the confirmation will fail.

It goes on from there. Nearly every component of the Progressive-Democratic Party agenda so far has been subject to a tie-breaker vote by the Vice President, and that will continue for the rest of Party’s agenda. Absent a sitting Vice President, every bill offered up in the Senate and receiving a tied vote will fail on that tie.

For good or ill, Biden will not be removed from office by political action before 2024.

“I’m no different than any other family”

That’s what New Jersey Phil Murphy (D) says about his decision to hare off to Italy on a 10-day vacation at his—his!—23-room villa.

“After this past 17 months, just having a few days together is something that I think all of us want to do with our family, and I’m looking forward to that.”
The governor planned to leave last Tuesday for a visit to his 23-room multimillion-dollar villa in Umbria and return to New Jersey next Thursday[.]

My objection to Murphy’s move, which he’s in the middle of, has nothing to do with his being wealthy enough to own a vast villa in an overseas tourist mecca; I aspire to become stinking rich, too. Nor do I object to Murphy taking some vacation time.

No, my objection is to Murphy’s utter cynicism. He’s not looking to hav[e] a few days together with his family; he’s been doing that right along. So have we all, especially those of us in States like New Jersey where, through government-ordered lockdowns, we’ve been on-again, off-again prisoners in our homes. Murphy is looking to escape his duties.

He’s not looking to have a vacation, either; he’s looking to escape from his State—from our nation—during a period of crisis for his State. He’s looking to duck his responsibilities.

Murphy is Governor of New Jersey. His duties don’t go on vacation; they go with him wherever he goes. Except to Italy, where even were he aware of events back in New Jersey (he likely will be), he’ll in no position to deal with them in anything remotely like a timely manner.

Even President Joe Biden (D) hasn’t left our nation for his vacation—he’s just taking a few days of isolation from his duties in Delaware.

How obliviously out of touch with the average Americans in his State and around our nation is this Progressive-Democrat.

Or, how cynically unconcerned is this Progressive-Democrat with the ordinary American family, comparing himself only with his fellow rich.