Congressman Colin Allred (D, TX) Makes the Case

The good Congressman tried to make the case for HR1 in his Letter to the Thursday Wall Street Journal

What HR1 does is simple: it sets national standards for access to vote by mail, early voting, and voter registration so that our democracy isn’t radically different from state to state.

HR1 also nationalizes a number of other aspects of voting currently set by the individual States (as well as giving the Federal government veto authority over any moves a State might make in contradiction, but that’s an extra little fillip).

Unwittingly, though, the Progressive-Democratic Party Representative from Texas has made a critical aspect of the case against HR1.

Our 50 States do not exist merely as counties to the central government, existing solely for the convenience of enforcing laws handed down from the center. They are, instead, 50 different, enthusiastic, ongoing experiments in democracy. The good citizens of Maine have different imperatives than those of Illinois or Texas, and those citizens have different imperatives than those of California or Oregon.

And that’s a core strength of our nation.

An Old Softy

The Trump administration had set up a mechanism for helping victims of illegal alien-committed crimes, the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office.

President Joe Biden (D) has chosen to get rid of that program and replace it with a more comprehensive and inclusive victim support system.

We’ve seen Biden’s more inclusive victim support system in the crisis he created at our southern border: his Biden Cages, the appalling numbers of routinely and extensively abused unaccompanied children even before they get to Biden’s cages, the just as appalling numbers of abused and raped girls and women even before they get to our border—in both cases, treks he actively encourage while he was campaigning last year—the included drugs that come across as part of the Biden Influx.

Soft on crime, soft on the border, soft on illegal immigration. At least Biden is consistent.