Gross Misunderstanding

And a key distinction between what the Left and their Progressive-Democratic Party want and what Conservatives and, to an extent, the Republican Party want. President Joe Biden (D) fronts for this…position…and his Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made it explicit last Tuesday in front of the House Financial Services Committee:

We’ve had a global race to the bottom in corporate taxation and we hope to put an end to that.

The fact—I claim—is that the race to the bottom is a National Good, not a National Bad. Our Constitution specifies only three things our Federal Government is allowed to spend money on: to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States. The general Welfare is further specified by the remaining clauses of that Article I, Section 8.

The only legitimate purpose for taxing is to raise revenue for those three narrowly specified items.

Above that low floor (or it would be low were we not living in a dangerous world with many enemies for whom the vasty oceans no longer represent serious barriers and were it not for out Government having been so profligate with spending for so many decades), the more money left in the hands of We the People in our private economy for our spending decisions, the better.

So, yes—a race to the bottom is good for our nation, the prattle of the Yellons and the Bidens and the Party notwithstanding.

What Biden Hath Wrought

Two little girls—3yrs old and 5yrs old—were dropped over a 14ft fence from the Mexican side of our southern border onto the American side.

In the middle of the night.

In the middle of the desert.

With no supplies—no water, no food, no means of shading themselves from the coming sun.

With no one—not an adult, not a teenager, not anyone—to take them into care or custody, to take them to safety.

They were just dumped and left to die in the coming day’s heat (yes, in Arizona even this time of year) and aridity, whether from dehydration, overheating—or being coyote or bobcat food.

See a video of Biden’s child abuse here.

It’s just the little girls’ blind luck that they weren’t injured from the fall. It’s just the little girls’ blind luck, and God’s overwatch, that Border Patrol had surveillance drones in the area and happened to see the atrocity. As a result, they were able to rescue the girls.

Sadly, this is typical, not extreme—it’s just what happened to be spotted along our now deliberately porous border.