More Biden-Inspired Censorship

It seems that Senators Josh Hawley (R, MO) and Chuck Grassley (R, IA) requested a collection of documents and answers to 10 questions from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Mayorkas sent back non-responses to the questions and heavily redacted documents in not responding to the docs request (“two documents already in the public domain” and “500 pages of material, approximately half of which are mostly or entirely redacted”).

DHS cited Freedom of Information Act disclosure privileges in making the redaction[.]

This is yet another example of the Biden administration’s intrinsic dishonesty and its penchant for censorship.

The Senators shouldn’t have had to respond with the obvious:

We remind you that the oversight letters we send to the Executive Branch are signed in our capacity as sitting members of Congress, a separate and co-equal branch of government.


Noting that DHS cited Freedom of Information Act disclosure privileges in making the redaction, Hawley and Grassley pointed out that FOIA provisions “do not apply to the oversight requests we submit in our capacity as constitutional officers and should not be applied to the materials that DHS produces in response to congressional requests.”
“Simply put, Congress controls when to make documents within its possession public, not DHS….”

2024 can’t come soon enough, and the Republicans better not blow that one.

Biden and His Iran Nuclear Weapons Deal

He’s still after one, one that would give the Mullahs hundreds of billions of dollars in return for their delaying, briefly, development and production of nuclear weapons. This despite the Mullahs’ avowed goal of destroying Israel, its empirical history of spending billions of dollars funding its terrorist clients and their terrorism, and the Mullahs’ current terrorism against their own subjects for those subjects’ heinous crime of protesting the Iranian government’s murder of a young woman Iranian “police” had arrested and had in police “custody” at the time of her murder.

Biden refuses to change his goal vis-à-vis that deal. Refuses to, not cannot, change. Gabriel Noronha, ex-special adviser on Iran for the State Department offered this:

Biden officials feel that to announce an end to negotiations would be admitting failure, and that snapback also signals the end to the JCPOA[.]

This is just a silly rationalization, though. It would be easy enough—and highly effective—to say words to the effect of “Worth a shot, didn’t work due to Iranian government intransigence, we’re ending negotiations.”

Acknowledging that something hasn’t worked out as planned and changing to something else is the stuff of successful business, and it’s the stuff of successful politics.

But Biden, the great Senator deal maker, is desperate for his deal. And that’s to the detriment of our national security and to that of Israel and to that of our other allies and friends.