Facebook Employees and Virtue-Signaling

Here are a couple of examples, from a batch of leaked Facebook internal emails.

Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer asked employees to “hang in there” as the company figured out its response. “We have been ‘hanging in there’ for years,” one person replied. “We must demand more action from our leaders. At this point, faith alone is not sufficient.” [Emphasis added]


“All due respect, but haven’t we had enough time to figure out how to manage discourse without enabling violence?” another staffer responded. “We’ve been fueling this fire for a long time and we shouldn’t be surprised it’s now out of control.”


“I’m tired of platitudes; I want action items,” another staffer wrote.


[Y]et another staffer wrote[,] “History will not judge us kindly.”

And yet, none of these Precious Ones, along with so many of their cronies, cared enough about these failures and their claimed inability to do anything about them to resign rather than continue to go along with them.

All of these Precious Ones, along with so many of their cronies, plainly care more about their paychecks than they do about their integrity or their morality.

As the New York Post put it in a related piece summarizing The Atlantic article,

Mark Zuckerberg’s obsession with growth has overridden ethical concerns and allowed hate speech and incitements to violence to spread unchecked….

That’s Facebook, from top to bottom, for all the…whining: management’s demand for growth above ethics and employees’ demand for paychecks above ethics.

Lies of Progressive-Democrats—More

Senator Tom Carper (D, DE) is on the hot seat (pun intended) this time. Despite current rising inflation and resulting higher prices for everything energy-related (like transportation fuel, home and office heating and cooling, food), he’s demanding continued and increased Federal spending, in particular, the Progressive-Democrats’ spend-a-thon reconciliation bill—inflation be damned. Because climate.

Our planet is on fire….

On fire. If we’re on fire today, what was the state of our planet in past ages when it was so much warmer than it is today, and life was lush?

If we’re on fire today, what was the state of our planet in past ages when atmospheric CO2 was so much higher than it is today, and life was lush?

Does it matter to Carper that those prior ages don’t even correlate with each other? Apparently not—just spend the damn money.

Does it matter to Carper that today, 11,000+ years after the end of the last Ice Age, we’re still cooler than Earth’s geologic warming trend line? Apparently not—just spend the damn money.

Does it matter to Carper that the mid-Holocene period of 7,000 to 5,000 years ago and beginning some 4,000 years after that Ice Age ended—a period which some might conclude was pre-industrial—was warmer than it is today?

Never mind that Carper surely knows these data full well; his intern briefed him on these things when his intern did the research for Carper.

Just spend the damn money.