Biden’s Attack on Our Oil and Gas Industry

President Joe Biden’s (D) and his Progressive-Democratic Party syndicate’s hatred of our oil and gas production industry is well known, and he wants to include $6 billion in additional taxes, fees, and fines on those industries in their reconciliation bill.

But those penalties also will explode the cost of a myriad products Americans use, and destroy the availability of too many others—all beyond such petty uses as fuel for our getting to and from work, or heating our homes in winter and cooling them in summer.

Here’s a partial list of those other uses to which our oil and gas production is put. The full list would run to some 6,000 products.

  • asphalt and road oil
  • components for producing chemicals, plastics, and synthetic materials
  • electronics
  • luggage
  • office supplies like ink and pens
  • computer chips
  • paint and paint brushes
  • floor wax
  • safety glasses and regular eye glasses and contacts
  • linoleum
  • caulking
  • roofing
  • curtains
  • electricians tape
  • fertilizer
  • insecticides
  • tires
  • mops
  • rugs and carpets
  • toilet seats
  • pillows (down-filled are much more expensive)
  • upholstery
  • refrigerators
  • dishwasher parts
  • rubbing alcohol
  • aspirin and other medicines
  • heart valves and other medical devices
  • bandages
  • anesthetics
  • surgical masks (never mind their claimed need for Wuhan Virus protection)
  • dentures
  • antiseptics and hand sanitizers
  • antihistamines
  • cortisone
  • artificial limbs
  • clothes
  • hair tinting and dying
  • perfume
  • sunglasses
  • lipstick
  • purses
  • shoes
  • roller skates
  • shampoo
  • deodorant
  • toothpaste and soap
  • balloons
  • tents
  • fishing rods
  • footballs
  • football cleats and helmets
  • golf balls
  • parachutes
  • telephones
  • cameras
  • candles
  • drinking cups

Of course, Progressive-Democrats know all of this. They also know that wind, solar, even nuclear sources will produce none of these.

Smuggling Illegal Aliens

It isn’t only Mexican cartels doing it. The Biden-Harris administration is nakedly trafficking in children. And by openly trafficking children on the last leg of the traffick, the Biden-Harris administration is complicit in the cartels’ traffick from the kids’ origin to our border.

Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them across the region, The Post has learned.
The charter flights originate in Texas, where the ongoing border crisis has overwhelmed local immigration officials, and have been underway since at least August, according to sources familiar with the matter.
Last week, The Post saw two planes land at the Westchester County Airport, where most of the passengers who got off appeared to be children and teens, with a small portion appearing to be men in their 20s.
Westchester County cops stood by as the passengers—whose flights arrived at 10:49 pm Wednesday and 9:52 pm Friday—got off and piled into buses.

In the dark of night.


A Post analysis of online flight-tracking data suggests that around 2,000 migrants nabbed after sneaking into the US from Mexico have arrived at the airport outside White Plains on 21 flights since August 8.

Similar trafficking is being done by Biden-Harris into Florida, also.

This is utterly despicable. It’s bad enough that the Biden-Harris administration has chosen to do nothing serious about the cartels’ trafficking children (and other humans) into the US, but for this administration then to actively participate by extending the trafficking into the interior of our nation is beyond the moral pale.

And it is trafficking. Were the Biden-Harris administration’s motives on the up and up, they would be publicizing transfers and explaining why, instead of doing this trafficking under cover of darkness and as quietly and publicity-free as possible.

Worse (if it’s possible to be worse), the only ones objecting are Republicans. The Progressive-Democratic Syndicate Party is silent on the matter, and Biden, through his Press Secretary Jen Psaki, actually insists that this trafficking is quite OK.