“Coronavirus-Related Fatalities”

That term or phrase, along with “coronavirus-linked deaths” get bandied about a lot. See, for instance:

…its [Sweden’s] population had a total of eight coronavirus-related deaths in July, or an average of 0.26 coronavirus-linked deaths a day.


…4 and 329 coronavirus-related daily fatalities in the UK and US….

This is not to pick on Just the News; most of the news outlets use those phrases. All of them also seem to use the phrases interchangeably with “coronavirus-caused fatalities.”

But what do those alternative phrases really mean?

Here are some examples of other meanings for the phrases, considering a patient with Condition X, the…coronavirus…is present in his body, and he dies:

  • Cause of death: Condition X, coronavirus present
  • Cause of death: Condition X, coronavirus contributory
  • Cause of death: coronavirus, Condition X contributory
  • Cause of death: coronavirus, Condition x present

Notice that: all of those outcomes are “coronavirus-related/linked.” However, only one of them is solely coronavirus-caused, which is the only meaning of the uncaveated phrase “coronavirus-related/linked” when used to mean “coronavirus-caused.” Even taking a looser meaning for a loosely used phrase, two of those alternatives clearly are not “coronavirus-caused.”

To the extent the news purveyors really are relying on interchangeability, they’re badly mistaken. They’re either wholly illogical and non-credible or very lazy in their word use and non-credible. Or both and non-credible.

Woking Kindergartens

Bailey’s Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences in Falls Church, VA, put a woke video on its Web site in which kindergartners were used to push an anti-police agenda. The video, it turns out, was part of a summer curriculum that also included critical race “theory,” Black Lives Matter stuff, and news articles critical of white parents.

After a hue and cry, the video (but only the video, apparently) was taken down from the Web site.

A spokesperson for the Fairfax County Public Schools, just outside Washington, DC, said the video had been posted by mistake and was removed as soon as officials became aware.

Sure it was a mistake. And maybe there’s some beachfront property north of Santa Fe that folks might be interested in, too. Or maybe the mistake was in getting caught.

There’s a larger set of questions, though, a set that’s not being asked, especially by the Fairfax County Public Schools. That set includes the circumstances under which the video was made in the first place, why it was made, who made it.

And whether the persons who made the video still are employed by Fairfax County.

Oh, and whether the BLM and trashing white parents sewage also was taken down, or why not.

Infrastructure Sham

The Senate is grinding its way to passage of what some are pleased to call a bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Leave aside the shoddy bookkeeping the Senators are engaging in with their claimed pay-fors, shoddiness that the CBO has seen through. By itself the bill still might not be so bad (though even that much is strongly arguable).

Republicans should walk away from this “infrastructure” bill altogether, regardless of its pretended cost, regardless of any amendment bones Progressive-Democrats might toss their way, regardless, even, if pay-fors could be found that actually balance the books on this sham.

President Joe Biden (D) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) each have irrevocably tied this bill to the Progressive-Democrats’ reconciliation bill, and Senate Progressive-Democrats have said they’d include in that reconciliation monstrosity whatever is left out of this “infrastructure” thing.

The “infrastructure” bill is nothing but a glorified amendment to the Progressive-Democrats’ reconciliation bill, and it will be adjusted accordingly when the Progressive-Democrats start ramming through their larger bill.

Republicans should have no part of this charade.

The Left is On the Move

…especially their political arm, the Progressive-Democratic Party.

President Joe Biden (D) has signed an Executive Order requiring all vehicle sales in the US to be electrically powered. Biden will masquerade his EO as “nonbinding.”

Sure. If he and his cronies in Congress didn’t intend for it to be binding, Biden would use his bully pulpit as President to stump for electrification of our vehicles. Instead, he’s going the cudgel route, covered by his velvet.

If he and his cronies in Congress didn’t intend for the EO to be binding, those cronies wouldn’t be pushing—via reconciliation, yet—their “green” mandates into law. They would, instead, use their own bully pulpits to stump for their “green” ideas. Instead, they’re going their naked cudgel—reconciliation—route to ram through their diktats.

Biden’s EO also is supposedly supported by the likes of General Motors, Ford Motor, and Stellantis (nee Fiat Chrysler). Given the nature of our current Progressive-Democrat-controlled government, the idea that these companies’ support is voluntary is…risible.

This is the Progressive-Democrat-controlled government telling American private companies what they must produce.

This is fascism on the move.

My Black Life Matters

Your black lives don’t matter. Neither do your brown lives. Or your white lives. Or your oriental lives. Go suck an egg.

That’s the position of Congresswoman Cori Bush (D, MO).

I’m going to make sure I have security because I know I have had attempts on my life[.]


And defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets.

Bush bleats that she’s had a few death threats. She doesn’t care that folks in the inner city and in other crime-ridden neighborhoods—black, brown, white, oriental folks—exist with the daily threat of actual death from gang fight shootings, drive-by shootings, shootings in the bodega during a robbery, shootings from drug deals gone bad, bullets sprayed around from any of those gunfights.

No, those folks’ lives aren’t worth spit to Bush. She demands to defund the police forces that would, if backed by politicians in local governments, instead of being excoriated, disarmed, defenestrated by Bush and her ilk, protect those blacks, browns, whites, and orientals who without police actually will be killed, not just get the occasional angry emailed threat.

No. “Suck it up,” Bush says in her cynically manufactured righteous anger.