Systemic Racism

As my wife and better half says, “The tote board tells the tale.”

The title of the Senate Amendment might be hard to read (even after a Right Click|Open in New Tab maneuver), so:

To prohibit Federal funding for any institution of higher education that discriminates against Asian Americans in recruitment, applicant review, or admissions.
Amendment Rejected (49-48, 60 votes required)

All 49 Yeas were, without exception, Republican. All 48 Nays, rejecting this anti-discrimination amendment and by extension overtly supporting discrimination by race, were, without exception, Progressive-Democrat.

The amendment was to S937, the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act. Even though this cloture vote was last April, it’s remains as a shocking example of the systemic racism that is in a significant part of our nation—the systemic racism that pervades the Progressive-Democratic Party.

The Progressive-Democrats’ unanimous decision to kill an actual anti-hate amendment to a Hate Crimes bill is…ironic.

Union Political Spending, Union Political Power

A couple of numbers illustrate the matter.

Organized labor spent more than $1.8 billion on political activity and lobbying in the US during the 2020 election cycle, according to a new study published by the National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR). The majority of the money spent by labor, $1.4 billion, came straight from union dues taken from workers who can legally be fired if they refuse to fund union activities[.]

Those two numbers also emphasize the need for even more right-to-work laws, laws that not only allow workers to work for an employer without joining a union whose members also work for that employer, but also allow those non-union workers to decline to pay any form of dues or tribute to that union.