A Question

I have one of those.

Vice President Kamala Harris (D), along with her Co-President President Joe Biden, have made much of the need to study root causes of the illegal alien surge and crisis at our southern border. In line with that, Harris planned—for weeks—a trip to the Northern Triangle of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador in order to learn straight from the source those root causes.

So off Harris went, earlier this month, on her much ballyhooed visit, first to Guatemala, then with a stopover in Mexico on her return trip.

If Harris truly was interested in learning those root causes, though, why did she not head a few miles further south into the Northern Triangle and visit Honduras and El Salvador? Why were those two nations omitted from her itinerary?

Maybe Harris isn’t so dumb: maybe she expected the reaction she got from Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei and the Guatemalan people, and she didn’t want to get the same reaction, especially publicly, from Honduras’ President Juan Orlando and the Honduran people and El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele and the Salvadoran people.

More Big Tech Censorship

This time, perpetrated by Sundar Pichai and his YouTube—which Pichai controls through his control of Alphabet and Google (the latter which is wholly owned by Alphabet) and through his Google’s ownership of YouTube.

Real America’s Voice has been suspended from YouTube for a week for posting an exclusive interview with former President Donald Trump in which he discusses the disputed 2020 presidential election.

This is an image of the YouTube notice RAV received and subsequently showed to Just the News:

The notice image is hard to read (try the right-click|open in new tab trick), YouTube claimed to RAV that the video included prohibited content that “advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome of the U.S. 2020 presidential election.”

Except that the video—the interview with former President Donald Trump (R)—did no such thing. It merely contained Trump’s claim of a fraudulent outcome of the 2020 election. There’s not a minim of fraud, errors, or glitches, widespread or not, in the fact of his claim. Some might—and many do—dispute Trump’s claim, but there’s nothing in the censored video that is false regarding the fact of Trump’s statements about the election or in RAV‘s recording and reporting of Trump’s statements.

Of course, Pichai knows this full well; he’s that bent on censoring speech of which he personally disapproves and over which he has the nakedly raw power to commit his censorship.