When Hillary Clinton Sold

…a significant fraction of our uranium reserves to Russia, she was a piker.

Within months of President Joe Biden [D] halting the Keystone Pipeline, pausing new oil and gas leases on federal lands, and imposing further restrictions on US oil companies, US oil imports from Russia set a new record in March.


Crude oil imports from Russia in March stood at 6.1 million barrels, making Russia the third-largest oil exporter to the United States.


Biden’s policies have resulted in US oil production falling by 1.715 million barrels per day from a year ago….

Clinton made us dependent, in large part, on one of our enemies for the resources needed for our deterrence against that enemy’s nuclear attack.

Biden’s policies are making us dependent on that same enemy for the energy to power our economy and so our ability to survive even in peace. And by buying Russian oil, Biden is paying our enemy for the privilege of being dependent on it.


Recall that Texas’ Progressive-Democrats scuttled out of the end of Texas’ last legislative session, and that in response to their misbehavior, Governor Greg Abbott said he’d veto the part of Texas’ budget appropriations that funded the legislature. Last Friday, Abbott did precisely that.

Texans don’t run from a legislative fight, and they don’t walk away from unfinished business. Funding should not be provided for those who quit their job early, leaving their state with unfinished business and exposing taxpayers to higher costs for an additional legislative session. I therefore object to and disapprove of these appropriations.

Now hear the squalling by Texas’ Progressive-Democrat legislators.

…the budget article also funds rank-and-file staffers such as clerical and maintenance workers

Fox News cites them as saying. And House Democratic Caucus Chair Chris Turner:

Texas has a governor, not a dictator.

Never mind that it’s the minority Progressive-Democrats who are openly attacking democracy, attempting to impose their own diktats, by refusing to allow our State’s democratically elected legislature carry out its democratic duty by voting on a bill those Progressive-Democrats don’t like. Since they fear (probably accurately), they’d lose the vote, they moved to block the vote altogether. How dictatorial is that?

Regarding the rank-and-file staffers such as clerical and maintenance workers about whom those Progressive-Democrats so piously pretend to care, it’s those Progressive-Democrats’ misbehavior that has put the rank-and-file at risk. If they had allowed democracy to proceed, there would have been no need for Abbott to take such action.

The Progressive-Democrats know this full well.

Texas’ Progressive-Democrats are loudly—and offensively, I say—crying their crocodile tears.