
And sulking reminiscent of a tantrum-throwing two-year-old. That’s Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D, NY) position regarding the confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says Democrats will not “supply quorum” for votes on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, effectively declaring that they’ll boycott the process in an attempt to stall her confirmation.

Never mind that he and his fellow Progressive-Democrat Senators could be working with the Republican Senators on getting Wuhan Virus situation-related aid to Americans, including his constituents, instead of refusing even to allow floor debate on the targeted aid bill he personally blocked just last month.

Never mind that he and his fellow Progressive-Democrat Senators could be working with the Republican Senators on Senator Tim Scott’s (R, SC) police reform bill instead of refusing, just a bare few months ago, even to allow floor debate on the bill—and condoning Senator Dick Durbin’s (D, IL) despicable characterization of the black Senator’s bill as a token.

Never mind that Schumer’s ducking away from consideration of this confirmation process will add only a few hours’ delay and considerable irritation for irritation’s sake to the confirmation process: there are too many ways to work around his refusal to appear for the votes, especially since there aren’t even enough Progressive-Democrats in the Senate actually to deny a quorum.

It’s like Schumer has only tantrums and sulking to offer.

Joe Biden’s “Protestors”

Portland’s rioters were at it again Sunday, this time tearing down statues of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt and smashing windows. And this:

One person could be heard saying, “F— all you colonizers. Every one of you that’s against Black Lives Matter can f— the f— off.”

This is the same BLM that Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden refuses to condemn, or even to gently criticize.

Keep it in mind as you vote.