Simplified So What

Oversimplified, really, and beginning with the time frames I use below.

Let’s say the Wuhan Virus situation and the associated stay-at-home moves the several States apply—particularly the latter—lead to a drop in our GDP of 30% (a drop I pulled out of rectal storage and that is a drop being bandied about as the economic cost of Germany’s and the EU’s moves in response to their Wuhan Virus situation).

Let’s say further, that the stay-at-home response lasts for one month and for two months. What’s the so what for these alternatives?

A 30% drop in GDP means that our total national output of goods and services—the aggregation of us individual citizens’ spending and earning along with those of our businesses—would drop by 30%.  Keep in mind, too, that private spending accounts for roughly 70% of our GDP.

Were the stay-at-home policy to last one month, and then we’re back on the streets and at work, that 30% drop—the vacation trips we didn’t take; the cars we didn’t buy; the groceries we didn’t buy; the rent or mortgage payments we didn’t make; the jobs we didn’t work, the products our employers didn’t produce; the income the banks, dealerships, and travel facilities didn’t take in—all of these would hurt, a lot, but these are things all of us can last through.  That includes the businesses that employ us so we have jobs to go back to, earning income to spend and save, and the businesses can start getting their own income stream going again.

This won’t happen all at once; the recovery will ripple. We spend and businesses reemploy so we have income to spend. That initial pairing is the key; both have to happen roughly together at the outset, and so they will happen only with what I’ll call the primary pairing: goods and services that we as individuals must have to survive: groceries, fuel for our transportation to get to the stores and our jobs; and that our “primary” businesses need: our rent/mortgage payments, income from our necessities buying.

As those get going again (grocers, for instance, are on bare bones manning during the present situation), farmers and other food producers can produce, food processors can process, other necessities producers and processors can get going again and so hire again—and reemployment and income production, and spending, expands.  Probably pretty quickly, too, as actual income won’t be needed universally to feed this growth: we’re a debt-driven economy, and (nearly) everyone’s credit will still be good.

The problem arises if the broad-based stay-at-home reaction lasts for two months. Aside from that resulting in an additional 30% drop in GDP—in our spending and earning along with those of our businesses—it would result in a more critical outcome: bankruptcy and businesses disappearing.

The most vulnerable are tiny-margin businesses—grocers, for instance—and the mom-and-pop and other small businesses, entities that have the bulk of our nation’s jobs. These businesses, aside from the thin profit margins on which they inherently operate, also operate on thin lines of credit. And us individuals operate on thin savings.

Two months may be longer than we—especially those businesses—can last. The businesses, in widespread fashion, are likely to go bankrupt and associated jobs disappear.  That breaks that essential first-step pairing of our spending and our returning to our jobs to earn income to spend (and save).

That’s a much harder state from which to restart our economy, and that likely would take much vaster Government intervention to effect. And that’s something we don’t want to have happen.

Some Perspective

Keeping in mind that we’re early; the stock market isn’t the underlying economy, just linked to it; and there’s room to fall further.

And keeping in mind that the Wuhan Virus situation will abate in the not too distant future, and the economy will rebound strongly, and so will that linked stock market.

A buying opportunity is developing, but paraphrasing Rothschild, there’s no blood in the streets yet.

Seizing, Sharing—Just Gimme

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) has discovered that there is quite a bit of medical equipment (ventilators, for instance) scattered around the State that is going unused. He intends to…take control of…that equipment and “reallocate” it and is issuing an Executive Order to facilitate the process.

A reporter asked him whether he was serious about the matter and really was going to seize the equipment. Cuomo objected.

“First of all, don’t use the word ‘seize.’ I didn’t use that word. It’s a harsh kind of word,” Cuomo said….
“It’s a sharing of resources[.]”

Right. And Willy Sutton was only insisting that the banks share resources.

In truth, though, the State does have, under our Constitution’s Takings Clause of and Supreme Court rulings, authority to take the property, given just compensation is made. Cuomo intends that, although what he’ll offer is an open question.

Within all of that, it’s just stupid to quibble over the label applied to the taking. Government snatches, often for an agreed good cause; pays something for it; and it’s done. The quibble is just Cuomo’s CYA effort, made the more silly by the lack of need for it in the present circumstance.

The Coming Wuhan Virus War

Daniel Henninger worries about the next Wuhan Virus war (he refers to it with the more press’ saccharine, more politically correct label, “coronavirus” war).  This is a political war between the American Left and the rest of our American nation.

In the course of his piece, though, he had a couple of remarks that I’m not sure he really understood.

A federally led policy is appropriate in a national crisis like this.

Indeed, but federally led, not centrally led.

But once it passes, the issue will be whether to revert to the freest private economy we had in a generation or whether deeper, explicit social direction and economic protections by the national government are justified.

This depends entirely on whether Americans in general understand the difference between “federal government” and “central government.” That’s a distinction Progressives, Progressive-Democrats, and their “education” divisions of teachers unions have been working so hard for so long to muddy.

We’ll need to turn out in force in the coming election to prevent Progressive-Democrat destruction. Yes, that’s part of the war which worries Henninger—but the answer to Progressive-Democrats’ divisiveness and destruction cannot be, at this crossroads for our nation, simply to turn the other cheek or otherwise ignore attacks on our freedoms and our personal responsibilities.

Teachers Unions and Online Education

Oregon’s public schools are closed down due to the Wuhan Virus situation, as are most of our nation’s school systems.  As a result of that, parents started flocking their children to online charter schools so as to continue their education.  The Oregon Education Association, among others, object to that, though. They’d rather the kids sit around at home (because Oregon, like many States, has instituted a stay-home policy for all the State’s citizens and others living there) twiddling their thumbs, making pests of themselves, and otherwise being bored out of their minds rather than continue their schooling. So:

Under pressure from the unions, the Oregon Department of Education stopped allowing transfers on March 27. At Oregon Connections Academy, this means some 1,600 students who had sought to transfer won’t be able to….

Whatever happened to “It’s for the children?”

Oh, wait–these are teachers unions.