There’s a Difference

The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee held a hearing concerning the crimes committed by illegal immigrants inside the US as a result of the open border maintained by the current administration.

Progressive-Democrats are trying to deny that fact.

Congressman Jerry Nadler (D, NY) said crimes were committed by illegal immigrants during the Trump administration but he [Chairman Jim Jordan (R, OH)] doesn’t blame Trump for them.

Former President Donald (R)] Trump was actively trying to close the border; one of the outcomes of that was a reduction—by a lot—in the number of illegal aliens coming across our border and the resulting vastly lower numbers of illegal alien crimes committed in the US compared with what the Biden-Harris administration is allowing today by holding our border open.

Nadler knows that full well.

A Crock

That’s the only term for the Biden-Harris White House stonewalling of a Fox News FOIA request for the identification of the nationalities of the illegal aliens that those two are allowing into our nation via their open-borders policy. Fox News isn’t even asking for by-name data, just aggregated. Speaking through their Customs and Border Protection manager mouthpiece, though, Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden and his Progressive-Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris are claiming—and they’re serious about this:

Releasing data for a particular nationality, or nationalities, that reflect a small number of individuals could lead to identification, especially by organizations familiar with the individuals.


The privacy interests of third parties (being protected from public disclosure because they could conceivably be subject to harassment and annoyance in his/her private life) far outweigh whatever public interest, if any, exists in having their information released.

This rationalization is a crock in two ways. One is that Biden-Harris are holding up identification of all nationalities because only a few illegal aliens, they claim, are of particular nationalities.

Another crock is the beef that the illegal aliens might be identified. They need to be identified so they can be gathered up and deported for their illegal entry, for their beginning their presence here with breaking our laws.

Biden and Harris also have it precisely backward in counting those third party privacy interests as more important than the public interest. We have a right to know who and what party(s) are aiding and abetting illegal aliens and by extension—intended or not—aiding and abetting human traffickers moving these illegal aliens. These third parties, along with such traffickers as can be identified and caught, need to be hauled into court and held criminally liable for their status as accessories to these crimes.

We also have a right to know who these third parties are so we can have a chance to assess the amount of our tax monies that is being used to support these illegal aliens and those third parties.

And this bit of cynical disingenuousity:

If such an organization were to move ‘X’ number of operatives of one nationality over the relevant period, and the disclosed nationality numbers were substantially lower than X, the terrorist organization could infer a large percentage of its operatives from a particular nationality have been able to move undetected (thereby minimizing the deterrent effect of the TSDS)[.]

This information could allow bad actors to reverse engineer effective countermeasures to facilitate undetected movement and activity and thwart CBP interdiction efforts[.]

The terrorist organizations and the cartels operating in Mexico already know these data. They already know who they’ve moved in and who’s been caught; this tells them how successful they are in their trafficking. To the extent the administration is serious with this claim, they’re simply projecting their own inability to conduct serious intel operations regarding who or what is coming across our border and where they’re going once inside.

This is the level of cynicism, or of incompetence, or both, that is rampant in the Biden-Harris administration and in Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ border policy.

Harris Absolutely Understands

Arizona Progressive-Democrat Senator Mark Kelly is insisting that fellow Party-member Vice President and Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris absolutely understands our nation’s border issues.

Kelly is right, and that’s what makes Harris’ policies—supported in the past and pushed for today—so dangerous to our nation’s security.

Under the Harris-Biden administration’s (that’s Joe Biden’s own occasional term for the administration, remember) border policies,

apprehended illegal border crossers during the Biden-Harris administration numbered “10.5 million in July with two months left in the fiscal year, which ends September 30,” Just the News reported.
This number does not account for illegal crossers who evaded capture. Including those individuals, the figure rises to 12.5 million.

Also included in those millions are an unknown number of terrorists and terrorist organization-connected persons. We know that many are flowing in under those Harris-supported open-border policies because some are being caught in the interior after having been released on the Harris-Biden policy of granting promise-to-appear chits to just about anyone who asks.

Also included in those millions are drug mules and human traffickers, along with their cargo of drugs and abused women and children, some of whom get caught later, and their human victims freed (but way too few of the latter).

Also included in those millions are repeat offenders—both of illegally entering and with known violent criminal activities. We know, because some of those violent crime repeaters get caught after murdering Americans, raping Americans, robbing Americans, ….

Harris knows these things are happening, and that makes her clear understanding, and the actions she doesn’t take with that understanding, so disgusting as well as so dangerous.


The wonders in New York City’s government has spent some $4.88 billion on means of support for illegal aliens “migrants” in the city over the two years ending with the end of FY2024.

Imagine the benefits to the city’s residents and to their city’s economy were those billions of dollars spent on a couple of alternatives:

  • increased policing with more cops on the beat, and/or
  • increased prosecution of criminals rather than releasing them on no bail, and/or
  • recriminalizing misbehaviors like shoplifting, vandalism, assaults

Even [trigger alert] leaving some of that money in the hands of city residents through tax rate reductions.

Open Borders

Even when they tout their secure the border policies, Progressive-Democratic Party politicians are deliberately leaving our borders wide open and unsecured.

The Family Expedited Removal Management (FERM) program was announced in in May 2023 and the administration has only removed around 2,600 illegal immigrants under the program arriving as family units while border patrol apprehended almost 850,000.

That’s three-tenths of one percent of those “families” caught illegally entering our nation who actually got deported.

This is Border Czar, Progressive-Democrat Vice President, and Party Presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ Newspeak Dictionary definition of “secure border.”

This is a small taste of what we will get in the United States, in spades, if the Harris-Walz ticket is elected this fall.