On Harris’ Housing Subsidy Gimmick

Progressive-Democrat Vice President and Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris wants to fork over $25,000 to every first-time home buyer looking to buy a house to help them buy. The quick and dirty of that silliness is as follows.

Harris and her team don’t believe in or don’t understand the truism of a simple supply-demand graph that’s taught in any serious high school Intro to Econ class. Throwing money at a supply of something whose supply cannot grow as fast as the increase in money will only run up the price of that something, along with the price of the inputs to that something—and that input price inflation will slow the demand-encouraged increase of the supply of the something.

Those getting the 25 stacks aren’t going to be helped at all beyond the first few. Those getting the Harris Bucks later not only will find it difficult to find a house among that reduced and reducing supply, they’ll be no more able to afford that find than they are now.

Ignored by Harris with her gimmick are those who’ve become empty nesters and those at the other end of their lives, retirees, looking to downsize into smaller, used to be cheaper, housing. These folks will be actively harmed by the same outcomes that will render the gimmick merely useless to those first-time buyers.

Alternatively, and more likely, these Harris Bucks are just a 21st century bread and circus vote-buying scheme and who cares about those first-timers and downsizer wannabes. Richard J Daley is spinning in his grave over not having thought of this.

Harris Absolutely Understands

Arizona Progressive-Democrat Senator Mark Kelly is insisting that fellow Party-member Vice President and Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris absolutely understands our nation’s border issues.

Kelly is right, and that’s what makes Harris’ policies—supported in the past and pushed for today—so dangerous to our nation’s security.

Under the Harris-Biden administration’s (that’s Joe Biden’s own occasional term for the administration, remember) border policies,

apprehended illegal border crossers during the Biden-Harris administration numbered “10.5 million in July with two months left in the fiscal year, which ends September 30,” Just the News reported.
This number does not account for illegal crossers who evaded capture. Including those individuals, the figure rises to 12.5 million.

Also included in those millions are an unknown number of terrorists and terrorist organization-connected persons. We know that many are flowing in under those Harris-supported open-border policies because some are being caught in the interior after having been released on the Harris-Biden policy of granting promise-to-appear chits to just about anyone who asks.

Also included in those millions are drug mules and human traffickers, along with their cargo of drugs and abused women and children, some of whom get caught later, and their human victims freed (but way too few of the latter).

Also included in those millions are repeat offenders—both of illegally entering and with known violent criminal activities. We know, because some of those violent crime repeaters get caught after murdering Americans, raping Americans, robbing Americans, ….

Harris knows these things are happening, and that makes her clear understanding, and the actions she doesn’t take with that understanding, so disgusting as well as so dangerous.