
The campaign to reelect Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden has a Mothers’ Day message:

Happy Mother’s Day. At the Biden campaign, we are asking Americans to do the moms in their lives a favor. Stop Trump.


The stakes of this election are high for all Americans, but especially moms across our country who will suffer under a second Trump term.

And irony of ironies,

On Mother’s Day, a reminder: Donald Trump stands only for himself and not mothers across America and their families.

Because Mothers’ Day isn’t about celebrating America’s mothers. It’s about what’s good for a particular son of a mother.

Testimony of a Perjurer

Michael Cohen is on the stand this week in the trial of former President Donald Trump (R), testifying as a prosecution witness.

He is the only person likely to provide direct evidence that Trump himself ordered a coverup of a payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.


Cohen also has plenty of baggage that could make jurors question his testimony. He is a convicted liar [and a] disbarred lawyer….

It’s hard to see how anything Cohen could say on the stand could be taken seriously without independently corroborating testimony or evidence. But if there were such testimony or evidence, Cohen wouldn’t need to testify in the first place; the prosecution would simply present that independent testimony or evidence.