Our Minds Are Made Up

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs held a hearing in Plano, Texas, Tuesday on energy from the perspective of a number of oil and gas industry leaders.

The 15 Progressive-Democrat members of the subcommittee were invited to the hearing—as all members of a (sub)committee must be when that body meets in its official capacity—and all 15 chose not to attend. That refusal is within House rules, but it’s no less unethical or downright chickens** for that.

Congressional hearings often are puppet theater presentations, with the Congressmen often occupying their time allocations for questioning witnesses with speeches rather than with efficiently asked questions that leave the bulk of the time for witness answers. Too, witnesses often are chosen for their ability to support a political narrative.

All of that, though, is easily enough refuted by Congressmen proceeding from their own lines of questioning. Actual questions, mind you, not self-aggrandizing speech-ifying.

Instead regarding the Plano field hearing, the Progressive-Democratic Party subcommittee members said, “Don’t confuse us with facts,” with their decision to absent themselves.


The hearing itself can be viewed via C-SPAN here.

Are Some Jews More Important than Other Jews?

The home of Progressive-Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) was visited by anti-Israel, pro-HamasPalestinian protestors the other night. They were arrested.

This is while those same anti-Israel, pro-HamasPalestinian protestors (not the same bodies, of course, but the same kind of terrorist-supporting “protestors”) are busily shutting down college and university campuses in Schumer’s New York as well as Ivy League campuses around the northeast and colleges and universities across our nation. Those same “protestors,” while doing their disruptive (not protest-y) things, are zealously threatening Jewish students, chanting their threats of destruction, actively blocking Jewish—and all other—students from attending the classes for which they and their parents paid several pretty pennies to have access to.

This is the same Jewish Majority Leader who has called for regime change in Israel because he doesn’t like the way the Israelis are fighting for their existence against Hamas terrorists.

Schumer didn’t want to talk about the protests at his house or the differential treatment of those “protesting” the schools vs those operating at his house.

Schumer did not respond directly to the arrests or protests, but referred to an earlier comment on the protests happening at college campuses nationwide….
“College campuses must be places of learning and discussion,” Schumer said in his statement. “Every American has a right to protest, but when protests shift to antisemitism, verbal abuse, intimidation, or glorification of October 7 violence against Jewish people, that crosses the line. Campuses must remain safe for all students.”

Empty words, since he’s attempting nothing to back them up.

However, when you’re a Progressive-Democrat Senator from New York and the sitting Senate Majority Leader, it seems that yes, some Jews are more important than others.