Gone Too Woke

Speak the truth, and be fired. Hurt someone’s feelings with that truth, and be banned altogether from your profession.

That’s what has happened to a teacher in Great Britain, a public school teacher who happens to be Christian, after having mistakenly “misgendered” (can there even be such a thing in a sane world?) a secondary school student and then compounding his sin by speaking honestly about his thoughts on gay marriage when a student asked.

The United Kingdom’s Teaching Regulation Authority, which regulates teaching and deals with serious misconduct, found that [the] former math teacher at a public secondary school in Oxford, failed to treat a student with “dignity and respect” by “misgendering” biologically female student who identified as male, the Christian Legal Centre, which has been representing [the teacher], said Tuesday.

The TRA followed up by banning the teacher from teaching indefinitely, although the agency magnanimously permitted him to appeal in 2025. Sure. As a saying goes in the US military, “Disapproved. Resubmit in 90 days for further disapproval.”

This is where our nation is headed, if we don’t step up. “Be like Europe” is the Left’s mantra, and this business in Great Britain is an example of the disaster that would be.

“We Object”

Last month, against the backdrop of the Federal government approaching the debt ceiling, the House passed a bill that raised the debt ceiling along with some small steps toward controlling Federal spending.

Members of the Progressive-Democratic Party object and are trying to blame Republicans for the debt ceiling imbroglio.

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D, CA) when asked who would be to blame:

It’s Congress’ job, only Congress can raise the debt limit.

Umm, the Republican-led House did. Where are the Progressive-Democratic Party-led Senate and the Progressive-Democrat who occasionally sits in the Oval Office?

Congressman Seth Moulton (D, MA):

It’s pretty obvious who to blame here—the extremist Republicans who control Kevin McCarthy. …we raised the debt limit three times under Trump because it’s the right thing to do for the country.

Umm, the Republican-led House did this time, too.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D, NY) insists that Republicans must

agree to raise the debt limit because, frankly, this is a very serious situation that nobody wants[.]

Umm, the Republican-led House did.

Congressman Jason Crow (D, CO):

The Republicans and Speaker McCarthy in particular need to come to the table in good faith and get this done….

All together now: umm, the Republican-led House did.

And, according to Crow:

We have a Republican-controlled House, and it’s a Republican-controlled House that’s brought us to the brink[.]

Passing a bill that raises the debt ceiling brings us to the brink. Sure.

Progressive-Democrat politicians would complain about being hung with a new rope, if the rope were offered by Republicans. Their intransigence regarding raising the debt ceiling is just the much more dangerous extension of their childish temper tantrums of holding their breath until they’re blue in the face if they can’t have their way.