Yes, It Is

But for reasons different from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘ (D, NY). Or it would be, if Ocasio-Cortez hadn’t slept through so many of her economics classes.

[Congresswoman] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [D, NY] called the debate over raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour “utterly embarrassing” and reiterated her push for the Biden administration to override the Senate parliamentarian and include a pay floor increase in the Democrats’ coronavirus relief package.

It is embarrassing that a Boston University cum laude BA in economics could have so little understanding of basic economics. It is embarrassing, too, that so many grown adults alongside her in Congress could have so little understanding of basic economics.

It is well-known that the more something costs, the less of it that will be bought or otherwise acquired—or even sought after. Of course, that applies to labor as well as to the goods and services that labor produces.

It is well-known that if the output of labor isn’t worth the cost, the laborer won’t be hired in the first place.

It is well-known that minimum wage jobs—the jobs allegedly targeted by the Progressive-Democrats’ drive for $15/hr—are low/no skill jobs.

It is well-known that the primary workers in those low-no skill jobs are teenagers trying to earn some summer money for a number of reasons, earning some college money; existing college students looking to earn money for their current expenses; first-time workers looking to gain work experience and resume material; single parents looking to plus up their family’s income; two-parent families with one or both parents looking to plus up their family’s savings. Very few of these minimum wage jobs are the sole job held by the worker.

From that, it should be easy to understand that the ones who will be hurt the most by a mandated minimum wage increase will be precisely those folks, as they’re the ones who will be priced out of their jobs, and the small businesses who can’t afford to pay that much in wages.

It’s also lost on the Progressive-Democrats, or they simply don’t care, that the ones most hurt by such a move are minority low-skill workers and the minority-owned or -operated small businesses that can’t afford the labor cost.

We even have empirical evidence of the failure of such a minimum wage: in Seattle, where employment has fallen off in the aftermath of that city’s mandated wage increase.

Yet the Progressive-Democrats push on, with their eyes wide shut.

Not Serious

The Wall Street Journal claims pressure is growing on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) to resign over allegations of his sexual harassment.

Gov Andrew Cuomo Faces Growing Calls From New York Democrats to Resign

goes the headline. And

US Congresswoman Kathleen Rice, of Long Island, became one of the highest-profile New York Democrats to call for Mr Cuomo to step down.

I’m having trouble seeing the pressure. So far, all that’s going on is a lot of loud chit-chat.

There are two ways to apply pressure in this context. One is for the State’s legislature to block Cuomo’s agenda until he quits or his term expires. “He can’t govern” goes one articulation of this. That, though, would redound to the legislators as much as it would to Cuomo.

The other way is to actually impeach Cuomo, convict him at trial, and thereby eject him from office.

But we have this:

Six Democratic state lawmakers who are members of the Democratic Socialists of America said Tuesday that they supported impeachment. In New York, impeachment articles must be approved by the state Assembly and a trial is conducted before members of the state Senate as well as judges of the state’s Court of Appeals. Democrats have a two-third majority in both the state Assembly and Senate. Mr. Cuomo has appointed all seven judges of the Court of Appeals.

OK. With numbers like that, what are those six legislators actually doing about impeaching and trying Cuomo?

Porch dog yapping. Not applying pressure. Not actually bringing articles of impeachment to the Assembly floor for up-or-down action. Absent that, there is no trial.

There’re just little, yippy dogs barking.