Press Integrity

Here are some examples.

ABC hosted a townhall Q&A of Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden last Thursday, a session in which the network carefully misidentified at least two audience questioners.

One of the questioners at the ABC-hosted event was Nathan Osburn…. Osburn specifically worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration.

Never mind that. As Osburn was asking his question, ABC, in its identifying screamer said he worked in communications.

Mieke Haeck was another questioner. The network claimed she was a physical therapist in State College, PA.

Never mind that she’s married to

Ezra Nanes, a high-profile Democrat in Pennsylvania who in 2018 ran a campaign challenging Republican state Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman [and that] Nanes is currently an at-large member of the Centre County Democratic Committee….

Or that State College is in Centre County.

NBC pulled the same misidentification stunt at an earlier Biden townhall. That session was explicitly advertised by NBC has having an audience of “undecided voters.” Peter Gonzalez and Ismael Llano were questioners.

Both Gonzalez and Llano, however, were featured in an MSNBC segment in August to explain why they support Biden.

Yeah, that’s integrity.


Progressive-Democrats are accusing Republicans of that as they move to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court “in a Presidential election year.” Typical of them is this bit by Congressman Gerry Connolly (D, VA):

I’m focused on the hypocrisy of the Republicans who promised, Lindsey Graham [R, SC, and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman] being number one, his own words, said they wouldn’t do this.

What Connolly is carefully ignoring is that Graham, subsequent to that commitment and in response to the then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings, said in no uncertain terms, that as a result of Progressive-Democrat (my term) behavior during those hearings, all bets were off.

What Connolly also is carefully ignoring is that his Progressive-Democrat confreres on the Judicial Committee during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings utterly refused to engage in a serious confirmation process. Those worthies instead executed a deliberate character assassination campaign in an attempt to destroy the man; their effort against Kavanaugh made Progressive-Democrat treatments of Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito look absolutely gentle.

It’s not Republicans who are being hypocritical in this manufactured kerfuffle.