Full Circle

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance filed a new brief urging the Federal court in which he pleads District cases to allow him to execute his subpoenas for years of records regarding Trump businesses.

Vance is relying to an amazing degree on newspaper claims.

Court documents cited articles by The Wall Street Journal…and by the Washington Post….

Imagine that. Newspapers make unsubstantiated claims, which draw clicks to their outlets. Then prosecutors with axes to grind start manufacturing civil and criminal cases based on those newspaper articles, gaining political street cred for their ambitions. Then those newspapers write extensively about those civil and criminal cases as they develop, gaining yet more clicks for their outlets.

The circle is a vicious one, too.

Lies of Progressive-Democrats

Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden has a record of lying to the public, and Molly Hemingway has called him out for it.

Biden has claimed to have been

arrested in apartheid-era South Africa three decades ago when trying to visit Nelson Mandela.

Biden has…misled… the public regarding

the circumstances of his family’s fatal [1972] car wreck that his [first wife, sons and daughter were] in.

Biden had to leave a Presidential campaign over his having been caught plagiarizing speeches given by Margaret Thatcher and Neil Kinnock.

It’s not just Biden, though.

  • Susan Rice, and Benghazi was the result of a rude video
  • Barack Obama, and we can keep our doctor and our health plan
  • Hillary Clinton, and being shot at in the Balkans
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren (D, MA), and her Native American “heritage”
  • Television commentator Donna Brazille, feeding debate questions to then- Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton before that debate.

Lying is what Progressive-Democrats do.

They even lie to each other: then-Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Warren and then-Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I, VT) publicly calling each other liars over a difference of interpretation of a remark Sanders had made. In private.